University Woman Texas

Volume 74 l Issue 6 l June 2023

Message from the President

As we begin our summer season, we have so many things to be looking forward to. You at the branch level have just finished your election process and your newly elected officers are beginning to plan for the next year. Part of what National is advising us is to reassess what you are doing and see if you can simplify it. Is there really a need to have as many branch meetings as you have each year? If not, slim down the number. Is there really a need to have as many different fund raisers as we do? If not, slim down the number. You can see where I am going. Really look at your structure and see how you can simplify it. 

As I write this, the eight young ladies that the state paid the registration for to the NCCWSL conference are at that conference, I hope they are enjoying it and learning a lot about leadership. I am hoping that they will do a short program for us after they return.

Please read the various articles included about the Regional face-to-face Conference in St. Louis in October. It is going to be a good one. I hope you can go. Our State Conference will be virtual and will be held in April of 2024. We need you to nominate members for state officer positions.

That’s all I have.

Enjoy your summer!

Mary Smith

AAUW Texas President


AAUW BOARD MEETING – Thursday, July 20 – 6:30 p.m.

AAUW BOARD MEETING – Thursday, September 21 – 6:30 p.m.


PROGRAM – Thursday, September 7 – 6:30 p.m.

PUBLIC POLICY – Tuesday, September 12 – 6:30 p.m.

FUNDS – Thursday, September 14 – 6:30 p.m.

MEMBERSHIP AND FINANCE - Tuesday, September 19 – 6:30 p.m.

Legacy Circle

Jackie Littleton

AAUW National Legacy Circle Committee


The new year is promising to be a great year for the Legacy Circle in Texas. Already three AAUW branch members have announced their commitment to our future by including AAUW in their estate planning. Betty Chang, Marilyn Matthews and Stephanie Thacher of Northeast Tarrant County Branch bring our total of Texas members to 47 and Northeast Tarrant County’s Legacy Circle membership to 29!

There are many ways to make a planned gift to AAUW. You can establish a charitable gift annuity or name AAUW as a beneficiary in your will, trust, insurance policy, or individual retirement account, among other options. 

For more information about each giving option, Click Here or contact your Legacy Circle Texas liaison, Jackie Littleton, at Or, speak to one of our Legacy Circle members in your branch.

  • Austin: Anita Knight, Marsha Endahl Kramer, Linda Welsh, Pam Wolfe

  • Lubbock: Lucy Barrington

  • Northeast Tarrant County: Cheryl Butler, Betty Chang, Pat Cheong, Dixie Christian, Jean Dodds, Keith Dodds, Lynn Doyle, Claudia Foreman, Mary Ann Goetz, Anna Holzer, Paula Jernigan, Rosemary Jobe, Illze Kalnajs, Janet Key, Gloria Long, Pat Lucas, Margaret Martin, Martha Matthews, Marilyn Matthews, Lynn Millner, Mimi Nimocks, Ginny Phoenix, Susan Pine, Polly Post, Martha Ragsdale, Diane Siegel, Gayle Smith, Meg Sprenkle, Stephanie Thacher

  • Tarrant County: Barbara Cager

  • Tyler: Sheila Austin, Carol Cushman, Jackie Littleton

  • San Antonio: Cheryl Fuller, Malinda Gaul, Ali Heller, Mynda McGuire, Karen Reichensperger, Pat Sanford

  • Southeast Harris County: Mary Ellen Harris

  • West Harris County: Rose Ennis, Mary Lou Fowler, Margo Johnson

  • National Members: Linda Conger, Lynn Hagan

AAUW Texas Summer

Legislative Update


The 88R Texas Legislature concluded on Monday, May 29, 2023, but at 9:00 p.m. that evening Governor Abbott released his Proclamation for the First 88th Called Special Session, which can last for 30 days. Bills could then be filed immediately, but the Governor's called items, especially those on relieving property taxes and managing the state border, had priority. The Governor could include additional topics to his call at any time. Priority bills had low numbers, and both chambers went right to work on compression bills for tax relief.


Prior to adjournment, both chambers of the Texas Legislature approved the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton. According to the required procedure, the House of Representatives had sent articles of impeachment for the Senate to approve. Then the Senate had elected Senator Charles Schwertner President Pro Tempore and, having received the articles of impeachment, had adopted the rules for Paxton's impeachment trial. The seven member committee selected to conduct the trial included Senator Brian Birdwell (R) as Chair, Senator Juan Hinojosa (D) as Vice Chair, Senator Brandon Creighton (R), Senator Pete Flores (R), Senator Joan Huffman (R), Senator Phil King (R), and Senator Royce West (D). The trial could be scheduled before Monday, August 28, 2023.


