How to Participate
· See agenda for instructions on how to watch the meeting live on YouTube, participate via Zoom, or attend in person. (Current Agenda & Staff Reports)
· To submit a comment in writing, email and write “D1. Wave Waterpark Assessment” in the subject line.
· Comments will also be accepted by leaving a message at 760-643-2815. Please include your name and the spelling, as well as "Wave Waterpark Assessment".
· All comments received by 2:00 pm will be emailed (voice messages will be summarized) to the City Council members and included as an “Add to Packet” on the City’s website prior to the meeting. Please note, comments will not be read at the meeting.
· In-Person Public Comment (Speaking to Council): To speak directly to the council, complete a Request to Speak card at the meeting. Indicate “D1. Wave Waterpark Assessment” on the card. Groups wishing to speak in a particular order should submit numbered cards together. Speakers are allotted three minutes and may speak only once per item, addressing the council directly from the podium. A light system will indicate remaining time.
City Council meetings are held at the Civic Center, second floor, at 5:30 p.m.