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Monthly Newsletter

Dear Community Member, 

Thank you for being a monthly newsletter subscriber. Please continue reading this month’s newsletter for updates on the progress of the Aliso Canyon Disaster Health Research Study (ACDHRS).


Project Updates

Health Study Goals and Priorities 

Earlier this year, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) and the Scientific Oversight Committee (SOC) released the draft Health Study Goals and Priorities to the public for a 6-week comment period. Over the course of the public comment period, we received 259 unique online form responses, 17 email responses and 412 identical form letters.. The results and main themes of the public feedback will be presented in the report titled Public Feedback on Draft Goals and Priorities for the Aliso Canyon Disaster Health Research Study which will be available on the Health Study website in the upcoming weeks. Additional information about the Health Study is available on the Aliso Canyon webpage.

Community feedback has been shared with the SOC and is being used to inform the final Health Study Goals and Priorities reflected in the Request for Proposals (RFP). Through the RFP process, independent, third-party researchers will propose research methodologies that are scientifically robust and responsive to the goals and priorities. 


Radiation Survey 

In response to community concerns about radiation exposure, on November 12, 2020, Public Health’s Radiation Management team conducted radiation surveys of Aliso Canyon waste bins containing materials from the blowout and well-control operations.

Radiation survey results were compared with radioisotope testing results of samples taken from the waste bins. All test results indicate that the alpha, beta, and gamma radiation levels measured from the Aliso Canyon waste bins sampled are very low, when compared to background levels, and the low levels of radiation encountered do not pose an immediate health risk. For more information, the full radiation survey results are available in the Waste Bin Manifests and Samples section of the Health Research Study Introduction and Resources webpage. If there are further questions, please submit them to

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Stay Involved

FAQ Page 

Please visit the Aliso Canyon FAQ page linked here. The FAQ page provides responses to questions that have been raised by Neighborhood Councils, residents and Community Advisory Group members. The FAQ page was recently updated with additional information. 

Community Feedback Log

Our Community Feedback Log is a great way to share your feedback, concerns, and ideas with the ACDHRS project team. 

Community Advisory Group (CAG)

Please visit Public Health’s CAG page to view upcoming meetings, access meeting agendas, summaries, and other materials. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and provide input during the public comment periods. 

Email Us 

If you have any questions, or would like to get in touch, please email us at


August 2021