The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region

June 16, 2023 - 27 Sivan 5783

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From our Region President

Dear Friends,

This week’s Parashat Shlach, tells the story of the twelve spies who were sent by Moses to scout out the land of Canaan before the Israelites were to enter and posses it. However, when they returned, ten of the spies brought back a negative report, which instilled fear and doubt in the hearts of the Israelites. Only two, Joshua and Caleb, spoke positively about what they saw and expressed faith in God’s promise to deliver the land to them. As a consequence of their lack of faith in God, the Israelites were condemned to wander in the wilderness for another 38 years until that generation had died off and consequently did not enter the Promised Land.


One of the central themes in Parashat Shlach is the power of perspective. The spies were given a mission to assess the land and its inhabitants and return with an accurate report. However, ten of them allowed fear and a skewed perspective to cloud their judgement. They focussed on the obstacles and challenges rather than trusting in God’s promise even though they had recently witnessed so many miracles. This lack of faith led to a rebellion against Moses and Aaron and ultimately resulted in their inability to enter the Promised Land.


This theme is seen in today’s world as well. Do we not face challenges and obstacles in our lives that can lead us to adopt a negative perspective? Just like the ten spies, we may allow fear, doubt, or pessimism to cloud our judgment and prevent us from moving forward. We may focus on the difficulties and lose sight of the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead.


However, Parashat Shlach reminds us that our perspective has a profound impact on our actions. Joshua and Caleb saw the same land and the same challenges as the other spies, but they chose to see things from a positive perspective. They trusted in God’s promise and had faith that the obstacles could be overcome. Their perspective not only distinguished them from the other spies but revealed their leadership qualities and in the end, they were allowed to enter the Promised Land.


In our own lives, it is essential to foster a positive perspective, even in the face of challenges. We cannot ignore the difficulties we meet, but we must choose to focus on the potential for growth, learning and change. A positive perspective allows us to face adversity with determination and faith.


Parashat Shlach teaches us about the power of perspective and the importance of faith. It challenges us to examine our own attitudes and perspectives and encourages us to choose faith over fear and positive action over helplessness. By embracing these lessons, we can face the challenges of today’s world with confidence, hope and belief in the promise of a better tomorrow.

Shabbat Shalom,

Marilyn Cohen

Region President

Region & Other Matters


Did you know that Monday is a day called Juneteenth? In 2021, the United States officially established this federal holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. It is known as Juneteenth National Independence Day, or Juneteenth for short, observed on June 19th every year.

Some US Jewish communities have observed this holiday for years, but for many, this is a relatively new practice. How might congregations, communities, and individuals explore and observe this day? Read this article on ‘Exploring Judaism’s’ website to learn more about the various ways congregations are bringing Juneteenth onto the bimah.


Convention ’23

Convention is just over four weeks away and we are getting very excited. If you are not coming in person, please do consider attending virtually. Read the Shabbat Message below from Lois Silverman and Ilene Rothman, WLCJ Communications Co-Chairs, on the value of being a virtual delegate to Convention. The Convention Registration Deadline is June 28, 2023. No

in-person registrations will be accepted after June 28. Virtual registration will continue up through the start of Convention.

Convention Website & Registration
Convention Schedule at a Glance

To honor our “Sisters Celebrating Together” and to raise funds in support of the Women’s League mission, Women’s League is again producing a Virtual Ad Journal. This Virtual Ad Journal will play throughout Convention 2023 and then continue on the WLCJ website until the next Convention.


Please consider recognizing your Jewels in the Crown Sisterhood, the Incoming and Outgoing Executive Committee and International Board members with an ad in the Virtual Journal. Your ad will bring them pleasure and honor and will convey that their dedication to the Women’s League mission is truly appreciated.


We are delighted to acknowledge the Jewels in the Crown awardees in our International Northeast Region. Mazal Tov to:

Beth David Women, Toronto Ontario

Beth Tikvah Women, Toronto Ontario

Temple Beth El, Rochester New York,

Women’s Network of Temple Beth Tzedek, Williamsville New York


Don’t forget to make your donation to The Gift of a Healthy Birth. Convention 23’s Social Action project will support the Shifra and Puah Maternity Center in Uganda. Further details are in the flyer below. As I have said previously, individual gifts and gifts from your Sisterhood/Affiliate are all welcome.