Since the impeachment process has begun, the trial will be conducted by the Senate with the senators acting as jurors having to take an oath to be impartial. By state law, two-thirds of the senators present at the trial must vote to convict an impeached state leader, who will then be removed from office permanently.


During the five-month legislative session, the AAUW Texas Public Policy Advisory Committee followed the actions by both chambers and focused on certain priority issues previously determined by our state members. That survey identified the top five subjects as women's healthcare issues, open and fair elections, education-related issues, reduction in gun violence, and pay equity on the state level. Our Lobbyist, Kate Kuhlman, and her staff at HillCo Partners in Austin provided current information about bills to be supported or opposed. When appropriate, the Advisory committee contacted the state membership with recommendations, including numerous Constant Contact email alerts regarding pending bills and actions of other non-partisan advocacy groups. “How to” instructions for using the Texas Legislature Online website (TLO) were added to the AAUW Texas website. Click Here


Thank you for staying in touch with your District Senators and District Representatives during this session! Your support helped make the passage of several important bills, as well as the demise of some undesirable ones. Retired teachers will finally receive a COLA to their pensions and a supplementary check in Sept 2023. Other welcomed actions pertain to the distribution and tax exemption of feminine hygiene products; unwelcomed actions relate to restrictions on books for school libraries and the hiring of chaplains as school counselors. The Governor still has the choice between passing or vetoing the bills he has received. It is also notable that no voucher program or parental savings account plan were passed.


The next quarterly Zoom call for public policy will take place on June 20, 2023 at 6:30 PM, and the link will be sent to interested state members at least a week early. 

For information, please contact Pat Rehm at

When Do Your AAUW Dues Expire?


With the 2022 advent of AAUW’s new Community Hub, the schedule for renewal of dues has changed. In past years, all members had a June 30 renewal date, also called their “Expiration Date.” New members who joined in the Spring months (April, May, and June) were assigned the expiration date of June 30 of the following year, thereby receiving 15 months of membership with the payment of their annual dues. These three months of “free” membership were an enticement for new members to join in the Spring.


Under the Community Hub system, new members are assigned an expiration date at the end of the month one year from the date of their joining. For example, if a new member joined April 16, 2023, her expiration date is April 30, 2024. During the first year of Community Hub, new expiration dates appear for a few members who joined mid-year. Naturally the variety of expiration dates will increase as new members continue to join throughout the year. Now and into the future, you can no longer depend on all branch members having the uniform expiration date of June 30. 


For renewing members, if they renew within their grace period, which is three months after their expiration date, they will maintain their current expiration date of June 30.


Members will be sent up to three reminder notices to renew their dues. As members renew via either online or paying their branch finance officer, they will no longer receive subsequent reminders. Reminder #1 will be sent approximately two months prior to their Expiration Date. If their membership has not been renewed, Reminder #2 will be sent on or about their Expiration Date; Reminder #3 will be sent a couple of months later as the final reminder.


Members who renew before their membership expires receive a free, one-year subscription to Ms. Magazine!

Membership Matters

It’s that time of the year again! AAUW memberships expiring June 30 are open to renew for the 2023-2024 year. Watch your email inbox with instructions from national AAUW or your local branch on how to proceed. There are options to pay online through the Community Hub or by check to your local finance officer. Total dues are made up of National-$72, Texas-$13, plus the addition of your local branch dues. The AAUW Texas portion remains at $13 for the seventh year in a row. What a deal!

AAUW Texas includes the state organization and all twenty-seven Texas branches made up of 1,390 members in the state’s four districts. What does the state organization do exactly? It largely supports the local branches as they work to promote equity and improve the lives of women and girls. It recently provided grants to local branches to support their efforts to pay for the attendance of selected young women at the recent National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, and it is set to begin accepting branch applications in the next few months for SHARE grant projects that support AAUW's mission. Another perk, AAUW Texas once again provided funding for branch Zoom accounts to help defray branch expenses of meeting online.

As part of the state organization, we have an outstanding public policy committee, assisted by lobbyist Kate Kuhlman. The committee continues to keep us updated on bills moving through the Texas legislature and advises us on how we can take action to affect issues that align with AAUW’s mission, such as healthcare for women, equal pay, eliminating gun violence and equal education. Our involvement and interest are helping to influence policy.

As we look ahead to the next year, AAUW Texas looks forward to continuing to work with you. There are many ways to support AAUW's mission, but renewing your membership ensures that you will be able to continue to make a positive difference for women and girls in the future.


