Weekly eNews

February 14, 2025

This Weekend

Sunday Forum

"Faith During Times of Uncertainty"

This Sunday, 9:15 AM

The Rev. Vicki Hesse

Join us for week two as we continue to explore ways to use our faith to guide us during times of uncertainty. Did you know The Book of Common Prayer can help nurture your soul in unexpected ways? This multi-week series will provide practical and helpful ways for you to feed your soul and explore all The Book of Common Prayer has to offer. Join us in-person in the Sanctuary or online.


Valentine's Day 

Pasta Potluck & Live Music

Today - Friday, February 14

4:30 PM - Pasta Making Small Group

5:30 PM - Pasta Potluck

7:00 PM - Live Music

Join us tonight for a fun evening of fellowship! We have several spots still available if you can bring something or you can just bring your appetite. New this year is a small group pasta making experience. Stick around after the Pasta Potluck for live music by Sound Academy. This fun night is a wonderful way to enjoy a great meal, meet new people, and listen to great music!

Register for Pasta Making - $10/couple 
Register for Valentine's Day Pasta Potluck

"Illuminating Justice" in

The Saint John's Bible

This Saturday, February 15

The next quarterly meeting for The Saint John's Bible (SJB) docents - Illuminating Justice - will take place on Saturday, February 15 at 9:30 AM in the Parish Hall. All are welcome as we look at illuminations that speak to justice & mercy in the Bible.

Scout Sunday and Girl Scout Cookie Sales

This Sunday, February 16

Scouts will be recognized at both the 8:00 and 10:30 AM services this Sunday, February 16. All Scouts (current and former - all ages) are encouraged to wear their uniforms. Scouts are invited to participate in the worship service as readers, ushers, acolytes, etc., and current Scouts will receive a special patch during the announcements. Contact Jennie with any questions. Girl Scouts will sell cookies ($5/box) after both services.

Also happening this Sunday, February 16 ...

Cherub Choir Rehearsal 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM in the Sanctuary following the 10:30 AM service. The children will be practicing There is Power in the Name of Jesus.

Newcomer Ambassador Luncheon 12:00 - 1:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room. We are looking for several more people who can help welcome visitors and newcomers. CLICK HERE to RSVP for lunch.

On the Calendar

This Sunday, February 16

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Volunteer to Help with Worship this Sunday
Join an Usher Team

Worship Volunteers Needed

Can you be a greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour? Want to join an Usher Team? Click above to sign up today - thank you in advance!

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Eucharist with Choir

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

Worship Bulletin

Education & More! 

9:15 AM Education for All

Sunday Forum - Faith in Action

- Watch on YouTube 

- Watch on Facebook

Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM.

Join us for Coffee Hour and Fellowship after the service.

 View Weekly Church Calendar

Upcoming Events & Parish Life

Church Office Notices ...

The March & April Archangel Deadline is this Saturday, February 15. Please email are articles and updates.

The Church Offices will be closed on Monday, February 17. However, the building will be open for regularly scheduled events.

RISE Strategic Initiatives

We need your help!

Are you interested in helping shape ministry initiatives at St. Michael's? During the Annual Meeting several weeks ago we shared the exciting RISE strategic initiatives. To get involved all you need to do is click on the button below and let us know which area of ministry you want to help shape. Sign up soon! Committees will start forming in the coming weeks. 

Sign Up for a RISE Committee

Adult Pilgrimage(s)

Information Meeting

Wednesday, February 19

6:00 - 7:15 PM

Have you ever wanted to visit the land of Moses & Joseph? Perhaps you've been itching to walk an ancient pilgrims' route? Join The Rev. Matt Holcombe as he reveals the locations, itineraries, cost, and dates for the next TWO Adult Pilgrimages. If you can't join us in-person, join us on Zoom using the button below.

Pilgrimage Information Zoom Link

Sacred People

Thursday, February 20

The Sacred People Gun Violence Prevention group will meet on Thursday, February 20 from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in the Chapel. Contact Gary or Vicki with any questions. No RSVP required. This group will continue to look at the Diocesan Resolution that encourages faith communities to learn more about the impact on gun violence in our country and how we can respond in faith.

40s & 50s Bowling

February 21, 6:00 PM

We are on a roll! The 40s and 50s previous bowling outing was so much fun they are at it again. Those in their 40s and 50s are invited to join us for an evening of bowling, arcade games, food, drinks and fun at Main Event (formerly The Summit) on Interquest on Friday, February 21 at 6:00 PM.

Sign Up for 40s & 50s Bowling

Creating Space 

February 22, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Creating Space is partnering with Creation Care and Who Gives a Scrap, a craft recycling business, to keep our slightly used but no longer needed craft supplies out of the landfill. Yarn? Paint? Fabric? Whatever? We'll have a "buy-nothing" exchange where you may find one person's trash becomes another's treasure.Then we'll field trip all the unwanted items down to Who Gives a Scrap and maybe enjoy a lunch together.

