Join our regular networks and share your concerns, find support and discuss the latest news.
Second week of VCOD...
A reminder to let us know if you are experiencing ongoing or periodic challenges to VCOD. Last week we shared a few examples of visitors who hadn't quite understood their own obligations.
This week:
  • A trainer refused to be vaccinated, so a whole care home training schedule had to be re-planned.
  • An electrician refused to allow their staff in as they were no longer insured for respiratory illnesses
Operational guidance is coming soon for domiciliary care providers to implement VCOD. DHSC has accepted that the process of creating similar care home guidance was less than perfect, but with understandable mitigating circumstances of just three weeks to do it in.
The new guidance will rely on accepted HR law and it will be due out in the next 4 weeks to allow for clearance over Christmas and ready for the 12-week grace period leading up to the target date of early April.
In parallel NHSE/I is working on similar guidance for NHS services - this is likely to be out sooner.
Your editor had the pleasure of using one of our regional mass vaccination centres last week. A very slick process that had the hallmarks of a well-oiled machine staffed by brilliant clinicians and friendly volunteers. Flu jab booked for next week.

Vaccination rates for staff outside of care homes could be higher as we move towards VCOD for domiciliary care and NHS. Please encourage your staff to get doubled-jabbed and 'boostered'.

There are more places delivering vaccines now than at any other point in the programme,
including pharmacies, GP practices and other community sites, meaning almost every
person lives within 10 miles of a fixed vaccination clinic. 
As you know there is a real push to get both boosters and flu jab uptake higher than it currently is.
As of 21 November, 97.32% of older people's care homes had been visited by the National Vaccination Deployment Plan assurance process receiving feedback on experiences. Have they been to you?
This process has now been extended to NOACH (working-age adult care homes) so all care homes will have received a visit by 1 December.
Remember, don't let them in unless they provide proof!!
Do you have residents or staff or visitors who cannot provide proof even though they have had the covid-19 vaccine?
The Vaccine Data Resolution Service helps with missing or incorrect vaccination records for people registered with a GP in England (and Wales & Scotland), although there is a three-week backlog of queries.
To get help on missing information the VDRS service needs to know the batch number and where possible the booking reference for the vaccination appointment.
VDRS cannot help with:
  • cases where a person's name or address is recorded incorrectly
  • vaccinations given outside of England, Wales and Scotland
  • cases of non-MHRA approved vaccines (specifically only with Oxford AstraZeneca - Vaxzevria, Pfizer - Comirnaty, Moderna - Spikevax, and Janssen)
You can now book your booster jab from 5 months (152 days) after the second dose via the National Booking System. And from tomorrow the weekly stats published by NHS will include booster data.

And your booster jab now appears in your NHS App on your smartphone.
What happened to IPC Funding round 3?
Some confusion about the funding which left Treasury on 20 October, but seems not to have arrived with local authorities until the beginning-middle of November. However, now received, the funding has 20 working days to be distributed by Councils and we understand grant agreements and the funding is on its way.
For those of you who told us about the jeopardy this late payment put you in regarding staff who are self-isolating, we have fed this back to DHSC as they look into the delay.
We're sure the funding was not delivered by a global online delivery service with branded vans - you know who we're talking about. We've been alerted to the eye-watering sign-on fees for new workers at a branded warehouse near you. With due respect to the Thames Valley's red-hot labour market, this company is offering a £3000 sign-on bonus across the Midlands and London and hourly rates up to £29.46.
And if that wasn't enough, you've probably noticed that getting your sponsored ad near the top of Indeed is harder due to the heavy promotion of the said delivery company. If this has impacted you:
  • staff have left to join this company, or
  • you are getting fewer hits than normal on your paid ads,
we would love to talk to you in confidence, and so would a respected national media outlet.
Social Care Charging Reform
Government has published further details about the introduction of a cap on care costs and adult social care charging reform, as outlined in their plans for a Health and Care Levy in September. The announcement contains a proposal to exclude means-tested support from counting towards the new capped cost model. This is a disappointing change. Sir Andrew Dilnot, the author of the original proposals in the Care Act, has been particularly critical about this proposed change. See Health and Care Bill update below for a link to the wording of this amendment.
However, whilst it remains the case that the enhanced means test will improve the situation of many people across the social care system compared to the current system, there is a consequent impact of care providers already struggling with fees that do not meet the cost of care. A number of details are still missing from the Bill and we expect a consultation in the New Year with regulations and final guidance by Spring 2022. As you know these proposals do nothing to solve the funding for social care that providers need to innovate and invest in the workforce.
A tongue-in-cheek look at Social Care Reform through the eyes of Repair Shop.
Guidance updates

