United Way of Charlotte County

Mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty.

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June Newsletter

A Focused Community Strategy

UWCC releases strategic priority areas.

Basic needs such as food, childcare, housing and financial assistance are a requirement before someone can take steps towards planning ahead. UWCC has prioritized these basic needs through United at Work, Season of Sharing and VITA, as well as through providing grant funding to local programs that offer this type of support for Charlotte County residents.

UWCC will continue to prioritize basic needs in our community.

Click here to read the full column from the Daily Sun.


See the BIG picture

Here are more details on the programs UWCC will be funding based on this new, focused, community strategy.

June 3, A Focused Community Strategy

June 10, 2023 Three Sides to the Story

June 17, 2023 Now I See

June 24, Affinity for Impact

Recently we attended the United Way State Leadership Conference in Orlando and were inspired to bring back to our office successful programs, challenging goals and new ways to serve our community.

Executive Director, Angie Matthiessen was asked to be on a panel regarding Disaster Preparedness Recovery. There was a lot of great information shared on unexpected disasters as well as man-made disasters.

The Panel (far right photo): Kathleen Cannon-CEO United Way Broward County,  Angie Matthiessen, Kristin Day-Disaster Resiliency Manager UWW, Meghan Foley-Associate Director of Disaster Recovery United Way of Palm Beach County and Melissa Nelson CEO United Way of Florida

United at Work at a Glance

If you are working in Charlotte County, you need to read this! You are eligible to apply for United at Work, no matter your current income. We are providing hurricane-related financial assistance to all employees in Charlotte County.

If you would like to contribute to this fund, your gift helps keep Charlotte County running!

Click here for United at Work

Better Together

Our campaign year successfully ended on March 31, 2023 and we are extremely grateful to all of you in Charlotte County.

You have helped us pick up the pieces and build it better together. Thank you for volunteering, sponsoring, donating and being there!
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