Couples Retreat

Saturday, February 22 

3:00 - 6:00 PM Retreat 

6:00 - 8:00 PM Dinner On Your Own

RSVP Deadline, February 19   


Join Rev. Matt & Alicia Holcombe for an enriching and rejuvenating couples retreat designed to deepen your relationship and provide practical tools for lasting growth, regardless of how long you’ve been married. Using the trusted Prepare-Enrich program, this retreat offers a Christ-centered approach to understanding your strengths as a couple, areas for growth, and how to develop new skills to enhance your relationship. $35 covers the cost of a pre-retreat questionnaire that must be completed by both individuals. Free child-care provided from 3:00 – 8:00 PM. Questions? Contact Rev. Vicki HesseCouples must RSVP by Wednesday, February 19.

Register for Couples Retreat by February 19

Virtual Compline Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:00 PM

Join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM for Virtual Compline. As The Rev. Vicki mentioned at last week's forum, Compline is a Book of Common Prayer practice that connects generations of God's people. The guided prayer offers peace after a busy day, focuses on holy promises, and builds community. No RSVP is required - just join us via Zoom and pray with us for 10 minutes. Contact Regina Winters for more information. 

Virtual Compline Zoom Link

Music in the Augustan Age

Saturday, February 22, 7:00 PM

Sunday, February 23, 3:00 PM With Amalia Dobbins

Don't miss these beautiful Parish House Baroque concert performances at The Peel House at First Lutheran Church with composers such as Zelenka, Schütz, Hasse, and Heinichen, and works for instruments and voice. There will be two performances - Saturday, February 22 at 7:00 PM and Sunday, February 23 at 3:00 PM. Both feature St. Michael's Director of Music, mezzo-soprano, Amalia Dobbins. Tickets are required.

Purchase Tickets for Augustan Age Concert

Sages & Sprouts

“Juice Box Bash”

February 23, 12:00 - 1:30 PM 

Bring your prayer partner (sage or sprout) for an afternoon of fun, refreshment, fellowship and shared memories. Prayer is a transformative way for people of all ages to be in a relationship with one another, and our Sages & Sprouts Program aims to better connect adults (Sages) and children aged Pre-K - 5th grade (Sprouts). Sign up below.

Sign Up for Juice Box Bash

Widow's Group Brunch Sunday, February 23, 12:00 PM

The February Widow's Group will meet for brunch at the Margarita at Pine Creek restaurant on Sunday, February 23 at 12:00 PM. Please contact MaryDee Weigel to RSVP.

People Who Read

Wednesday, February 26, 6:00 PM

The People Who Read will discuss February's book: Facing the Mountain by Daniel James Brown, on Wednesday, February 26 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. The People Who Read meet every fourth Wednesday - no RSVP is required. Contact Jennie for more information.

Faithful Gardening 101 – Garden Planning and Preparation

Wednesday, February 27

Creation Care (Sweet) Conversations continue February 27 from 6:30 - 8:00 PM with a demonstration from Food to Power on how to successfully plan a vegetable garden in Colorado Springs. From how and when to plant seeds indoors (and out), to proper soil preparation, to water conservation practices, we will all learn together how to faithfully cultivate and care for God’s Creation… and have some great desserts to enjoy together. Please sign-up below. Contact Jon Numair with any questions.

Sign Up for Faithful Gardening

Soli Deo Gloria

Free Choir Performance March 1, 7:00 PM at St. Michael's

Join us at St. Michael's for this special, FREE performance by the Soli Deo Gloria Chamber Singers - "The American Spiritual," on Saturday, March 1 at 7:00 PM. Visit the Soli Deo Gloria website for more information.

Faith Writer's Workshop March 22, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Calling all writers looking to learn and/improve their skills. The Faith Writer's Workshop on Saturday, March 22, is hosted at St. Michael's, and sponsored by Saint John's - Collegeville Institute and Anam Cara Ministries. This workshop features an open cowriting space with optional writing prompts, and a plenary conversation. Space is limited and registration is required. Click below to reserve your space.

Register for Faith Writer's Workshop

Moving Materials Cluttering Your Garage?

If you have extra moving materials, like boxes and packing material, cluttering your garage, St. Mike’s could use them for a current project. For more information, please email or call Linda Page at 719-651-5199.

Monthly Creation Care Tip

Loving the Earth


In this season of Valentines, show your love for the earth by building your awareness! Winter is an excellent time to get more educated about the ways our earth hurts and how we can help heal it. Children’s books like The Lorax and the environmental classic, Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson help “ground” our understanding. Check out this list of Must-Reads or visit this article provided by GreenDreamer: 35 Environmental Organizations and Nonprofits For a Sustainable Future (List and Ways You Can Get Involved).

Quick Links & Key Dates

Birthdays This Week:

February 16 – Diana Fink

February 17 – Carmen Kolodzej

February 17 – Caleb Trevillian

February 18 – Steve Crowe

February 18 – Thella Geib

February 19 – Lisa Cumby

February 20 – Guy Theriot

February 21 – Nydia Segal

February 21 - Ella Wandfluh

February 21 – Carissa Warren

February 22 – Dan Shepherd

Anniversaries This Week:

February 18 - Christine & Henry Hudson

St. Michael's Episcopal Church

7400 Tudor Road

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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