Todah Rabah and

Shabbat Shalom



From our Torah Fund Vice President

Our 2022-2023 Chazak v'Ematz Campaign

Be Strong and Courageous

Woo-hoo! Ladies, we not only met our assigned goal for INR’s Torah Fund donations for the Chazak v’Ematz campaign, but we also exceeded it. Our goal was $26,155.00, and we, pooling resources, across the region, raised $27,183.00! And these numbers are as of mid-May. Some affiliates went over their goals, others were a bit short, but together we are stronger than ever. Thank you for your continued support of Torah Fund. Remember all donations, large and small, make a difference to the students at our five institutions of higher learning.


If you have any further donations to submit, please do so as soon as possible so they will be credited to this campaign. 


On July 1, 2023, we will begin all over again with a new campaign (and a new pin). Watch for news to become fully public soon (although, yes, there have been some leaks). Any donations received after the books are closed on the current campaign will be credited to the new campaign. Just as we finish reading the Torah and begin anew, when one Torah Fund campaign ends, another begins.


As a region, we also contributed $86 to the ongoing Spaces campaign. The special project, Creating New Spaces, will equally fund two important projects: A “Women’s League Study Space” in the new undergraduate residence hall at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and a special course of training for rabbinical students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, entitled “Women’s League Institute on Gender Bias and Harassment.” Our goal is to raise $200,000.00 that will be split equally between the two projects. To date, the total raised toward this goal is $140,878.00, with $59,122.00 still needed to bring this project to fruition.


If you wish to support Spaces, simply write “Spaces” on your check/cheque or make your donation through the online links.


In the US, the proper link is: Donate to Torah Fund (


For US ecards, start here: Torah Fund eCards – Send an eCard to a loved one. (


In Canada, start with the ecards link and then make an additional donation: Canadian eCards – Torah Fund eCards (


Remember that we are celebrating the 80th anniversary of Torah Fund and donors of an additional $80.00 will be acknowledged at convention.

Have you thought about joining the Torah Fund Legacy Society? The goal is to reach 80 members by the convention. We are so close with 74 commitments. Learn more here: Torah Fund Legacy Society - Jewish Theological Seminary (


Don’t forget that paper cards are available from your local Torah Fund Chair and the chairs can order more cards by using the handy order form. If you need the form, let me know.


We’ve been under a cloud of haze and smoke in recent days, but our support of Torah Fund glows brightly. For all you do to help our students, todah rabah, thank you, merci. Each gift is significant no matter the size.


Comments? Questions? Need help?

Linda Boxer

INR Torah Fund VP

From Women's League:

We continue to update our website calendar on a regular basis. If you do not find programs on this newsletter, please go to the website calendar which is updated regularly: WLCJ Website Calendar

Shabbat Message

The Value of Being a Virtual Convention Delegate

Feel our Ruach via the Internet

One of the positive outcomes from the pandemic was the improvement in technology to make virtual meetings productive, efficient, and legitimate, and to get people together virtually for all kinds of purposes. Therefore, even if you cannot attend this year’s Women’s League Convention in Schaumburg, IL in person, you can still connect, learn, celebrate, and even feel the Ruach with us via Zoom. The virtual registration fee is just $250.


Connect with Us

The opening and closing plenary sessions and featured speakers will be livestreamed. Hear about the State of the WLCJ organization and plans for the future. Listen to Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson and Chancellor Shuly Rubin Schwartz speak about the challenges and successes of the Conservative/Masorti Movement. 


Connect with our Masorti World Community around the globe. Did you know that Conservative Judaism outside North America is known as Masorti? Participate LIVE in the Rosh Chodesh service at the Wall in Jerusalem with our Women of the Wall. Join in Tefillot with our women’s minyan during the B’not Mitzvah service and closing plenary.


