September 2, 2022

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September 5, 2022 — LABOR DAY - NO SCHOOL.

September 13, 2022 — Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

September 20, 2022 — Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

More event information can be found at:

In observance of Labor Day, Kings Local Schools will be closed on Monday, September 5, 2022. We will return to school on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Enjoy your long weekend!

Kings Operating Levy Information

The Kings Local School District has a 6.4 mill Operating Levy on the November 8, 2022 ballot.

Inequities in the Ohio school funding system drive some school districts, particularly capped districts like Kings, to have to mount ongoing and frequent local funding campaigns to offset losses of owed state funds.

  • This Operating levy on the ballot will generate approximately $7,500,000 annually beginning in 2023.
  •  It will cost community members $224 annually or $18.67 monthly for every $100,000 of true home value.

As you may recall, Kings was on the ballot in 2020 for a bond levy which failed. This Operating Levy is different from the 2020 levy..

What is the difference between a bond and a levy?

Bonds = buildings, Levies = learning and operations

Simply stated, levies are for learning, and bonds are for building. Levies and bonds are used for different things.

Levy dollars pay for educational programs and day-to-day operations of schools, including:

  • Teacher and staff support
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Classroom supplies, textbooks, and equipment
  • Utilities and Insurance
  • Safety and security staff

The last Operating levy that local voters approved for Kings Local Schools was in 2016.

Bond dollars pay for:

  • New construction
  • Replacement schools
  • Building upgrades, e.g., new roofs, heating and cooling systems
  • Safe and secure entrances
  • Remodeling and expansion

Community members are encouraged to visit our Levy FAQ page to learn more. We will continue to add questions to this page as we receive them. 

If you would like to learn more about the Operating Levy, please contact Kings Treasurer, Mike Morrow at

Kings Hires Safety & Security Officers

The Kings District has hired two campus security personnel to offer unarmed security patrol and other security services to the District.

We give a big Knight welcome to Chad Caudell and Veronica Mitchell who will be housed on the Kings High School and Kings Junior High School campus. They will help to maintain a safe and orderly school environment by reporting any criminal activity to the SRO and Administration.

Chad is a retired Police Officer of 26 years. He is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati, where he majored in Criminal Justice. He and his wife, Leslie, a second-grade teacher at J.F. Burns Elementary have 4 children. In his free time, he enjoys doing anything outdoors, watching football, and spending time with his family.

Veronica is a life-long Cincinnati resident. She received a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Cincinnati. Veronica is no stranger to KHS. She has served as a Paraprofessional for the last 4 years. 

If you see Mr. Caudell or Ms. Mitchell around the District, be sure to say hi!

Kings Board Member Receives State Award

Congratulations to our own Kings Board of Education member, Peggy Phillips, a recipient of the 2022 Ohio School Boards Association Aptitude Award.

The OSBA Aptitude Award is a distinct award and is part of OSBA’s new STAR Awards Program. STAR stands for service, training, aptitude, and recognition.

The OSBA Aptitude Award is presented to a very select group. Of the more than 3,400 board members in Ohio, only 38 will receive the honor in 2022. The OSBA Aptitude Award requires a board member to demonstrate an understanding and comprehension of a variety of board governance skills based on six leadership areas: vision, accountability, policy, community engagement, relationships, and advocacy.  

Mrs. Phillips takes her position on the Kings Board of Education seriously. She has been an elected member of the Board since 2016. She attends meetings, participates in professional development events and activities offered by OSBA and the National School Boards Association (NSBA), and can be seen regularly attending Kings events.

Mrs. Phillips will be officially recognized at the OSBA Southwest Region Fall Conference on Thursday, October 13 at the Greene County Career Center in Xenia.


Mrs. Phillips, your efforts reflect a true commitment to public education and the importance you attach to your role as a school board member. Thank you for your dedication!

Kings Board of Education Information

Find details about upcoming Board of Education meetings, including notices, agendas, and minutes by clicking here.

The Board of Education meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for a Work Session at 5:30 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday of every month for a Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

They will meet for their September Works Session on Tuesday, September 13 at 5:30 p.m.  Click here to watch live.

All meetings are live-streamed on the Kings Youtube channel.

Kings/Hoxworth Blood Drive

It's that time again! The first of two for the 22-23 school year, Kings High School/Jorge Gonzalez Memorial Hoxworth Blood Drive is coming up on Wednesday, September 7 from 10:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. The blood donation will take place in the Kings Junior High School Multi-Purpose Room. 

For those new to Kings, we lost an incredible teacher, colleague, and friend last October to Covid. His name is Jorge Gonzalez. He was a Kings High School Spanish teacher and very passionate about life-saving blood donation.

Jorge started coordinating Hoxworth Blood Drives in January of 2004 and hosted his last one in September 2021. Under his coordination, the drives collected 1262 units of blood; the potential to save the lives of more than 3786 patients – that’s LEGACY! 

Another part of his legacy is the $500 grant KHS received in July from Hoxworth. The grant was provided thanks to the 88 successful blood donations that were made between 08/01/2021 to 05/31/2022. The grant received from Hoxworth will be put in the Jorge Gonzalez Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Let's keep Jorge's legacy alive and thriving! To donate SIGN UP HERE!   

KHS Senior a National Champion

Kings High School Senior Kayley Knollman was named National Champion in the 14-18 yr old category at the United States Dressage Festival of Champions in Chicago, Illinois last weekend.

She competed against nine youth athletes who demonstrated their equitation in rail work and a pattern to show off their riding skills in front of the judges.

Dressage is an Olympic equestrian sport, which is French for “training.” Kayley explains, "It’s basically horse ballet and super hard, which is why I love it!"

Kayley has been riding horses all of her life and is trained by her mother. Her horse's name is JP Zeppelin. 

In order to qualify for the Finals, she was named Reserve Champion at the Semi-Finals in Lexington, Kentucky last October. This winter she will move up to the 16-21 age category called Young Riders when she will compete in Wellington and Ocala, Florida. She is also interested in participating in the U.S. Equestrian European Young Rider tour next summer, which is a traveling tour of 3 U.S. riders that compete around Europe representing the U.S. in high-level, international competitions. 

Kayley is also President of the KHS Spanish National Honor Society this year. Congratulations!

Kings Kloset 

The Kings Kloset is a volunteer-led, nonprofit clothing center that provides free garments and supplies to those in need within the Kings Local School District. On average, the Kings Kloset serves 30-50 individuals a month.

The Kloset is open the first Saturday of every month from 9:00 -11:00 a.m. beginning on September 10. Donations can be dropped off during the Kings Kloset hours. The Kings Kloset is located on the second floor of the Kings Education Center, 1797 King Avenue, Kings Mills, Ohio 45034.

They have very limited space and are only able to take donations that meet the needs of the families they serve. Please refrain from dropping donations at the Kings Education Center. If you have donations, please email 

We appreciate your understanding and support in helping us serve the families in our community in the most efficient way.

Kings Homecoming 5K 

Don't miss the 27th Annual Kings Homecoming 5K Run/Walk and Kids Fun Run! It will take place on Wednesday, September 21 (the week before Homecoming). The Kids Fun Run begins at 5:30 pm and the 5K begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Kings Stadium. The event is sponsored by the Kings Cross County Team.

Register online here or scan the QR code below.

Digital Flyers

In an effort to be "green," the District does not send paper flyers home. We use a platform called Peachjar that houses flyers of community programs and resources. 

Parents receive approved flyers via email, and they are posted on our digital flyerboard for easy retrieval. Any organization can distribute information to our community by creating an account!

Join Our Team!

The Kings Local School District is in need of full and part-time employees.

The following positions are open:

  • Childcare Workers for Kings Kids Before and After School
  • Bus Drivers
  • Cooks, Cashiers, & Food Service Floaters
  • Substitute Teachers & Aides
  • Substitute School Nurses

If you know anyone who might be interested in the following, please ask them to apply online through our website.

Free Books for Children Birth to Age 5

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Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 

Follow Kings Athletics on Social Media

If you aren't following Kings Athletics on Facebook and Twitter, or Instagram you're missing out on some of the great things our student-athletes are doing!

Like and follow them today!

Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
click here to subscribe.

Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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