Let's Explore the Possibilities

We offer our profound thanks to all of you – our students, leaders, donors, supporters, and friends – for your part in the continuing growth and expansion of CSL Kenya! Together, as we awaken to our full potential, we celebrate each new opportunity to serve and love, knowing we are making a profound difference in the world.


“I see CSL Kenya as an oasis of faith, providing seekers with boundless spiritual enlightenment.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to financially support the CSL Kenya community, which

constantly radiates SOM teachings in profound ways, locally and beyond.”

Valerie Wiener, RScP, Las Vegas, NV, former Senator in the Nevada State Legislature

Share with us why you give! Email us why you choose to support CSL Kenya.

Saying Yes to My Good Living the Law of Circulation

At CSL Kenya, we know we are surrounded by all we need to live meaningful and joy-filled lives. Our work is to remove what’s blocking the flow and allow our good to flow freely to us. Christopher, one of our students, recently shared how he uses what he’s learning in his SOM classes.

Because promised grant funds had not arrived at the non-profit where he works, Christopher had not been paid for six months. He was behind on his rent and at risk of eviction. His children’s school fees had not been paid and it appeared they would not be able to stay in school unless he got caught up. The stress was causing him to feel physically ill.

Christopher had recently learned a new process called “What if it all goes right?” Centering himself in love, knowing the abundance and generosity of the Universe, Christopher consciously focused his thinking on what could go right. What if . . . ? What if . . . ? As he focused on the good that was happening, rather than on what seemed wrong, he felt his stress begin to lift, and his blood pressure decreased. He relaxed into a place of knowing and allowing good.

The result? His landlord called unexpectedly and said he could take the time he needed to catch up. Then, the school’s principal contacted him and told him his daughter could stay, as he knew Christopher would pay the fees when he could. Next, he was offered a job to write a script for a show being produced in Nairobi. As he relaxed into gratitude and a sense of freedom, the promised grant funds finally arrived, and he was able to pay what he owed.

Christopher shares this Affirmation from Ernest Holmes:

“I am an open channel for good to flow in and through me, freely, generously, cheerfully.”

(SOM 232-2)

What Your Ongoing Support is Making Possible

New Practitioners! We have six new Practitioners! After more than three years of diligent study, and passing both a comprehensive written exam and oral panels, Nancy Ngugi, Kerith Kagoe, Agnes Wamuyu, Flamina Fumagalli Paul Kinuthia, and Aflred Kengere are now licensed Science of Mind Practitioners with Centers for Spiritual Living. We acknowledge them for their commitment, their passion, their hard work, and their desire to serve. Your generous contributions have helped support these amazing six on their way.

If you want to get to know these amazing people, visit our website (, choose “Posts” at the top of the page and look for the service titled Connie Came to Remind Me. At that service, each new Practitioner shared the truths they’ve remembered along their path.

New Class! A new four-week Discovery Class will begin Saturday, September 10 th, at 7:00 pm Kenya time, 9:00 am PDT. This class is perfect for all who are curious, intrigued, or just wondering about a new way of seeing reality. The class is also a wonderful way to introduce friends and family members to the SOM teachings that make such a difference in our lives.

New Country! We now have two students from Tanzania attending classes.

New Translation Projects! The Kiswahili version of Ernest Holmes’s This Thing Called You, will be available for distribution later this year. Our translation team is now working on another Ernest Holmes book, How To Change Your Life, and the Student Manuals for two classes, the new Discovery class and the Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life class.

We are immensely grateful to all who have generously supported this project, as we know this is an amazing first step toward our vision of SOM teachings expanding throughout all of Africa.


Save this date! KENYA: THE HEART OF AFRICA, our 2024 Conference will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from February 1 – February 4, 2024. Opportunities to attend cultural events, go on Safari, participate in service projects, and visit other areas of Kenya will be available a week before and after the conference. Check our website for a soon-to-be added new page with updated information about the Conference.

REV. GWEN IN KENYA! Rev. Gwen will be in Kenya in October to begin making

arrangements for the Conference. She’s excited to meet personally with as many of our students and Practitioners as possible during her visit. Gwen’s visit will be followed by a visit from both ministers in April and a visit from Rev. Barb next October.

CLASSES. Watch for information about classes beginning in September. In addition to the new Discovery Class, two five-week classes are being offered: Spiritual Principles and Practices and Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, and a six-week class: This Thing Called You.

CSL KENYA PODCAST. Our own podcast is in the planning stages! Look forward to interviews, discussions of the fascinating perspectives offered by leaders in the New Thought movement, and thoughts on how each of us can contribute to a world that works for everyone.

ONE CHILD AT A TIME. Many of you love the connection that comes by sponsoring one individual child, and have asked if this could again be possible. This project is in the works! Soon, pictures and information on children needing your help will be posted on our website. You’ll be able to choose your child and your level of support, receive progress updates, and send and receive letters.

NEW GROUPS: Many of our students and friends have requested more opportunities to meet together in small, interactive groups to support each other and create community. Starting in September, a Men’s Group, a Women’s Group, and a “What if it All Goes Right?” Group will begin to meet. In addition, a new Abundance Group focused specifically on money, will be available for all who wish to attend. Watch for details and plan to join in.