Learn with Us

Some of the Women’s League Leadership workshops are being broadcast via Zoom. This includes the Sisterhood President workshop. Learn about and support The Gift of a Healthy Birth provided by the Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center in Uganda. Find out what Women’s League is doing to create a stronger bond with our Masorti sisters.


Celebrate with Us

Rejoice with our 2017-2020 Leadership and 2018-2021 Region Presidents. Thank and celebrate our outgoing Women’s League Executive Committee led by outgoing International President Debbi Kaner Goldich and congratulate our incoming leadership led by incoming International President Julia Loeb. 


Participate in the Monday morning B’not Mitzvah service and celebration when 30 women will be called to the Torah will lead the service. Many will read Torah for the first time. These women first came together almost three years ago with the formation of a Women’s League adult Bat Mitzvah class. 


Applaud our Sisterhood Affiliates as they are recognized for their hard work with the Jewels in the Crown award. Several of the creative programs will be presented during a breakout session.


Join in the 80-year celebration of Torah Fund supporting the five Conservative/Masorti Seminaries training our clergy and lay leaders for future generations. The guest speaker will be Samson Nderitu, a student at the Ziegler School, from Kenya. There will also be a video featuring the leaders of all five Conservative/Masorti Seminaries. Current Torah Fund Legacy Society members and Plus 80 contributors will be recognized after a brief Torah Fund Stands with Israel program. 


Of course, nothing can substitute for the Ruach felt at the in-person convention. However, the pandemic has taught us that education, friendships and even Ruach can be fostered via the internet.


Looking forward to being with you at WLCJ Convention 2023 July 16-19, 2023, if not in-person, at least online.

Convention Registration Deadline: June 28, 2023

No in-person registrations will be accepted after June 28. Virtual registration will continue up to the start of Convention.

Register for Convention

Want to place a virtual Journal Ad?

Place Journal Ad

Ilene Halem Rothman

WLCJ International Board Vice President

WLCJ Communications Co-Chair

WLCJ Convention 2023 Communications Co-Chair

Lois T. Silverman

WLCJ Communications Co-Chair

WLCJ Convention 2023 Communications Co-Chair

Pre-Order WLCJ 5784 Calendar Diaries

Calendar Diaries are available for pre-orders.

All orders will ship before the end of June.

Pocket Size = $11.00

Planner Size = $26.00


Contact the office for quantities over 10. 


Order Online
Mail-In Form

All those who are attending

 Convention will receive their Calendar Diaries at Convention.

For those in Canada, you will also receive your Calendar Diaries at Convention, or from someone who is attending Convention.

WLCJ Convention 2023

Convention 2023 Registration Deadlines

Convention Registration Deadline: June 28, 2023

No in-person registrations will be accepted after June 28.Virtual registration will continue up to the start of Convention.

Convention Cancellations: Requests for cancellation must be emailed to Razel Kessler at by June 28, 2023. All cancellations will be assessed a $200 fee.

Hotel Reservations: Room rates of $139/night are guaranteed until June 16, 2023. Hotel reservations should be made directly with the hotel by going to this link:

Register Today

Join us in Schaumburg, Illinois this July 16-19,

for WLCJ Convention 2023!

Place a Journal Ad
Register for Convention

Convention 2023 Creative Judaic Arts Workshops

Convention 2023 Creative Judaic Arts Workshop (In-Person Sessions)

Presented by Jody Glass, Women’s League Creative Judaic Arts Chair


Sunday, July 16, 1:30 – 3:00 pm CT

Monday, July 17, 9:00 – 10:30 pm CT



Post-Convention 2023 Creative Judaic Arts Workshop (Zoom Session)

Presented by Jody Glass, Women’s League Creative Judaic Arts Chair


Thursday, August 24, 8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT

The Hamsa dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. The word hamsa comes from the Hebrew word hamesh, which means five. Sometimes known as the Hand of Miriam, Moses’ sister, or the Hand of Fatima, Mohammed’s daughter, it is believed to protect against the evil eye and all negative energies.

You will have fun creating your string art Hamsa with a coordinating border.


