June 2023

 The Monthly Newsletter of 
St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Malvern, Pennsylvania

Our Vision:  
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity & lay ministries, and offering God's healing love to all people.
Our Mission: 
We seek to foster spiritual growth & renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.
Dear Friends in Christ,

Thank you so much for your warm welcome to Nina and me these past couple of weeks!! It has been a special time for you as a parish and for us as your “summer supply” priest and spouse. We look forward to getting to know more of your stories of faith, hope, and love in this place!

By way of reminder, we have just celebrated the Ascension of Jesus from this earth (someone has called it “the day they/we were left behind”), and sent Fr. Kevin and his family off on sabbatical for the summer. This past Sunday, we celebrated Pentecost, “the birthday of the church,” when we read about the day the Holy Spirit was poured out into the whole world. This coming Sunday is Trinity Sunday, the day we ponder the mystery of God in Three Persons.

As we move into the summer months of Sabbatical (Refresh; Rest; Refocus), I wanted to mention a few suggestions of resources that have been a blessing over the years. These items are sort of like a “buffet” of possibilities; hopefully, they are a blessing to you as well.

Daily Devotionals:
John Baillie: A Diary of Private Prayer (1949)
Eugene Peterson: Praying With The Psalms: A Year of Daily Prayers and Reflections on the Words of David (1993)
Eugene Peterson: Praying With Jesus: A Year of Daily Prayers and Reflections on the Words and Actions of Jesus (1993)
A web-site containing the Daily Office (Morning & Evening Prayer):

Netherlands Bach Society (their YouTube channel playlist contains hundreds of Bach’s pieces)

Summer Reading: Spiritual Growth
Celebration of Discipline; Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home; Streams of Living Water; Humility; all by Richard Foster
The Jesus I Never Knew and Where The Eye Alights; by Philip Yancey
Caring For Words In A Culture of Lies by Marilyn McIntyre
Keeping the Sabbath Wholly by Marva Dawn

Summer Reading: Fiction
Gilead; Home; Lila; Jack; four novels by Marilynne Robinson
Jayber Crow & The Memory of Old Jack by Wendell Berry (two of many!)

May God bless and renew each of you in special ways this summer!

Fr. John
For the calendar of events, please click the link below to the website.
June 3: Men’s Breakfast Fellowship

The next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be held on Saturday, June 3, at 9:00am, at the West Chester Diner (1147 West Chester Pike). This is BYOB (“Bring Your Own Bucks”).

All men of St. Francis are welcome to attend.
June 4: Outreach Narrative Budget Meeting

The Outreach Committee will meet Sunday, June 4 following the 10 am service in the Library. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Walking with St. Francis & Friends

Walking with St. Francis & Friends will kick-off June 5th at 10 am. We'll determine the best time & day for everyone at that time. This will be no pressure, easy walking, approximately 45 minutes - no sign up required. 

Please join us at East Goshen Park (Paoli Pike entrance at traffic light). We’ll be in the first parking area.  This may be the perfect Monday morning activity to start your week. 

Come - walk with us. Hope to see you there/then.  Suggestions or questions? - contact Sheila Rees.
Book Group

Friday, June 16, 7:30 pm
West With Giraffes, by Lynda Rutledge

It’s 1938. The Great Depression lingers. Hitler is threatening Europe, and world-weary Americans long for wonder. They find it in two giraffes who miraculously survive a hurricane while crossing the Atlantic.

The Book Group meetings for the fall will be on September 15, October 20, and November 17.
Our selection for September is The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd.  Ana, the heroine of this historical novel is a brilliant woman with a daring spirit.  She meets, falls in love with Jesus, and they marry.  
Register for the Blood Drive
at St. Francis on July 11!

St. Francis will host our next blood drive with the American Red Cross on Tuesday, July 11 from 2-7 pm. 

Please consider donating blood to help patients in need in our community. If you are healthy and eligible, roll up your sleeve, book your appointment at (search St. Francis Malvern) and become a part of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross!

With questions, contact Sue Lenkaitis.
Vacation Bible School at St. Francis 
Contacts: Sherri Lewis and Jill Quinn
We are excited to announce that St. Francis is offering Vacation Bible School this summer! It will be held Monday, August 14th thru Thursday, August 17th from 9:00 am to 11:30am. Our curriculum is from Grow Kids and the theme is On the Case. The children will act as detectives to solve the mystery of how to grow with God through some of Jesus' Parables.

Vacation Bible School is open to ages 4 & 5 and grades K thru 5. Registration opens Monday, June 12th and forms will be available on our website and at church.

If you have grandchildren, neighbors, friends or family who may be interested, please spread the word!
Vacation Bible School is the first step in our strategy to rebuild our Church School program, which we plan to relaunch in September (start date to be announced later this summer.)

