Westwood Public Library | January 2023 | |
What do sunflower seeds, the Hamilton Broadway cast recording, and The Maid by Nita Prose all have in common? They topped our lists of seeds, streaming music, and books borrowed from the Westwood Public Library in 2022!
If you’re curious about what other movies, programs, comic series, or audiobooks were most popular this past year, take a peek at our Best of 2022 lists.
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As we launch into the new year, we're looking for more ways to hear from you! Choose the best options from the poll questions below or send us an email with your thoughts about the Westwood Public Library: askwestwood@minlib.net | |
Click here for the list of the top 100 books borrowed in 2022 from the Minuteman Library Network. |
Of the top 100 books, I read... | | | |
I most often hear about library programs from... | | | |
Mondays starting January 2 at 7 pm, online
Join a group of learners for an hour of playing on Zoom, led by musician Julie Stepanek! Bring your own ukulele. No registration required. Get the Zoom links on our website.
Wednesday, January 4 at 6:30 pm, Islington Branch, Wentworth Hall
Did you know you can recycle all your kitchen scraps and yard waste, and turn it into beneficial food for your plants? Sign up to learn how!
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Wednesday, January 4 at 7 pm, online
Enjoy a special evening with two of the country's top young adult authors. Open to adults and teens. Register here for this Zoom event!
Starts Tuesday, January 10 at 10:30 am, Conference Room, Main Library
Calling all beginners who want to learn how to play mah jongg with instructor Sharon Katz. Save your spot in Beginners Mah Jongg.
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Please check our website and calendar of events for up-to-date schedule changes. | |
Tuesdays, January 10, February 7, March 7, and April 4 at 7 pm, Conference Room, Main Library
Attention Westwood parents and guardians of young children! Join us for some fun, free, casual gatherings to discuss the joys and challenges of parenting. Take away tips and tools to strengthen your family! Registration required
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Winter Reading Challenge | Until February 28, 2023
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Get cozy with the library this winter! Read or do winter activities throughout January and February for the chance to win a prize basket.
- Pick up a Winter Reading Challenge bookmark at the Main Library or Islington Branch
- Read a book and write a review or do a winter activity of your choice
- Drop off your completed bookmark at the library to earn a raffle ticket
Kids and Teens (Kindergarten through 12th Grade):
- Sign up for the Winter Reading Challenge in Beanstack
- Log reading hours and complete winter activities to earn raffle tickets
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What's Happening | News from the Library
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Holidays: Closed on Sunday, January 1 and Monday, January 2 for New Year's Day. Closed on Monday, January 16 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. | |
Will you be Westwood's first Poet Laureate?
The Poet Laureate will promote public awareness of poetry in Westwood, mentor a Teen Poet Laureate, and write poetry for the town during a two-year term.
Apply now! Submissions due by January 15.
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Grab your photon blasters, spaceships, and sidekicks for an adventure into the world of science fiction. | Escape the new year’s blues with some feel-good fiction to put a smile on your face. | | |
The annual Friends of the Library (FOL) community appeal is underway. The FOL provides funds for library programs not covered by the existing town budget. If you’d like to donate, please send your tax-deductible donation to the library (care of the FOL) or use the link below to make your donation. Thank you! | |
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Did You Know... | You Can Find WHS Yearbooks Online?
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Can you guess what was the first Westwood High School yearbook to feature color photographs? Are you curious how the WHS sports teams fared against our rivals in neighboring towns? Do you remember what musical the students performed in 2007?
Find answers to all sorts of Westwood High School trivia by flipping through the digitized editions of Green Years, the WHS yearbook! Editions from 1946 to 2012 are available online.
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Recent Events | Watch on YouTube
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with Michael Graff
December 1, 2022
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with Michael Graff
December 6, 2022
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Don't miss out on more news from the Westwood Public Library!
- Book Buzz for quarterly book recommendations from Westwood library staff
- Youth Services Newsletter
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