This project is easy to complete whether in person or at home.

The kit includes all supplies and instructions needed.

We promise, this project will not leave you in knots!


Order deadline is June 15th.


Materials Cost: $12.00

Shipping/Freight Cost: $7.00


*Materials ordered by Canadian Members will be picked up at Convention by Canadian delegates to be distributed once back in Canada, post Convention. The freight cost will cover the transportation of the materials from Chicago to Canada. 



  • In order for Canadians to receive their hamsa kits, after Convention, shipping/freight must be paid
  • The July 16,17 Convention workshops will only be accessible to in-person delegates during Convention




Jody Glass

Order Supplies for July 16/17 Workshops
Order Supplies for August 24 Workshop

WLCJ 2023 Convention Social Action Project: Our Shifrah and Puah Project - GIVING THE GIFT OF A HEALTHY BIRTH

In the Torah Portion, Terumah: Exodus 25:1-27:19   God tells Moses to collect donated materials to build a dwelling place for God called the Mishkan or Tabernacle. God describes how to build all the things that will fill the Mishkan - the ark, table, menorah, and sacrificial altar, and the Mishkan’s walls and curtains.

The Shifra and Puah Maternity Center in Uganda was “built” in July 2018, due to the efforts of an Israeli nurse and midwife, Ilana Shemesh, who wanted to improve the maternal and infant mortality rates in Uganda.


Through donations, this center serves the women of Mbale and its neighboring villages and has a multi-denominational clientele and staff of Jews, Christians, and Muslims.


All services provided by the center are completely free of charge to encourage women to come in for prenatal, birth and post-partum services rather than going through their pregnancies unassisted. The center is dependent on donations. That’s where we come in.


March 8th was International Women’s Day, a National Holiday in Uganda. Help us support the women of Uganda and the work that was started in 2018. With your donation, or your Sisterhood’s donation, we can help maintain and improve the degree of health and wellbeing of the women and their babies of Abayadaya, Uganda.


Here is the recent category added:


  • $126.00, you can cover the costs of mosquito netting and Malaria treatment and medications - Pitocin, iron pills and infusion solutions; for all pregnant women to prevent stillbirths, prematurity births, and poor fetal growth for an entire MONTH.


Here are just a few other examples of what we can help cover with your donations:


  • $18.00, you can cover a woman’s cost to get an ultrasound during her pregnancy and to have her baby delivered at the Center.
  • $36.00, you can cover the costs of the sanitary napkins necessary after each delivery for an entire MONTH.
  • $72.00, you can cover the costs of the laundry service to keep the sheets, towels and gowns clean for each delivery for an entire MONTH
  • $108.00, you can cover the MONTHLY costs of supplying each mother with three sets of baby outfits and one blanket; otherwise, they only have rags to wrap their baby in.


These are just a few examples of what we can do with your donations. With your donation, whatever the amount, you will help greatly.

Please Donate Today

You can go to the Women’s League website, click on the Convention 2023 Special Project button at the top menu. From there you'll be able to donate by category or by amount. Thank you for your support of GIVING THE GIFT OF A HEALTHY BIRTH.



Ellen & Randy

Ellen Grossman

WLCJ 2023 Convention 2023 Social Action Project Co-Chair

Randy Schwartz

WLCJ 2023 Convention 2023 Social Action Project Co-Chair

Women’s Study Day - Friday, June 16 @ 1:30 AM - 7:30 AM ET


WOW - Rosh Chodesh Tammuz - Tuesday, June 20 @ 12:00 AM ET

Join Women of the Wall for Rosh Chodesh Tammuz - 

Tuesday, June 20 at 12:00AM ET

Join Facebook LIVE
Support Women of the Wall

A Health and Wellness Message - COVID-19 Bivalent Boosters

We were delighted in late 2020 when the first COVID-19 vaccines were approved for use and over the next year, so many people took advantage of the ability to be protected from the ravages of the pandemic. In May of 2023, both the World Health Organization and the United States declared the end of the pandemic state of emergency. However, we know that the COVID-19 virus continues to circulate and continues to cause infections and deaths.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US has updated vaccination guidelines. The initial vaccines used in the fight against COVID-19 are no longer in use in the US. The original Pfizer/BioNtech and Moderna vaccines are no longer available and instead there are newer bivalent versions which better protect against the circulating variants. In addition, the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine is no longer available at all. 


