The Clean Water Pod

Season 3, Episode 2:

City of Boise Reaps Savings Offsetting Phosphorus Pollution at Idaho’s Dixie Drain Facility

Join podcast host Jeff Berckes to explore the Clean Water Act!

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Boise River Idaho

Aerial view of the Boise River and downtown Boise, Idaho.

Host Jeff Berckes speaks with water professionals from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the city of Boise about their creative approach to the Lower Boise River Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for nutrients. The city of Boise found an atypical way to meet pollutant reductions identified in the TMDL 40 miles downstream from their wastewater treatment facilities. The location of the Dixie Drain Phosphorus Removal Facility provides a unique opportunity to offset phosphorus inputs to the river system from multiple sources. Instead of more expensive treatment at the wastewater plants, the downstream facility maximizes phosphorus removal from sources along the river’s corridor.

About our guests:

Troy Smith is the Wastewater Compliance Bureau chief at the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.

Lauri Monnot serves as the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program (IPDES) municipal permit writer with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.

Haley Falconer is the senior manager of Water Renewal Programs with the City of Boise, Idaho.

Kate Harris is the Water Quality Programs manager for the City of Boise, Idaho.

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About the Clean Water Pod

Through perspectives and stories from across the country, the “Clean Water Pod” explores the challenges and successes of restoring and protecting water quality. Season three is focused on innovative solutions within the Clean Water Act 303(d) Program.

This podcast is funded by a grant through the U.S. EPA and produced by Flip the Field and NEIWPCC.

Share Your Clean Water Success Stories!

NEIWPCC is collecting and producing stories highlighting Clean Water Act 303(d) program successes as part of an EPA grant. Contact Beth Malcolm to learn more about opportunities to share your success stories.

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