Dear Colleagues,

All around us, we sense the world of nature turning as the northern hemisphere steadily slides from Fall into Winter. Our schools in the far north are already there, or clearly well on their way. Far to the west in Kona, Hawaii, there is little change due to their southern and island location. On the northwestern edge of the mainland, we have been awash with rain from “epic” storms, although terms such as “100- or 500-year weather events” seem to have lost their impact as they, too, will likely soon be washed away with a new event. For some of us, the turning of the seasons is dramatic, a fitting backdrop for a seasonal journey “over the river and through the woods… through the white and drifted snow”. For others, the sun shines warmly, snow is just an imagination, and the change of seasons is subtle and fleeting.  

This week, many of us will have the chance to pause after a tumultuous, challenging Fall. If we are fortunate, we will gather with loved ones and friends and will have a chance to reflect on our blessings and express thanks for the gifts in our lives. We will do so knowing that not everyone is so fortunate, and will surely think of those of less fortune; some of us will be engaged in service and deeds of community. Most of our holidays are more complicated today and Thanksgiving is no exception: with modern consciousness and knowledge, we will celebrate knowing that we cannot fall back on the “traditional” tale of a first Thanksgiving Day of thankful Pilgrims and helpful people from the First Nations. We understand that history is much more complicated and complex than that. 

This year, as I look forward to Thanksgiving and the cascade of holiday activity that will follow (in reality, it has already begun!) I feel a profound sense of gratitude for the work each one of you does every day to ensure that our schools offer a nurturing community to students and families. I give thanks for the gift of purposeful, meaningful, collective work. I look at the beauty around me and reflect on the gifts and fragility of nature and on where we are in human history - a time that Joanna Macy calls the Great Turning towards a more life-sustaining civilization. May it be so: I believe that Waldorf education is part of that turning, building healthy connections to nature, developing individual potential, and fostering responsibility and a culture of care and hope. Our work is the work of the future; we are reminded that much of our impact will not flower fully until our students reach adulthood, for such is the nature of human development. If we heed Indigenous wisdom, we also know that our horizon needs to be much more vast, and that we need to project beyond our students’ lifespan as far as seven generations into the future in considering the impact of our deeds today. That is a powerful concept. 

In this mood of reflection and giving thanks, I returned over the past few days to the writings of Robin Wall Kimmerer in Braiding Sweetgrass, a deeply personal exploration of Indigenous ways of knowing and relating to the earth that speak directly to a life-sustaining civilization. Among stories and reflections, Kimmerer summarizes guidelines for the “honorable harvest”, a reciprocal, grateful relationship between humans and nature, that includes profound advice such as: “Harvest in a way that minimizes harm; take only what you need, take only that which is given; give thanks for what you have been given; share.”

As you gather to share and give thanks, we from the Alliance send our deep gratitude and wishes to each one of you for the obvious and less apparent gifts of this time of year and time in human history. 


Liz Beaven

Executive Director

Update on the Alliance Self-Study/Membership Process

We are finalizing our revised self-study process with an updated Membership Handbook, guide to the self-study process, and a self-study guide for each of our seven Core Principles. This will include a simpler path to the sub-license for use of the term Public Waldorf. We have tested this with several schools and will have it out to all schools by early January at the latest; we had previously expected this would be out by now, and we apologize for this delay. Please contact Liz Beaven with any questions on this. Once the revised Handbook is out, we will follow up with every member school.

A New Resource for California Charter Schools (this might be helpful to those in other states as well)

The California Charter Schools Development Center has launched a new podcast “Boarding Pass”, described as a series for new and returning charter school Board members.  A reminder to all schools that most state charter organizations have a wealth of helpful information and resources!

Annual Alliance Conference

Our annual conference is less than 2 months away!

The Conference Committee and our wonderful hosts at Ocean Charter School are busy with preparations and planning of everything from keynote talks, workshops, meals, snacks, and schedules. We eagerly look forward to welcoming colleagues from across the nation on January 17, 2025.

In-Person Early Bird Registration Now Open!

Virtual details and registration coming soon.

Register Here

Conference Workshops Themes

Stay tuned for further details


Two days of immersive, thematic workshops designed to deepen your knowledge and practice.

Thematic Workshop Topics Include:

  • Story Craft as a Teaching & Learning Tool to Enhance Instruction
  • Stories to Restore Community
  • Theater Builds Community
  • Council/Circle: A Way to Ignite Community by Sharing Our Stories
  • My language: My story
  • Storytelling From the Book of Nature
  • Special Education/Section 504 & Student Freedom of Speech and Expression presentations
  • Biography

Arts, Crafts, and Movement :

Experience two different artistic workshops designed to spark your creativity and foster connection through hands-on doing.