The current guidelines call for all individuals age six years and older to receive at least one dose of the bivalent Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna bivalent vaccine regardless of whether they received any of the original vaccines or how many they received. People aged 65 and up may get one additional does at least four months after their first dose of an updated COVID-19 vaccine. People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised may get one additional dose two months or more after the last dose of updated Covid-19 vaccine. They should speak to their physician for more specific guidance. 


In Canada as of March of 2023, bivalent COVID-19 vaccines were listed as the preferred vaccinations for use against COVID-19.


Why is this important? It is important to help keep us all safe, to minimize hospitalizations, severe illness, and the spread of this virus. It is also important for those who are planning to attend large gatherings such as our long-awaited Convention! So if your last dose of a COVID-19 vaccine was in 2021 or in the spring of 2022, this means you have not had an updated or bivalent vaccine. You should put it on your to-do list!


If you have questions, please contact your physician. I wish you all good health and look forward to seeing many of you at Convention!


Dr. Mindy Steinholz

Health and Wellness Chair

Weekly Words of Torah

Parashat Sh'lach – June 17, 2023


Parashat Sh’lach tells the story of the spies going into the land of Israel, to scout out what the people and area were like, and then report back to Moses what they saw. All the spies except two, Joshua bin Nun and Caleb ben Yefuneh said that the people were like giants, and they did not give a favorable report; in fact they were very negative. However, Joshua and Caleb brought back grapes and said that the land was indeed flowing with milk and honey. They were positive, and did not scare the children of Israel. What kind of leader do you strive to be - positive or negative ? What kind of leader do you think gets more accomplished? Which of these spies showed leadership skills - those who followed the crowd, or Joshua and Caleb, who went against the majority of the spies? It is often hard to voice a contrary opinion, and it takes great strength and courage, as exemplified by Joshua and Caleb. May we follow the example of Joshua and Caleb, voicing our opinions, even if we know there are those who will disagree with us.  Chazak v’Ematz - Be Strong and Courageous! 

More Weekly Words of Torah

Makom B'Yachad

A virtual service for our WLCJ Sisters to recite Mishaberach, the Prayer for Healing, recite the Psalm of the Day, study and recite Kaddish together.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

9 AM PT; 10 AM MT; 11AM CT; 12 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 630 830 287

Password: 875936

Join on Zoom

Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish?

Sign Up

Project Stock the Shelves

Your contribution will help reduce food insecurity among our neighbors

If you’ve been shopping recently, you can’t help but notice how much the cost of food has gone up. Please consider contributing a Kosher item to your pantry collection this month.

Debbie Bettan

Social Justice Project Chair

Karen Block

Social Justice Co-Chair

Ardis Wexler

Social Justice Co-Chair

Learn More


Join the WL PrezNet

Toby Maser

PrezNet Moderator

Email Toby:

WLCJ-FJMC Inclusion Resource Book

Download the Inclusion Resource Guidebook
Learn More and Download Resources

WLCJ 5783 Calendar Diaries - Clearance Sale

We are not accepting mail-in order forms for this item as of now. Please place your order online or by calling (405) 870-1260.

Learn More & Order Online

Ongoing WLCJ Happenings

The cost for the weekly questions email and hard-cover book is currently $99. For more information and to receive a $10 discount click below:

Women's League for Conservative Judaism gets a donation by using the link.

Learn More

Cory Schneider

Archives Chair & Consultant

Past International President

Administrator, Torah Fund Legacy Society


We brought back the WLCJ App.

It's available for download on all devices (iPhone/iPad/Google Play/Android).

WLCJ Website

The Women's League website now is available in all languages.


