October 25, 2011 was the day I published my first episode of Scouting Hot Finds Radio. My initial idea was to take the newsletter and turn it into a podcast. Things like talking about what the auctions of the week are and results. But after three episodes I kinda figured out the model and kept experimenting.
The next iteration was to take advantage of the call in feature to encourage participation. In Episode 8 I remember my old lodge brother Harold called in and the conversation went on for 1hr 27m the longest of any podcast. But after that I mostly stuck with long form interviews as the break and butter sometimes chopping them into two parts if they were long winded. So having now tried to reboot all this on a weekly live show I'm also experimenting and finding out what the right recipe is going to be.
It has taken me three episodes to really figure out what button to press, when to mute myself and how to keep there from being dead air. So as I get the mechanics down of how to do the show the question is how "live" does it need to be? Is there a good enough case to make audience participation one of the highlights (like Harold's phone call from Nov 30, 2011)? Certainly the modern live streaming culture sorta demands the ability for that back and forth but does it make for a good playback later? So I'm still figuring out the formula and this week I'll produce episode 4 as I continue to experiment. The show comes out Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. EST on Facebook and YouTube.
On eBay I have 178 live auctions with a bunch of those ending tonight at usual. My 7-day a week auction strategy has served me well but having the big Sunday finish is part of the formula.
This week I got 100 boxes of a single Best Hobby Pages product delivered to my warehouse. That is 800 pounds and 25,000 individual pieces of plastic to keep the store stocked. But as I've now moved the BHP to a climate controlled storage unit this made for a fun couple of hours transferring the load into my van and driving it a mile to the unit. Being a solopreneur can get tough on days when you have to be the moving van guy too.