Artistic Workshops include:

  • Singing Games
  • Artistic Crafts: Teaching Through Stories
  • Eurythmy
  • Bird & Bunny Marionette
  • Form Drawing
  • Singing
  • Chalkboard Drawing
  • Movement
  • Puppet
  • Fleece Story Board

Professional Development and Teacher Preparation

A listing by the Alliance is for information only and does not imply recommendation or endorsement. We encourage school leaders and teachers to fully research offerings before enrollment to ensure they align with their goals and needs. We recommend that you research familiarity with the unique needs and demands of Public Waldorf education. This is particularly important if public funds are used for professional development or teacher preparation. 

If you wish to have an event or workshop listed, please email us a request in the following format:

  • Title
  • Date & Location
  • Link


For a full list, please

visit our website.

For additional listings and news of professional development or teacher education, please see Waldorf Today. Additional resources for early childhood educators can be found at WECAN.

Upcoming Professional Development

and Teacher Preparation

Kairos Institute- Healing in a World of Need

Fall 2024 & Spring 2025: Online and In-Person

Center for Anthroposophy- Starlight Rays in Darkened Times: Seminars on Contemporary Topics

Fall 2024-Feb. 2025: Online, Saturdays 3-4:30 pm ET

Leading with Spirit: Training programs: The Art of Administration, Prepared to Serve, and The River Raft and You

Oct 2024.-Feb. 2025: Online

Woodland Star Charter School: Parent Education Series

Dec. 5, 2024: In-Person, Glen Ellen, CA, Free- Session I: How We Learn: The Neuropsychology Behind Waldorf Education 

Jan. 2025-March 2025, In-Person, Glen Ellen, CA - Sessions II-IV

WECAN - Parent and Caregiver Events

Dec. 4, 2024, Online- The Power and Science of Rhythms: How They Support our Health and Vitality

Jan. 8, 2025, Online- Creating Your Family Culture

Jan. 2025-May 2025, Online

Eurythmy and Movement for The Young Child- Led by Hellene Brodsky & Mary Ruud

Dec. 5, 2024: Online, Free

Click here for the Zoom link - Meeting ID: 869 5145 3073. Passcode: 471972

WISC- Emergency & Trauma Education

Dec. 6-8, 2024: In-Person, Pasadena, CA

ETP Flyer 2024 Dec.


Sunbridge Institute - Demystifying Class Plays: Middle School and High School Pedagogical Theatre

Dec. 14, 2024: Online


Sunbridge Institute - Demystifying Class Plays: Middle School and High School Pedagogical Theatre

Dec. 14, 2024: Online


Waldorf Handwork Educators: International Handwork Teacher Development Programs

Jan. 2025: 2-year program: Synchronous Program, Online (live attendance)

Jan. 2025: 2-year program: Hybrid Program, Online (video recordings & live discussions)

Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training: Caring for the First Steps in Life

Courses for Birth-to-Three Teachers and Parents

Nov. 2024-Jan 2025: Online & In-Person

Center for Anthroposophy- Waldorf High School Teacher Education Program

Class of 2027 enrolls this summer, July 2025. Online & In-Person

Gradalis Understanding Waldorf Education (UWE) Program

Sept. 2025-April 2026: Online,/

Center for Biography & Social Art

In-Person or Online


Awakening Connections; Creating Community

Jennifer Militzer-Kopperl: Renewal of Literacy

On-demand support courses for literacy and language arts in the grades; access for 6 months or 1 year, Online

Ashley Radzat Consulting: Comprehensive support for educators and school communities

On demand In-Person or Online sessions & workshops

Upcoming Conferences:

Alliance for Public Waldorf Education Annual Conference--The Power of Story: Igniting Community and Connection

Jan. 17-19, 2025: In-Person, Los Angeles, CA & Online

WECAN Early Childhood Educators Conference- A New Path: Transforming Conflict Through Destiny Learning

Feb. 7-9, 2025, In-Person, Spring Valley, NY

Feb. 22, 2025, Online

Please visit our website to find out about job postings at our member schools.

For more information:

Liz Beaven, Executive Director 

Carly Fedor, Administrative Assistant

Alliance for Public Waldorf Education

1000 River Rock Drive, Suite 218

Folsom, CA 95630

Public Waldorf is a service mark of the Association of Waldorf Schools

of North America and is used pursuant to a license.


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