Visit our website:

Visit Us

Society of Kolot BiK’dusha

Be a part of our society of Kolot BiK’dushah, which is our way of recognizing our members who have acquired skills as either baalot tefillah (prayer leaders) or baalot kri’ah (Torah readers). 


Do you know of another Sisterhood Affiliate member you would like to nominate?

More information on how to available on our website:

Upcoming Sisterhood/Region Calendar Events & WL Groups to Join


Want to join WLCJNet?

Contact Sherry Lynn Rubin,

Sisterhood Net Chair

Email Sherry Lynn

American Mothers of Olim GoogleGroup

Contact Ellie Kremer,

the WLCJ Israel Committee Chair

by text or email:

Email Ellie

More Sisterhood and / or Region programs

(in-person and virtual)available on:

WLCJ Calendar

Previous WLCJ Programming

Weren't able to join us? Visit our Youtube Channel for more videos. View our past recordings.

Visit Youtube

News from Seminaries WLCJ Supports

God: Unchanging; The Evolution of Torah; and More

Learn More

Hebrew Summer Classes Are Now Live

Learn More

Schechter's Ongoing Hybrid and Zoom Courses in Jewish Literature, Philosophy, Art and History

Learn More

Torah Fund

New Digital Torah Fund eCards Available NOW:

Send a greeting with ecards and support Torah Fund! Make your gift more meaningful by using our ecards for every occasion!

Torah Fund eCards in USA
Torah Fund eCards in CANADA

Dear Torah Fund Leadership Team,


During this 80th anniversary year for Torah Fund, all $80+ donations will be reported and recognized by the Torah Fund office. Please share with us any 80th anniversary events happening in your Region or sisterhood. Also, we would appreciate it if you would forward any invitations, flyers or articles to us so we can share the updates.

Margie and Rita

Co-chairs of the Torah Fund’s 80th anniversary

Margie Miller              Rita Wertlieb

Women of the Wall

All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item.

Order Online

Additional Opportunities

Ensure your congregation applies for ADL’s Kulanu Program: Synagogues in Action Against Antisemitism

ADL, a partner of USCJ, has opened registration for the 5784 cohort of Kulanu, ADL’s no-cost, national synagogue engagement program. This self-paced, customizable program empowers congregations to address antisemitism and hate in their communities through community engagement, advocacy and education. Kicking off after the Yamim Noraim, Kulanu congregations’ leaders (lay, clergy and/or staff) receive exclusive access to ADL resources, content, experts, briefings and program materials, as well as an inspiration library and a network of congregational peers across North America to expand your engagement ideas and learning.

It's a great opportunity for WLCJ members and Sisterhoods to take the lead on engaging their synagogues on such a timely, relevant issue we are all facing in our communities.

Encourage your congregation to apply by June 30, 2023. Reach out to ADL staff with any questions at

You can learn more and find the application here.  

Dear Jewish Leaders,

Are you, your congregation, school, or organization looking for resources for Pride Month, the annual celebration in June that honors the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan which has become a time to focus specifically on LGBTQ+ inclusion? Here is a helpful guide that was compiled by members of the LGBTQ+ Working Group of the Masorti/Conservative Movement’s Social Justice Commission for Pride 2023.


Please note that best practice is to be in a relationship with the queer folks in your community, listen to their experiences, and learn how to best welcome them and the people who support them.

This is just a beginning, there is so much more learning to do and so many other ways to find out more. If you’re interested in getting involved, please reach out to Danit Rothstein or Rabbi Alex Braver. Happy Pride!


Warm regards,

Rabbi Kerry Chaplin and Cantor Sheri Allen

Co-Chairs, Masorti/Conservative Movement's Social Justice Commission's LGBTQ+ Working Group


Pride Guide Committee:

Cantor Paula Pepperstone (Ahavath Achim Congregation, Wichita, KS)

Rabbi Alex Braver (Tifereth Israel, Columbus, OH)

Danit Rothstein (Director of Leadership Development - USY)

Jacki Honig (Student - Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies)

For the past six years, Keshet and USCJ have worked together to deliver Keshet's Shivyon Project cohort for USCJ-affiliated synagogues


Keshet, in partnership with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ), is launching the Shivyon Project cohort for USCJ-affiliated synagogues on February 28! The Shivyon project is a year-long cohort-based opportunity for synagogues that want to focus on creating organizational change in order to better support LGBTQ+ community members and staff. Through the Shivyon Project, a synagogue will gain access to in-depth education, practical training, coaching, skills, and knowledge to spark long-lasting change from congregational policies to the individual experiences of your community’s participants and staff. Check out Keshet's website to learn more and sign up.


