Connecting Our Community with Christ


For 40 years we have stood

as a mighty tree in our community:

Strong and rooted,

Soaring and reaching,

Vibrant and fruitful,

Sheltering and comforting.

 In worship this Sunday

July 2, 2023

Preacher: Rev. Jeff Day

Liturgist: Dave Adams

Usher: Sherry Hutchinson

Refreshments: Mike and Connie Leonard

Communion Servers: Mike and Connie


Flowers this Sunday

are dedicated to the glory of God and

in gratitude for his blessings

by Bill and Barb Pfeifer.

If you would like to participate with Highland Presbyterian Church remotely, we will stream this Sunday's service (9:30 a.m.) on our facebook page,

Immediate Church Family*: 

Bill and Billy Lewis; Dudley Payton; Bill Pfeifer; and Skippy Thompson.

Extended Church Family*:

Shelli Carpenter (friend of the Leonards); Austin Casey (Jack and Betty Bagent’s grandson); Ellie and Gigi Casey (Jack and Betty Bagent's granddaughters); Mary Lane Day (Jeff Day’s sister); Rachel Eastman (Jack and Betty Bagent's grand-daughter); Tim Hampton; Hugh and Pat Huffman (former members of HPC); Rene Johnson (friend of Jeff Day); David Leak (friend of the Leonards); Marilyn Lewis (Bill and Billy Lewis’ daughter-in-law); Donna Lowry (Robert Lowry's wife); Dee Merchant; Don Morgan (friend of the Bagents); Aleta Pickholtz; Mike Reimringer (Barb Pfeifer's nephew); Richard Waldrop (friend of Jay Nesom); and Larry Wilcoxson (friend of the Leonards). 

*New names added to the prayer list this week are in italics. 


July 2 - 8 - Betty Bagent (6)


July - none

Boys' basketball team continues on to next level of competition in Las Vegas.

Congratulations are in order for the boys' basketball team of House of Refuge Sports Academy! They have been successful in Cincinnati and are invited to move on to the next level of competition in Las Vegas, NV, July 16. If you would like to help in furthering them on their journey, please contact Rev. Jeff Day.


In the Pulpit this Sunday

Rev. Jeff Day will be in the pulpit this Sunday. His sermon is titled "The Given Glory" and is based on John 17:20-23 and Psalm 133.

This week at HPC:

Monday, July 3:

12:00 p.m. AA


Tuesday, July 4: Independence Day

(office closed)

12:00 p.m. AA

Wednesday, July 5:

12:00 p.m. AA

7:00 p.m. Ladies’ AA

Thursday, July 6:

12:00 p.m. AA

8:00 p.m. Men’s AA

Friday, July 7:

12:00 p.m. AA

Saturday, July 8:

Sunday, July 9:

9:30 a.m. Worship

7:00 p.m. AA

About HPC
Highland Presbyterian Church is a vibrant tree in God's grace-filled orchard. Deeply rooted in God's life-giving presence here on earth, this tree extends its branches to support one another in faith and reach into the world around it to produce fruit. Whether you are seeking God's presence through questions or service, discussion or fellowship, there is a home for you at Highland.
Connecting with Highland Presbyterian Church
office: 766-5775 (please leave a message)
emergency: Elder Louise Dye (H) 767-3091, (C) 337-6390
Elder Connie Buck (H) 769-2756, (C) 975-2862