NEW OUTREACH! One of our goals at CSL Kenya is to continually expand our reach,

touching the lives of more and more people. Ministerial student Christine Khamasi is now

teaching SOM principles to the people in her village of origin. As many there make their living

by farming, they easily relate to the idea of “seed, soil, and plant” as a reminder of how the

creative process works in all aspects of their lives.

Picture of Christine and students in her village.


CSL is a global organization. On August 12 – 14, CSL Geneva (Switzerland!) hosted a

Global Connection Retreat called “Reawakening to the Healing Flow of Life.” Three of our CSLK Practitioners, Michael Kiragu, Wilkister Nyaboke Orenge, and Flaminia Fumagalli, represented CSL Kenya at this event, where they had the opportunity to share and learn as they met with other leaders and friends committed to making a difference around the globe.

Our Children and Young People meet every Sunday at 6:00 pm Kenya time, 8:00 am Pacific Daylight Time on Zoom? The “Tweens” have named their group “The Happiness Group.”

They’re discussing how to live in everyday wonder and use their creative powers. The younger children are focused on how to make good choices and living in love. The younger children each received their own packet of supplies – crayons, markers, glue, scissors, etc., to foster their creativity and make our gatherings more fun. If you know a young person between the ages of 5 and 12 or so who’d like to participate, let us know and we’ll get you the information you need.


Filling the Jars

Our website ( provides an easy way to designate your donations to a specific project. Simply open the website and choose “Change for Change,” then choose where you’d like your money to be used. If you choose the “Centre” jar, we’ll use your gifts where they are most needed. If you choose a different method to contribute, you can also designate where you want the money to go, either by writing this on your check or emailing us with your instructions.

Here’s our progress so far in 2022 in filling our jars!


With a new term just starting for the Briton school, additional students have shown up eager to learn. Because students who show up are not turned away for lack of funds, desks intended for three or four students now sometimes have five or six students crammed into them, and some students are still using inadequate wooden desks.

We’re currently raising money to buy 15 new desks from a manufacturer in Nairobi, who is

giving us a special rate of $80 US per desk. To be part of this exciting project, go to our website

and put your donation in the “Change for Children” jar. In a later newsletter, we will recognize everyone who helped make these new desks possible.

Kenya has recently made significant changes to its education system. New curriculum has been mandated by the government, which means new textbooks are needed (each classroom generally has just one of each textbook, which all the students share). Our support made it possible to buy a teacher’s guide for each teacher for each of the new classes. In addition, under the new system, a separate school building and additional facilities will be needed if the Briton school wishes to serve students in Standards 7 and 8 (our grades 7 and 8).

We will keep you updated on what’s needed as additional changes in Kenya’s education system are implemented.

In addition, our support allowed 11 instructors at the Briton School to receive the new track suit type uniforms recommended for all teachers in Kenyan schools.

As we partner with others who share our commitment to the education and well-being of Kenya’s children, we remember that we are never alone, and that our good continually comes from unexpected sources. We’re grateful for the ongoing support of the Hefferlin Institute and CSL’s Global Services Department. This fall, our eighth-grade students who qualify will apply for high school scholarships through “The Kenya Education Fund,” a non-profit organization providing high school scholarships for qualified students who would otherwise not be able to attend high school.


Recently, Rev. Gwen and I were blessed to sing together at CSL Kelowna, where I’m the Musical & Creative Director and Rev. Gwen is a staff minister. Over the last few years, the only time we’ve been able to sing together is on Zoom during Froggy Fridays. What a joy it was to be together in person, and to hug and harmonize!  

When you come together to sing, you experience an undeniable connection with those you sing with. This same connection exists when you join with others in creation endeavors of any kind. When our song together ended, with tears in my eyes, I whispered in Gwen’s ear: We will sing this in Kenya at the conference in 2024!


Planning for our 2024 Conference has created such a bond between all of us working on this project. Just as it’s a joy to sing together, so sparks of joy fly as we anticipate and plan for gathering in 2024 as family.


Joining in song or in community, we experience a sense of synchronized heartbeats. We beat as One heart, breathe as One Lung, and are truly one voice sharing our message with the world.  

So, this is my personal invitation to you: Let’s have fun! Let’s all sing our own unique melodies of success, happiness, joy, and connection. Let’s shine our bright lights and raise our voices, knowing each one of us as an integral part of our growing CSL Kenya community.  

We bless you. We give thanks for our hearts that beat as one, and for all who are breathing, singing and sharing as part of our wonderful community.

Reverends Barbara Samuel and Gwen Smith

Ways To Give


1.Go to On the “Change for Change” section at the top of the page, choose “More Information.” You’ll see four jars where you can choose where you’d like your donation to go.

2. Mail your cheque or check to:

Centre for Spiritual Living Kenya

15411 Deer Side Rd SE

Calgary, Alberta, T2J 5N1

3. “In Canada” you can etransfer to our email: