Week of Respect is an opportunity for New Jersey schools to focus on building and supporting positive school climates for students, staff and your school community!

The week of respect is an excellent opportunity to kick-start year-long campaigns and initiatives. Center for Prevention and Counseling has provided daily themes, social media posts and projects that are easy for Sussex County schools to replicate during Week of Respect.
  • Remember to send us pictures of what your students and staff are doing and we will share your success on social media!

  • Be sure to check out our Pinterest page for even more great ideas, including bulletin board display ideas!
Blue Shirt Day- World Day of Bullying
Monday, October 3th
Blue Shirt Day, World Day of Bullying Prevention is a national initiative held on the first Monday of October. STOMP Out Bullying created this exciting initiative where people are asked to wear a blue shirt in an effort to join together in solidarity to stop bullying and cyberbullying.

Help drive awareness of anti-bullying programs and STOMP Out Bullying in your community!
Social Media Post
If you see HATE online:
  • Speak to an adult you trust
  • Report it
  • Block & delete them

Let's flood the internet with respect & #kindness today & always.

Pajama Day- Put Bullying to Bed!
Ask students and staff to wear their favorite school appropriate pajamas.
Tuesday, October 4th
Promote respect for others by teaching your students about Random Acts of Kindness. These simple tasks including smiling at someone, giving someone a compliment, visiting a sick friend or sharing a snack. All are easy and quick to complete.

Recognize students for their acts of kindness by creating a kindness chain or certificates. Need help coming up with some random acts of kindness projects?

Check out the both the Great Kindness Challenge and Random Acts of Kindness website.

Social Media Post

School is a Safe Place to Be Yourself!
Show Off Your Uniqueness: Ask students and staff to sport their wackiest hair style.
Wednesday, October 5th
Allow children to look forward to being in an encouraging environment that promotes social and creative learning and embraces everyone to be themselves. Rejoice in what makes us each wonderful and different! Students and faculty have the option to display and celebrate differences.

Check out StompOut Bullying's #SeeMe Campaign

Social Media Post

Stand Up Against Bullying
United we stand! Team up against bullying by having everyone wear their school spirit or favorite team jersey.
Thursday, October 6th
Bullying can happen anywhere. Educate your students on what it takes to be an upstander. Encourage students, staff and community members to take the pledge to create a world without bullying through kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Check out this great information from Pacer on Teens Against Bullying.
Social Media Post

Help. Encourage. Respect. Others.
Ask students and staff to dress up as their favorite super hero.
Friday, October 7th
As a school you are part of a greater community, help your students learn to respect the community they live in by completing a service project. Collect donations for the local food pantry, write thank you letters to local first responders, or create decorations for the local nursing home. Check out our Pinterest page for more great service project ideas!
Social Media Post
Alternative Ideas
Anything But a Backpack Day
Suggestion: Middle or High school students
Inside Out Day: Wear your favorite t-shirt backwards
Suggestion: Elementary school
Lesson Plans/Resources
Week of Respect Challenge:
Have students try to accomplish one of the activities list below:
  • Share something positive on social media
  • Create a positive affirmation card tp use when feeling upset
  • Pick up 10 pieces of trash seen around school and throw it out
  • Slip a nice note into your friends backpack or locker
  • Say hello to student you've never meet and ask their name
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”
—Amelia Earhart
Goal of Week of Respect: Provide students with a safe and supportive school environment devoid of harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) encourages academic success and increased social and emotional competence.
Center for Prevention & Counseling Resources
Connect with a Trained and
Certified Recovery Coach 24/7
844-SC-CLEAR (844-722-5327)

SMART Family & Friends THURS. 6-7 PM
Matters of the Heart MON 6-7:30 PM
Families Anonymous THURS 7:30-9 PM
Parents Helping Parents 3rd FRI 6-7:30 PM
Breaking Free TUES 6-7:15 PM
61 Spring Street
Newton, NJ 07860
P. (973) 383.4787
65 Newton Sparta Rd.
Newton, NJ 07860
P. (973) 383.4787