AAUW Texas Dollars at Work through

SHARE Grants


The SHARE grant program gets its name from Supporting Hardworking Affiliates Rising to Empower.  In 2019 the AAUW Texas Board of Directors used monies donated to AAUW Texas through a member’s will to create the SHARE fund. A Financial Task Force was established to provide a structure for spending these funds. To honor and protect this special gift, it was decided that, rather than spending it immediately, the funds would be allocated over the long term. Thus, a program of planned giving to the branches (“affiliates”) was established.


The types of grants allocated under the SHARE program include:

  • Project Grants for branches – for local branch projects
  • NCCWSL grants for branches to award young women college students to attend AAUW’s annual National Conference for College Women Student Leaders.


In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, 14 branches were reimbursed for their annual Zoom subscription and the registration fee was paid for 8 young women college students to attend NCCWSL.


Is your branch planning a project for the coming year for which additional funding is needed? If so, consider applying for a SHARE grant. The requirement is that the project be aligned with the current AAUW Texas and AAUW national priorities. Watch for further information about SHARE and make plans to apply for a grant to assist your project.

October 2023 AAUW Regional Conference:

Reaching New Heights Together

SAVE THE DATE for the October 19-21, 2023, in-person AAUW Regional Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. The theme is: Reaching New Heights Together. The two speakers for the conference already confirmed are Gloria Blackwell, CEO AAUW and Liza Maatz, Public Policy and Organizational Consultant and former VP Government Relations at AAUW National.

The Regional Planning Committee has packed the schedule with meaningful, thought-provoking, and interesting sessions. They are broken up into Issues and Actions, Trending Topics, and Swap Shop sessions. Let me give you some examples of the jam-packed schedule. You will want to attend.

  • Thursday is a half-day beginning with the first keynote speaker, Lisa Maatz, speaking about organizational structure and strategies. Then you will have a choice between a session on Women’s Health by a speaker from Planned Parenthood and perhaps one on reproductive rights. The next session will be a continuation with Lisa Maatz or a session with Deanna Brown on Unconscious Bias. The afternoon with conclude with a Swap Shop session and then an informal conference dinner.

  • Friday begins with the second keynote speaker, Gloria Blackwell, a Swap Shop session, Gloria’s Town Hall, and then an Issues and Actions speaker, Denise Liebermann before lunch and networking.

  • After lunch is an Issue and Actions panel about Leadership and Succession Planning by the National Board. Following that current topic are four more, presented in four different rooms:


2.) Banning, Censures

3.) School Safety, Gun Violence

4.) Indigenous Culture

  • These Trending Topics switch to four others:

1.) Period Poverty

2.) Title IX

3.) School Safety, Gun Violence

4.) Giving Birth in America

  • Another Swap Shop activity and then Dinner.

  • Saturday is also a half-day but just as jam packed with great sessions. It begins with Sherritta Stokes from the 1619 Freedom School Project speaking, a Swap Shop activity and then Karen Kedroski speaking about Women’s Economic Pay Equity Status. The last thing on the agenda is an evaluation of lessons learned and a celebration of AAUW.

The conference will be held at the Drury Plaza Hotel at the Arch in downtown St. Louis. Room rates are $221 per night for 2 queen beds. Registration will begin during July 2023 with early bird registration ending September 16. Early Bird Registration $200 and Standard Registration $225 which includes the two meals provided during the conference. 

 “See You at the Arch”

Inspire · Learn · Impact · Celebrate

Nominations for the 2024-2026 State Board are Open

Your AAUW Texas state nominating committee is looking for candidates for the 2024-2026 State Board. The election will be in March of 2024. Newly elected officers will serve from July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026. Officer descriptions and the nomination forms are available on the AAUW Texas website:


Please consider applying to serve or nominating someone you know as a capable, committed AAUW member. State board meetings are no longer held in person, but via Zoom, so no travel time is required.

If you have questions about a particular position, feel free to reach out to the current office holder with those questions.

For any questions about the process, please contact

The nominating committee is led by Gloria Long and Ann Berasley. All the District Representatives are also members of the committee.

Serving on the AAUW Texas State Board is a rewarding experience that allows one to make AAUW friends across the state while working to improve the lives of Women and Girls in Texas. Nominations may come from any AAUW Texas member or branch. A candidate may self-nominate.

Gloria Long

Nominating Committee Chair

April 2024 Texas Virtual Conference:

Charting a Course Through the Challenge of Change

The AAUW Texas conference committee is busy planning the April 2024 Virtual Conference with the theme of: Charting a Course Through the Challenge of Change. The current working date is April 6, 2024, so save the date. 

