Welcome to the
Roanoke City & Alleghany
Health Districts
Health updates for residents of the
Roanoke City & Alleghany Health Districts (RCAHD)
First Doses
Community Clinic 02.19.22

Roanoke County resident Margaret M. got her first dose at a recent community clinic in Southeast Roanoke, in partnership with Manna Ministries. Margaret said she was happy to get vaccinated before the masking guidance changed at her school.

Upcoming RCAHD FREE Community Vaccine Clinics:
  • Falling Spring Firehouse, Alleghany, 3/3, 4-6pm
  • Glenvar Library, 3/3, 5-7pm
  • Manna Ministry (401 3rd St SE, 24013), 3/5, 8-11am
  • Green Valley Elementary, 3/9, 3-6pm
  • Eagle Rock Library, 3/9, 4-6pm
  • Hollins Library, 3/10, 5-7pm
Spotlight on the Medical Reserve Corps
The Medical Reserve Corps is a force of dedicated volunteers who stand ready to support the community in the event of a public health emergency. Medical and public health professionals, along with interested non-medical community members, volunteer their skills, expertise and time to support ongoing public health initiatives and health emergencies throughout Virginia.

The Virginia Department of Health is updating its websites and guidance to incorporate the new community transmission guidelines released by the CDC last week.

The new CDC guidelines take into account hospitalizations along with COVID transmission rates in each locality. Using these metrics, all localities in the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts are still reflecting high transmission, with the exception of Roanoke City, Roanoke County and Salem. This means that increased steps for prevention are merited until local case transmission and hospitalization rates drop. Transmission levels will be updated by the CDC each week.
Need documentation of your COVID vaccine?
If you received your COVID-19
vaccine in Virginia,
and need a copy of
your immunization records,
use this button to request a copy from the Virginia Department of Health:
RCAHD COVID-19 Situation Update
We are pleased that RCAHD cases have decreased overall from the recent surge due to the Omicron variant. Both deaths and hospitalizations have decreased, which makes us cautiously optimistic that we are headed in the right direction as we approach spring.