Restricting workforce movement between care homes and other care settings
This updated guidance details the circumstances in which some movement of staff may be cautiously permitted. This enables providers and local authorities to plan proactively for specific service requirements or capacity concerns and to ensure continuity of care.
This guidance also sets out what’s expected of providers on the routine movement of staff, and how to manage the risks of deploying individuals between settings, and advice about how they can mitigate the risks associated.

IPC Good Practice Guidance was published on Thursday 18 November by Skills for Care

Guidance for Supported Living updated on Monday 22 November

Providing Unpaid Care guidance updated on Tuesday 23 November.
Core20PLUS5 is a national NHS England and NHS Improvement approach to support the reduction of health inequalities at both national and system level. The approach defines a target population cohort – the ‘Core20PLUS’ – and identifies ‘5’ focus clinical areas requiring accelerated improvement.
Inclusion health groups include: ethnic minority communities, coastal communities, people with multi-morbidities, protected characteristic groups, people experiencing homelessness, drug and alcohol dependence, vulnerable migrants, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, sex workers, people in contact with the justice system, victims of modern slavery and other socially excluded groups.
Capacity Tracker update
Following on from the previous update, we are aware that some users are continuing to experience issues when making updates to the Capacity Tracker and/or some slowness when running reports. 
As part of the work to help improve the situation NECS has made some changes to the bulk update and have separated the update into 4 sections:
  1. Updating vacancies and daily business continuity (includes covid vaccination, flu and PPE updates)
  2. ICF weekly/monthly questions
  3. Home Care Survey
  4. Updating contact information
Users of the bulk upload function should select the appropriate template to update their data.
NECS technical teams continue to work on the current issues being experienced and thank all providers and wider stakeholder organisations for your patience. Updates will be provided on the 'home' page of the Capacity Tracker.
Those of you who use Capacity Tracker will know there is a workforce survey inside, but data and details are restricted from being released publicly. We are continuing to push for this data to be released so that we can discuss implications and actions.
MHRA - Class 2 Medicines Recall:
SANTEN Oy (trading as Santen UK Limited) and parallel distributor, IKERVIS 1 mg/mL eye drops, emulsion and VERKAZIA 1 mg/mL eye drops, emulsion, EL (21)A/30
SANTEN Oy (trading as Santen UK Limited) are recalling certain batches of products as a precautionary measure due to detection of particles/crystals of the active pharmaceutical ingredient ciclosporin.
Access this recall on the MHRA website via the link below:
Studies and Surveys...
National survey of care workers’ experiences during COVID19. This is the second wave of the survey (the first wave was April-June 2021) but everyone delivering frontline care in the social care sector is eligible to take part, even if you did not take part before. A presentation of the wave one findings can be found here. Wave one highlighted the significant impact of COVID-19 on the health and wellbeing of the social care workforce, including raising issues of abuse and working conditions.

Those who complete the survey will be given the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher!
Age UK Oxfordshire
We recognise that we still face a big challenge in ensuring that our services are truly accessible to all and we know there is more work to be done. We would value your help to determine where we should focus our energy in the coming years.
We have asked the National Centre for Diversity (NCD) to help us gather people’s thoughts and build a plan for the future. 
We would be very grateful if you felt able to complete the brief survey, please, and provide your perspective on the work, to ensure we build a plan that works for everyone. It should only take around 5 minutes.
Every voice matters and we want to make sure we have heard from as many people as possible. We are also asking people who use our services, staff and volunteers for their views. NCD will be analysing all the feedback and working with us as we develop an action plan.
The survey is anonymous - please be open and honest.
Please note that the survey closes on 26 November and you can only complete the survey once from your device.
England-wide survey on community care provision to older people living with advancing frailty
Why are we conducting the study?
The PALLUP study, led by Professor Caroline Nicholson, aims to identify and understand the Palliative Care needs of older people with advancing frailty and to support community services to deliver this care. While older people with advancing frailty are likely to be in the last phase of life, their end-of-life needs are often under-recognised. The purpose of the online survey is to aims to understand current community service response, and recent service improvements, for older people with advancing frailty with palliative care needs. This will help develop a Palliative Care Service Framework and resources to consistently provide better palliative care across England for this under-serviced population.
Who can take part?
We are looking for people who are leading, managing or providing care within a home-based care service to older people with advancing frailty. Your knowledge and experience in service delivery is important in developing an understanding of an England-wide picture of current care needs and service responses for older people with advancing frailty. We are hoping to involve participants from a range of health, voluntary and social care agencies.  
What we are asking of you?
The Participant Information Sheet provides full study details.  Your commitment should be about 25 minutes in total.  

What next?
Please follow this link to the survey: Take the Survey
Or copy and paste this URL into your internet browser:

The deadline for completion is Wednesday 15 of December
We hope you will agree to take part. If you have any questions, please contact the PALLUP research study team via email or phone 07815919559.
Oxfordshire provider networks
  • OACP Home Care network: Monday 1-2 via Zoom. Next meeting: 6 December
  • OACP Learning Disability network: Tuesday 10-11 on Teams. Next meeting: 7 December.
  • OACP-OCA Care Home network: Wednesday 2-3 via Zoom. Next meeting: 1 December.
  • OACP Day centre network: 2nd Friday in the month via Zoom. Next meeting: 10 December.
Webinar & Podcast city
Watch again
Webinar to discuss emerging evidence, innovation, and best practice for a sustainable social care workforce.
Sidesets and publication here:
REACTMH® wellbeing conversation training is an amazing initiative that will provide managers, supervisors and those with caring responsibilities, in clinical and non-clinical services, with the tools and confidence to have wellbeing conversations with people in their teams and community.

The REACTMH training is an evidence-based active, listening skills training session which enhances mental health awareness among staff by enabling staff to identify, engage with and support people in their teams who may be struggling with their wellbeing. The training is designed to improve confidence in initiating supportive wellbeing conversations.

During the course you will gain new knowledge and have a chance to put this into practice during the session. The training is underpinned by psychologically sound principles and the REACTMH technique comprising of: Recognise, Engage, Actively listen, Check risk, and Talk about specific actions.

Many studies have shown that line managers, supervisors and those with caring responsibilities can significantly impact, both positively and negatively, on the mental wellbeing of the people in their teams. Long-term negative impact on mental health can be significantly reduced where managers receive training in identifying the need for and successfully engaging in supportive wellbeing conversations.
The training sessions are delivered online and are 90 minutes in duration.
  • Wed 24 November 6.30pm – 8.00pm
  • Fri 26 November 9.30am – 11.00am
  • Tues 30 November 12.00pm – 1.30pm
  • Wed 1 Deember 1.30pm – 3.00pm
  • Fri 3 December 9.30am – 11.00am
Click here to book a session or email the REACT training team on:
When making your booking please confirm the date you would like to attend, your full name and the Trust or Organisation you work for.
The regulation of social care: Improving the treatment of workers through regulatory law’
The speaker will be Professor Lydia Hayes, Head of Kent Law School at the University of Kent. The session will be chaired by Professor Mary Daly, Governing Body Fellow, Green Templeton College and Professor of Sociology and Social Policy at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford.
  • Thursday 2 December
  • 18:00 to 19:30
  • If you would like to attend this event, please complete this registration form

Professor Hayes will present new research, undertaken during the pandemic, showing that care safety and job quality in care settings are inseparable. The findings point to failures in the regulation of care provision. Job quality indicators, highly relevant to the objective of care safety, were being ignored or marginalised by providers and inspectors. Professor Hayes will make the case that existing regulatory law provides the social care sector with a framework of sector-specific employment standards. Better understanding of the potential of regulatory law could help organisations that represent either employers or workers to improve terms and conditions of work as an inseparable element of the quality of care.
If you have trouble accessing the registration form, or have any other queries please email
Oxford Health Community Services Strategy workshop
  • Wednesday 8 December 2021
  • 3-5 pm
Oxford Health is holding a workshop at which carers, friends and family members of patients can share their experiences of accessing health services and help shape future plans for the county’s community get involved:
HMRC webinars
Statutory Maternity and Paternity Pay
This webinar covers the conditions your employees need to meet, how much they’re entitled to, claiming back some or all of what you pay, and record-keeping.

Statutory Sick Pay 
We explain key terminology, who qualifies, what to pay and when to pay it, and what happens when employees are sick or self-isolating due to coronavirus.
HMRC online guide to Statutory Sick Pay is split into sections to make it easy to find what you’re looking for.

Finally, National Insurance contributions and statutory payments toolkit, designed to help agents and advisers, is helpful to those dealing with payroll too.
Proud to Care Oxfordshire
A new website for people looking to enter adult social care has been launched today. A partnership of OACP, Aspire Oxford, Activate Learning and OCC, the website builds on experiences in other local areas to attract people into the sector.
The website is open to all care providers operating in Oxfordshire across all settings. Over the next few months we will add information on what the sector offers; the different roles available and support available to enable a first step into social care.

If you would like to advertise on Proud to Care, please contact Jane Wood or Diana Olszewska at Proud to Care is managed by OACP.
Your free guide to recruitment and retention in care
As England introduces new national lockdown restrictions, and the government is reportedly drawing up plans for carers to be banned from working in more than one home, there has never been a more important time to attract and retain your brilliant people.
With that in mind, the care experts of OACP partner, Citation, have created a free guide on recruitment and retention, specifically for care providers.
This guide includes things to consider when recruiting the right people for your business, and methods and tips for engaging your employees to keep them happy and working for you.

Your OACP member benefit
From recruitment and retention, staff training, mental health and wellbeing, professional bereavement and tricky HR issues, to infection control, risk assessments and visiting arrangements, Citation can help you operate both safely and compliantly in the coming weeks and months.
They can also help with fire and electrical safety, Care Policies & Procedures, Care Mock Inspections, and CQC Pro – an application to demonstrate you’re meeting CQC requirements.
To find out more or arrange a free consultation, click here or call 0345 844 1111.
Quote ‘Oxford Association of Care Providers’ when enquiring to access your preferential rates as a member.
Testing guidance
This very useful page brings together all testing guidance for adult social care, including non-regulated services.
Bookmark it.
DSPT support for Berks, Bucks and Oxon
Link and instructions on how to book: See also June webinars above.

If you are not sure which is the right webinar for you, please contact the DSPT team at This is our dedicated team delivering the Better Security, Better Care roll-out across the Thames Valley.

If you are based in MK and have not yet been contacted by Bedfordshire Care Association who are leading on this for BLMK ICS area, please let us know and we will signpost you.

And Train your staff to be Cyber Aware
COVID-19 infection rates dashboards usually updated weekly:

Check vaccination levels across the country via this interactive map for first dose and second dose - whole population statistics.
Trusted Assessor services

The Oxfordshire Trusted Assessor service is now closed.
For Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire, the Trusted Assessor Service is run for care homes only by Lincolnshire Care Association.
Contact: Michelle Yusuf -
The project runs also for Hinchingbrooke and Addenbrookes hospitals.
BCA, MKB Care and OACP working together for you.
Care Association Alliance | our big family
As well as a constant stream of questions and answers by email from around the country, we are also part of the CAA weekly teleconference - Wednesdays at 10am. This informs us of current concerns and potential solutions and helps inform our local communications.
Consistent, quality information
We are mailing out once a week on a Wednesday, so you know when to look out for it. These updates will provide summary advice on emerging issues and signpost providers to government and other statutory agency advice as needed.

We are always keen to hear from providers, if you have anything you would like to share with provider colleagues, please send to the usual address.

Receiving this newsletter for the first time?
We are adding new colleagues all the time.
Please let us know if there are other colleagues you would like this mailing sent to.

OACP Member offers | OACP works with the following suppliers to bring you market insight, quality products and expert advice. Contact them today - click on the logo...
Help yourself to help us
Now available for all Oxfordshire care providers.
Spectrum is a well-established buying consortium with an emphasis on the Care Sector including care homes, domiciliary care and supported living. They have been sourcing discounts with major suppliers for their members since 1992.