Church School will be held once a month initially, as we build the program and assess interest and attendance.
Summer Fellowship

Volunteers are needed to supply lemonade and/or iced tea and snacks after the 10 a.m. service during the summer months. 

If you are interested in helping with Summer Fellowship please sign-up in the Narthex or contact Sue Kelly.
Let’s play Pickleball!

Mondays at 5 pm, weather permitting.

We have extra equipment and all are welcome. No experience necessary.
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
May 31 - Harvesting Garden
Garden News!

Wednesday, May 31, we harvested 30 pounds of spinach and white salad turnips and took to the West Chester Food Bank. The Food Bank was thrilled that the produce was all packaged in plastic bags ready to be given out this afternoon. The spinach was spectacular. 
So great to see the garden start to produce again. We had a bumpy spring with critters sneaking under the fence. We think we have the favorite holes blocked with large rocks. We took the covers off the six beds and harvested. We also moved some plants around to provide more growing space.
Our team was Esther Underhill, Lynd Meyer, John Groch and Mahala Renkey. 
We also took 62 pounds of donations from the basket at the front of the church. 
The crew at the West Chester Food Pantry was thrilled. 
Thanks to everyone for their hard work and interest.
Mahala J Renkey
Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends is a pastoral care ministry of note writing (birthday, get well, thank you, encouragement, etc.)

The Circle of Friends will meet in person, in the library, on Wednesday, June 28 at 5:30 pm. If you are unable to join us in person but would still like to participate, please contact Sue Lenkaitis. Packets can be prepared for pickup or delivery as needed.

Additionally, if you know someone who would benefit from a note of encouragement, well wishes or any other message from our ministry, please contact Sue and we will add them to our list. We want to ensure we're reaching those who need it most. 
Immigration Ministry

Thanks to the generosity of parishioners and friends, Nationalities Service Center's program of assistance to refugees received 22 items of furniture, including tables, chairs, sofas, dressers and armchairs, along with assorted linens and kitchen utensils. 

Anyone interested in providing additional assistance to NSC can visit for details about ways to help refugees. 

The next furniture campaign will take place in the fall.

April 30, 2023 - New Member Sunday
May 1, 2023 - Bird Watching
May 1, 2023 - Bird Watching
May 1, 2023 - Bird Watching
May 9, 2023
Brown Bag Lunch
Afghan Speakers
May 9, 2023
Brown Bag Lunch
Afghan Speakers
May 9, 2023
Brown Bag Lunch
Afghan Speakers
May 9, 2023
Brown Bag Lunch
Afghan Speakers
May 9, 2023
Brown Bag Lunch
Afghan Speakers
May 9, 2023
Brown Bag Lunch
Afghan Speakers
May 10, 2023 - Jazz & Joe
May 10, 2023 - Jazz & Joe
May 10, 2023 - Jazz & Joe
May 10, 2023 - Jazz & Joe
May 10, 2023 - Jazz & Joe
May 10, 2023 - Jazz & Joe
May 13, 2023
Plant Workshop
May 13, 2023
Plant Workshop
May 13, 2023
Plant Workshop
May 13, 2023
Plant Workshop
May 13, 2023
Plant Workshop
May 13, 2023
Plant Workshop
May 13, 2023
Plant Workshop
May 13, 2023
Plant Workshop
May 13, 2023
Plant Workshop
May 14, 2023
Outdoor Worship
May 14, 2023
Outdoor Worship
May 14, 2023
Blessing of Vegetable Garden
 Sabbatical Newsletter - Issue 1

A prayer for Fr. Kevin, his family, and our St Francis family:
Dear God - you lead us to places of challenge and growth, and
to places of refreshment. Accompany each of us through this sabbatical
journey - that we may walk with humility and humor, open to Your
revealing. We ask that You gift us with love, given and received.
Grant each of us safety in our travels, and joy as we celebrate 
what we have seen and done.  Amen!

Welcome to Issue #2 of the Sabbatical Newsletter, a special communication devoted to sharing news and information about our renewal time of Rest, Refresh and Refocus. We will be sending these out monthly throughout Fr. Kevin’s time away.
As you know by now, we have planned a sendoff celebration luncheon for Fr. Kevin and his family on Sunday, May 21st before he leaves on his Sabbatical on May 22nd. We hope to make this celebration memorable, not only for the Dellarias, but for our Parish family so be sure to join us.

As mentioned in Issue #1 of the Sabbatical Newsletter, the congregation began our own renewal activities on Sunday, May 1st with a guided bird-watching tour conducted by Willistown Conservation Trust along with our own Tony Fernandes; Sunday, May 7th, a photo tips workshop presented by Ed Damerau; Tuesday, May 9th, a special brown bag lunch, featured four Afghan immigrant speakers from Nationalities Service Center in Philadelphia, arranged by John Groch and John Woodcock, and on Saturday, May 13th a mini workshop organized by Jill Quinn and Laura Petersen who assisted attendees with designing their own container pots while helping to beautify St. Francis gardens.

The Sabbatical Committee wishes to thank everyone who helped to organize and set up these activities, especially the sub-committee members and brown bag lunch volunteers. Please know how much we appreciate each of you.

We will be announcing more congregation renewal activities in July and September; however, in the meantime, please mark your calendars for Thursday, June 29 (5:30PM-7:00PM) for our second guest speaker, Rabbi Jon Cutler. Jon served Beth Israel Congregation of Chester County for eight years and served as a Navy Chaplain for 32 years, including service as chaplain with Marines in Desert Storm and Iraq. He and Beth Israel are very active in the Interfaith Action Community of Northern Chester County. A light dinner will be provided.

As mentioned by Nancy Needhammer, and included in Fr. Kevin’s sermon on May 7th, we announced our Congregation Collage Project, Finding God in our Everyday Lives”, which runs from May through September and everyone is welcome to participate. See below for more information.

“Finding God in Our Everyday Lives” is the theme of our Congregation Collage Project, which mirrors one of Fr. Kevin’s sabbatical activities. How is God reflected in work, nature, music, art, and industry? Or even when we play? Fr. Kevin plans to capture this through photo journaling to share upon his return with the congregation. We are inviting everyone to engage in a similar activity by capturing their own pictures, over the summer months, which St. Francis will then use to build collages reflecting God’s presence. Please consider taking pictures from May through September and send these to

We are told to look for God in many places – in the scriptures, in our daily prayers, in our weekly worship – but God is everywhere and His presence surrounds us. Think about ways you can find Him in your life, no matter where you are going or what you are doing. Each of us will see God in a different place and the result will be glorious.

If you allowed yourself to be truly present, what would you see that might have gone unnoticed? The wind blowing through the sea grass at the beach; the intricate workings of a clock; the joy of a child figuring out a new toy; a picture drawn by a friend; the gnarled branches of an old tree still reaching up to heaven; the beautiful craftsmanship of an old house or the joy of a “pickoff” at first base to win the game. Where do you see the joy and wonder that only God can create?

Everyone is welcome to participate and no experience is necessary. A picture that is meaningful to you is more valuable than a perfect picture.
The Rev. John Whitnah was introduced in April as our Sabbatical Interim Priest while Fr. Kevin is away. You can read his bio in the May Fieldnotes.
The list below is prepared by the Sabbatical Planning Committee to share information on “Who Does Whatwhile Fr. Kevin is away May 22 – September 10.

  • Sunday Worship: Rev. John Whitnah, supported by Deacon Diane, Joe Perry, and other Worship Leaders.

  • Wednesday Bible Study and Eucharist: Rev. John Whitnah

  • Pastoral Care, Hospital Visitations and Funerals: Rev. John Whitnah, supported by Jill Quinn, Deacon Diane, and other Worship Leaders

  • Pastoral Care Emergencies: Rev. John Whitnah, Jill Quinn, and Deacon Diane

  • Support Team for Rev. John Whitnah: Jill Quinn, Deacon Diane, Vestry and Sabbatical Committee

  • Vestry Meetings: Jill Quinn assisted by the Vestry

  • Parish Events/Sabbatical Activities: Suzanne Steinberg and Shirley Warren

  • Finance/Accounting Warden: Nancy Needhammer

  • Other Contingencies: Vestry

  • Building Emergencies: Dan Geoff and Bruce Hartlein

  • Safety and Security: Everett and Shirley Warren

  • Monitoring the office phone and checking emails while Diane is on vacation: Jill Quinn

Stay tuned for more congregation activities in July and September, which we will share in a future Newsletter. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Sabbatical Committee: Jane Brooks, Nancy Needhammer, Joe Perry, Jill Quinn, John Woodcock (Pastoral Consultant) and Shirley Warren (Chair). Thank you.

Altar Flowers

Do you have an occasion to celebrate or someone you would like to have a memorial for? Consider giving flowers for the altar. We have plenty of spots open for the summer. 

The flower book is in the back of the church. More than one family can sign up. 

If you have questions, please contact Pam Hudson at 610-696-6981.

St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
689 Sugartown Road
Malvern, PA 19355

The Very Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector (On Sabbatical)
The Rev. John Whitnah, Sabbatical Supply Clergy
 Diane Faison, Parish Administrator & Deacon
Joe Perry, Music Director
Want to know more about us?

St. Francis-in-the-Fields is an active parish, even during COVID-19. For more information about our worship, outreach, and other ministries, visit our parish website, Our monthly parish newsletter, Fieldnotes, may be found by clicking HERE. Stay current on events by following our parish on Facebook.

Our Global Communion

St. Francis-in-the-Fields is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, a member of The Episcopal Church, and part of the worldwide Anglican Communion