***More Volunteers Needed!***

Steps4Hope - Oct. 9th

The Steps4Hope 5k/walk will be held at East Goshen Park from 8am-12pm. 

We are looking for more high school volunteers to help with the runners and assist with setup and cleanup.

Sign up to volunteer at Steps4Hope

The Steps4Hope Foundation assists local programs, awareness and educational events, grief support and provide much needed resources for those in early recovery. Steps4Hope is committed to raise awareness, end the stigma associated with the disease of addiction, and save lives.

Business Sponsor: ARG

We Provide Resources that are Vital to a Well-Functioning Society


ARG is the parent organization to a host of niche technical companies in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Indiana, and Ohio. Our subsidiaries provide engineering, technical recruiting, healthcare, industrial inspection, and construction management support services to clients in critical infrastructure sectors throughout the U.S.

More Ways To Support GVCO

Shop at https://smile.amazon.com/ch/26-1139318 and Amazon donates to Great Valley Community Organization
Do You Match?

Did you know your employer might have a Matching Gifts program?

It's a great way to contribute and help GVCO complete the entire new GVCO Community Center project.
Use code #47309 for GVCO
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Great Valley Community Organization
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GVCO is a 501(c)(3) organization