The San Antonio Branch is going to act as the Local Arrangements committee by arranging for the registrar, treasurer, and program developer. Many thanks to Diane Carr and the San Antonio Branch. We will still need some technical support to help with the Zoom logistics.

We have one speaker confirmed, Dr. Malinee Neelamegam. She is an Assistant Professor in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of North Texas and a former AAUW National Fellowship recipient. Her research focuses on successful aging, particularly cognitive aging.

We are still taking recommendations for another keynote speaker. You can contact Terry Whaley to discuss your recommendations. (, 713-829-2543)

The program will include the announcement of the slate of officers for 2024-2025 and other statewide recognitions. Watch for further details including speaker announcements and registration details which will begin in early 2024. We hope to “see” you at the virtual conference. 

AAUW West Harris County

Raises AAUW Funds in Style

Funds - $6 Million Reasons to Celebrate!


Last fall, AAUW West Harris County kicked off our national fundraising efforts with the message $6 Million Reasons to C h a r g e! Ahead, a reference to the $6 million in grants and fellowships that AAUW provides to women around the world.


In May, West Harris County fundraising finished the year with an awesome performance. Our fun-filled May 7 Talbots Style Show generated almost $1,800 for AAUW Funds. Combined with our equally successful Home Alone Fall Ball non-event last October through December, we have surpassed the annual fundraising goal of $5,000 set for the fiscal year.


Forty West Harris County members attended the spring style show and introduced 10 guests to our dynamic branch. As an incentive to increase branch membership next year, there was no cost for potential new branch members to attend this event. Almost 90% of supporters reserved their seats by logging in to and to make a donation by credit card. This allowed donors to choose their preferred national fund and quickly get a receipt for their tax-deductible donation.

AAUW Funds support efforts that further our mission: economic security for women, fair pay, Title IX compliance, leadership development, and education and training are just a few examples. You can read about our nationally funded scholarships HERE.


Debbie Campbell

Vice President for AAUW Funds

West Harris County Branch

The Importance of Advertising What We Do-

Even to Our Own Members!

A friend of mine joined my AAUW branch a couple of years ago and has only been moderately involved. She attends one of our book clubs and participates in the fundraising for our Outstanding Woman Luncheon (OWL) auction by buying a gift card - much like many other members. This February, as she was sitting at one of the luncheon tables, waiting for the festivities to begin, my husband was talking to her about what was going to happen. (I was off lining up the Fellowship Fund grantees to cross the stage to receive their checks.)

He was telling her about our Summit program; where AAUW members go into the high schools and offer a full day of sessions about healthy relationships, setting goals, taking dual credit courses, being safe on the internet, etc. By the time he had worn her ear off, the luncheon began with a keynote speaker who is an outstanding PhD in Houston. She is also currently a nominee for a Nobel Peace prize! In her speech, she thanked AAUW because winning one of our scholarships allowed her to finish her graduate university work. WOW!

Then, we awarded grants to schools in the various school districts as well as other community organizations like the Pearl Museum. In all, the grants totaled over $30,000. As we always do, we asked for donations. Most everyone there donated something, and our ladies came around with favors and picked up the envelopes with the checks.

If her experience had ended there, it would have been fantastic in showing her what AAUW does. But it did not end there.

My friend went home, deeply moved by what she had learned. She realized she wanted to support the outstanding work being done by her Branch. So, she called and asked how she could donate more money. That call turned what was originally a $50.00 check into a contribution of $500.00.

This story is worth telling because we all have members who limit participation in branch activities, thereby limiting their knowledge about other branch projects. Find ways to make sure members know we are so much than book clubs and Bridge games!




If you’re on Facebook,

we need your help!

When you see news articles, memes, or other items of interest and relevance to AAUW members on Facebook, please tag Jerrilyn Woodard-Entrekin so she can re-post and share on our AAUW-Texas Facebook page.

Feel free to send a Facebook friend request to

Jerrilyn to enable tagging. 

Elected Officers  

Mary Smith

Terry Whaley

Sara Wood

Margie Poole

Margaret Carlson

Lucy Barrington

Elected District Representatives

Betsy Calabro

Cheryl Fuller

Cheri Butler

Stephanie Jones

Standing Committees

Pat Rehm

Appointed Positions

Shirley Selz

Margo Johnson

Chasity Crawford

Communications Team

Malinda Gaul

Janani Janakiraman

Jerrilyn Woodard-Entrekin

Contact at:


Program VP

Membership VP


Finance Officer


South District

Central District

North District

West District


Public Policy

SHARE Grants

Branch Services

Inclusion and Equity

UWT Editor/Email Communications