If you have questions, please ask Fran Hildebrandt,

Young Professionals Poland Trip

Ramah Israel and Reshet Ramah are partnering to create a meaningful Poland experience for adults in their 20s and 30s. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in this opportunity. 


Dates organized by Ramah Israel and Reshet Ramah to participate in a Poland trip are:


  • August 20-27, 20023
  • December 24-31, 2023
  • May 19-26, 2024


If you are not in this age cohort, click here for information about another adult Poland trip led by Ramah Israel.

Poland Trip Interest Form

The Nefesh B’Nefesh JNF 2022-2023 Ma'alot Grant Program

Go to this LINK for the Ma'alot Grant information. It has details about the application plus a special offer from Rabbi Paul Freedman. He will be delighted to call you if you wish more information.


Is your synagogue considering a Mission to Israel in 2022 or 2023?

Our colleague, Rabbi Paul Freedman ( can offer resources including offers from Masorti Movement, Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center, and Nefesh B’Nefesh with its new Campus (located in the Kiryat Leumi, next to the Jerusalem Supreme Court). Some suggestions translate into budgetary reductions for your Mission especially with the NBN Campus.

New format for our EMagazine - Today’s Israel

Our EMagazine Today’s Israel, has a new format with fewer articles and an emphasis on photos. In this first issue there are three examples describing what Rabbi Paul’s partners, Nefesh B’Nefesh, Masorti and JNF are doing. Without their support, none of the above would be possible. We need your input with suggestions for future issues. Here is the Link. 

Save the Date: September 10, 2023

6th Annual Reverse Tashlich


Add the largest Jewish Community Waterfront Cleanup to your 2023 programming. Register as a community or individual to stay up to date!


Introducing: The Repair the Sea App: Click HERE to Watch Video


Join our international community virtually on the Repair the Sea app.

Sign Up

Reshet Ramah Poland Journey

May 20-26, 2024


Designed for rising Jewish leaders ages 22-30*


On this six-day journey through Poland, our community will explore the cities of Warsaw, Lublin, and Krakow; hold each other up in Zbylitowska Gora—the Children’s Forest, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Treblinka; volunteer in cemeteries and local communities; meet with Jewish and non-Jewish peers; thank some of the families of Poland’s Righteous Among the Nations; and celebrate Shabbat in Krakow with the revitalized Jewish community and the work of the JCC Krakow.


We will work to fulfill our generation’s responsibility to remember, rebuild, and retell.


Please reach out to Adina Scheinberg, National Ramah Program Director, at with any questions. 

Non-Binding Registration Form

Don’t miss this new website – – where people like you can share personal and meaningful Jewish wisdom and reflection in addition to insight on practical living through the lens of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. is a digital home for the Torah of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. While the name of this stream of Judaism was born well over a century ago, in the contemporary world Conservative Judaism is expressed through connection, community, and the creation of meaning.  This lens on Judaism is rooted in the idea that Judaism grows with us, that we’re guided by process, and that there is beauty in the balance.


Join/Renew in USA
Join/Renew in Canada

MERCAZ USA at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress


MERCAZ USA and our international partners made a significant difference and were a LOUD voice for your values at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress held in Jerusalem at the end of April.

  1. The forces fighting for a pluralistic democratic Israel are on the offensive and we won this Congress
  2. The delaying tactics of those who opposed us failed this time
  3. We stood up for MERCAZ USA’s values and our voice was heard loud and clear                  To continue readingclick here.

Valley Beit Midrash

Click on the button to visit website for additional events:

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INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism