August 4, 2021
Adapting in August

I am, as we all are, doing my best to prepare for classes come the fall. The problem is that I don’t know what to expect. I’m certain of some things: classes will be various stripes of in-person or virtual; they will cover all sorts of interesting or necessary topics; they will have instructors and students engaging in the sacred process of learning. But what I wonder is how we will all adapt.

This may sound odd, given that we seem to be (slowly) emerging from the pandemic, like the cicadas who have finally made themselves heard in my neck of the woods. Wasn’t adapting what we did before? Aren’t we “back to normal,” more or less? But the hardest thing about being beaten down is getting back up again. And so I wonder.

Here’s what I found useful this past year: if a student misses your class, email them that day to check in. Of course this also works the other way: if you’re a student and you miss class, email your instructor that day to check in. It doesn’t need to be anything more than “Just wanted to check in because you weren’t/I wasn’t in class.” Keeping this line of communication open is the first step to deeper conversations about how we are all feeling and dealing with everything.

Above all else, remember: we can do this.

Department of Mathematics

Enjoying daily videos, photos and facetime talks with my 18 month old grandson brings me joy. Due to Covid, I haven't seen him in 17 months since he lives overseas, so each time my Facebook messenger beeps with a new message I am filled with joyfulness. - MaryBeth H.

When I get to spend time with my two new great nephews. They are about one year and two years old and our first cousins to each other. What a thrill watching them interact and grow up! - Gerald V.

Helping my family and friends. Their joy brings me joy. - Brianna L.

See other responses answering - What can you do to set up more moments of joy? What can you do to stay in the moment, when distractions or negative thoughts can bring you down when experiencing joy?
Wednesday, 9/15 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Robinson Circle

What is your department, office, club, or organization doing to commit to supporting our community mental health?

Let us know and partner with Healthy Campus Initiatives! All are welcome to participate! Want to get involved? Questions? Contact: Brittany Auleta
Wednesday, 8/4 - 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Chamberlain Student Center Pit

Stop by to enjoy some free food, make your own DIY perler beads, play board games, and meet new people! All you need is your Rowan student ID to check-in.

For more information and to stay connected on upcoming events, make sure to follow @RowanSCCA on social media.
Friday 8/27 - Thursday 9/2

Fall Welcome Week events are a vital follow-up to Summer Orientation and will continue to grow your knowledge of campus resources and organizations.

As a result of their participation in Welcome Week, students will:
  1. Report feeling welcomed to Rowan University and having met others.
  2. Be empowered to become engaged with campus activities, organizations, and services.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of behavioral expectations and the importance of making positive personal wellness choices.

Have questions about campus or need directions? Stop by an Ask Me Booth to get an answer! The tents will run Wednesday-Friday from 7:00am-6:00pm and are located on the Robinson Hall circle & Student Center Back Patio. 
Syllabus recommendation from the Affordability Task Force
The content below can be added to your course to support financial well-being.

Rowan University students that have trouble accessing sufficient food or housing throughout the semester are encouraged to visit the “Profcents” website. This website contains numerous academic and financial resources available to Rowan University students. You are also encouraged to visit The SHOP, our student food and resource pantry that gives free items to students with no-eligibility requirements. Additionally, feel free to reach out to Alison Novak regarding any financially related situations so you can be connected to additional resources.

Any "free" money, such as grants and scholarships are automatically accepted for you and applied to your billing statement. If you would like to accept a federal student loan offered to you, you will need to do so on your Self-Service Banner. When accepting your awards, please keep in mind the amount is for the academic year. You will get half of your loans in the fall, and the other half in the spring. If you decide to select a lesser amount than offered, this will be split between the two semesters so please plan accordingly. Students can schedule an appointment online via Rowan Success Network. Need help? Step-by-step instructions can be found here.
Monday, 8/9 - 9 - 11 a.m. EST

This event will review governance and making sure that ways of life must be respected and based on their free, prior and informed consent.

There are over 476 million indigenous peoples living in 90 countries across the world, accounting for 6.2% of the global population. Indigenous peoples are the holders of a vast diversity of unique cultures, traditions, languages and knowledge systems. They have a special relationship with their lands and hold diverse concepts of development based on their own worldviews and priorities.

Open to all faculty and staff on all of Rowan’s campuses, the Rowan University Employee Recognition Awards are designed to recognize and reward faculty and staff for their extraordinary efforts to support the values of the University. These values include: Student Centeredness, Customer Service, Engagement, Entrepreneurship,Inclusivity and 

To nominate an employee, submit a signed letter and if preferred, any additional statements of support to by Friday, 8/13.
Thursday, 9/2 - 12 - 4 p.m.

Join SJICR for our kick-off event of the Fall with our affiliated cultural and identity-specific student organizations!

Come join us and meet some folks, learn about our amazing student organizations, eat some free food, win some prizes, and dance with us!
Wednesday, 8/4 - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Glassboro Campus Student Center

Thursday, 8/12 - 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Rowan SOM Academic Center Multipurpose Room

All donors receive a coupon for a Free Medium Dunkin Iced Coffee and Donut!
Monday, 8/16 - 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
981 Mail Ave, Woodbury, NJ

Join us for a free Zumba Class with an awesome instructor, Carol! Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. The routines incorporate interval training, alternating fast & slow rhythms. Event by FBCJ Young Adult Ministry.

Tuesdays Virtually: 2 - 4 p.m. | WebEx
Thursdays Virtually: 9 - 11 a.m. | WebEx

Take advantage of a comprehensive range of services to help reach your career goals. Meet with an Office of Career Advancement (OCA) career counselor to discuss activities such as identifying interests and skills, starting a job search, writing a resume, or preparing for an interview. For students, please schedule an appointment via the Rowan Success Network. For alumni, please email
“The Strive to Thrive newsletter intends to bring you well-being ideas, tips, events, information and ways to connect through all dimensions of well-being (physical, social, emotional, purpose, community, and financial). We hope that this layout reminds you of all of the many ways to nourish, attend to, and elevate your well-being and the well-being of those around you.”
Strive to Thrive is a newsletter for the Rowan University community. Visit or contact for more information.