March 14, 2022


The landscape just keeps getting more and more beautiful. As the snow continues to fall it is a much greater effort and to forge through areas that have not been plowed or shoveled, oh but the challenge of the adventure is inevitable. We had bought some snowshoes a while back when we were invited to go on a snowshoe hike, but it ended up that the trail was groomed and we didn’t need them after all.  But now the time had come to try em out.  

It was a workout just to put them on but then walking in them was a whole other story.  I decided to make a trail in my backyard,  and the learning curve was slight but the exercise was a big surprise.

Snowshoes have basically three different parts; 1) the frame, a large footprint that spreads the weight out 2) the cleats which give you traction and 3) the bindings which are adjusted to fit each user connecting whatever boot or shoe they have on. The main function of the snowshoe is to prevent you from sinking into the snow by floating along the surface and keeping you on top of the snow.

Now ask yourself a minute…what is one of God’s purposes for us? Other than loving him and enjoying him forever; isn’t it to help us through difficult situations? To be our frame.To help us spread/carry the weight of the trials that seem to constantly bombard us: whether it is health, finances, relationships, overwhelming situations or a basic need of support and wisdom.

When I went back over the trail that I had made with my snowshoes, wearing only my boots, I sank so deep that I hardly could crawl out. When we depend on our own weight, that is when we begin to sink.  Everyday we need God’s support and when we are actively seeking it and expecting it, that is when we establish a relationship with Christ that carries us through the deep snow covered trenches of life.  He helps us to float through them.  

He gives us the cleats of faith to dig in and have confidence that his strength is made even stronger in our weakness.   God is a force beyond our imagination; he clings tight to what he has planned and the blessings he has for each of us.  He bears down and holds us close, and grips up when we are unsteady. 

Regarding the bindings; we are all different and so are the variations of out trials.  And it is probably not a good idea to compare ours with others for we also each have different styles of dealing with stuff.  The bindings are indicative of how we are strapped into the promises and true and unconditional love of God for each of us no matter where we are in life or what we have done or not done.  In order for the bindings to properly do their job, they have to be securely tightened so that the footing will not be able to sway away from the  frame. As it is with us, the more secure and trusting we are in our faith the better we are able to float through problems and circumstances. 

Just one more thing on these snowshoes….it is really hard to go backwards…you can take the thoughts from there without further explanation except to say…leave the past behind and forging forward with God’s help is our best bet on staying afloat.  Also add a “T” at the end of forge and what do you get?

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Psalm 68:19
Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior who daily bears our burdens. 

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
Dear Lord, Thank you that you are not only willing but able to
carry our burdens if only we will allow you to be our guide and trust you to lead us in a way that is glorifying to you. Amen

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!
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