The Fourth Week After Pentecost

30 June 2023

Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Join us for Mass this Sunday

8.30 am - Rite I Mass

11.00 am - Sung Mass

John Chase, guest organist

A Great Time Was Had By All!

Our first ever VBS Family Event was a great success. A special thanks to Doug Breunig, Christine Burrell, Eileen Allison, Hope Curtis, Amy Easley, Dani Startt, Kristen Weems as well as our youth leaders, Joey Berweiler, Jack Breunig, Makai Curtis, Nolan Swift, Cole Startt, Drew Startt, and Anna Walker. These adults and youth worked hard setting things up and also pulling things together for a fantastic evening.

The song in the background of the highlight video is by BYU Vocal Point and is called "Noyana / Come, come ye saints." The opening of the song translated from Zulu asks "Are you going?" and in combining with the gospel hymn "Come, come ye saints" made for an inspirational backdrop to the evneing ... instead of asking just "are you going" it becomes "let us go together" in our spiritual journey to see Jesus. Click the link below to watch the short video capturing some of the evening as we learned more about shining with the light of Jesus.

>> VBS Highlights


Welcome John Chase As Our Guest Organist

While Daniel is away on vacation, we are thrilled to have John Chase filling in at the organ bench for us. John, Lori, and their children have been members of the parish for many years and it's a real treat to have John step in when Daniel is away. This weekend's hymns will focus on those patriotic prayers and John's rendition of "America the Beautiful" is absolutely amazing - you definitely do not want to miss this Sunday!

Summer Outreach

“Summertime, … and the livin’ is easy.” 

So the saying goes, but summertime is not so easy for the more than 8,600 Forsyth County low-income students who lose access to breakfast, lunch and after-school meals. Please help these kids by purchasing food items (suggested below) and placing them in the brown wicker basket in the Narthex. Needed items include: pancake mix and syrup, tomato soup, single serve snack crackers, variety pack of cold breakfast cereals, pack of individual applesauce or fruit cups, single -serve cups of shells and cheese, 1-pound packages of rice and/or pasta, cans of tuna or chicken. Your food donations will be transported weekly to The Place. If you have any questions about this program or have an interest in learning more about The Place, please contact Tom Dillon (770-888-3073).  

Serving On Sundays

Click the link below to volunteer to serve as Lector, Chalice Bearer, Acolyte, Thurifer, or Subdeacon at the 8.30 and/or 11.00 Masses. New volunteers are always welcome! Speak with Father Tripp or our verger, Jerry Adams, after Mass with any questions.

We would love to have more volunteers in all positions!!

Sunday Rota


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