Happy All Saints Day!!
Books and legends about the lives of the Saints can offer lovely and inspirational stories for our formation. But they can also encourage us to aim for a type of otherworldly serenity in all our experiences, that is neither realistic nor holy. The gift and miracle of God’s incarnation in the person of Jesus, is the divine embrace of our humanity. We’re already saints. That title is given to us at our baptism. Just like God’s love, we can’t do anything to earn it and we can’t do anything to lose it.
Acts 20:22
And now, I give you into the care of God and the word of his grace, which is able to make you strong and to give you your heritage among all the saints.
Love and joy to all y’all Saints,
Mother Nikki+
Adult Christian Education!
In hope and anticipation for our post-Covid congregational life, the Adult Spiritual Formation Committee is in the fledgling stage of rebooting itself and would like to invite any and all to join in discerning and planning classes and programs to support our spiritual growth and renewal at St. Gregory’s.
First, there will be a very short survey on preferences for adult classes that we would appreciate everyone who is able to complete during church and return before leaving the sanctuary this coming All Saints Sunday.
Second, if you would like to serve on this committee, please accept our thanks and let us know who you are by sending your contact information to Ellen Richardson or Ron Balthazor , or leave a message for us with Kendall at the church office.
Rest eternal, grant unto them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.
All Saint’s Day is the time in the liturgical year when we pause to celebrate the lives of those saints who have gone before us; loved ones who made us who we are today. All parish families are invited to place the names their departed loved ones, small photos, and other mementos on this altar, which will be in Parish Hall. Candles will be available for prayerful lighting.
Lane Norton has also placed votive candles in our Memorial Garden. They will be there 10/31-11/7 for anyone who may like to come and light a candle in memory of someone. There are matches provided in a ziplock bag for you to use. Please remember to extinguish the candle(s) before you leave.
You are invited to walk St. Gregory’s Labyrinth in the parish hall Sunday, October 31 through Sunday, November 7 in honor and remembrance of All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day. The labyrinth offers you the opportunity to “put feet on your prayers.” Experience a walking meditation that connects your mind, body and spirit.
After almost two full years of quiet due to the pandemic, our youth program has found a new leader and is preparing to spring back to life!
All students in the 5th-12th grades are invited, along with their parents/guardians, to attend a meeting this Sunday, November 7th at 1pm in the Parish Hall to meet our new Youth Minister, Wade McGlamery, hear about his plans for the program, and ask any questions they may have.
Parents and students who are remaining cautious around gathering with others may attend the meeting via live stream.
Masks will be required for all who attend in person. Students and parents who are not yet members of St. Gregory the Great are encouraged to attend the 10:30 service and then stay for the meeting to learn more as well!
If you have any questions leading up to the meeting please reach out to Wade McGlamery at wwmcglamery@gmail.com
New for children and youth, The Godly Players, is meeting Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:15. We'll play fun games, dive deep into the nativity story, sing, and create sets and props. Hope to see everyone this Sunday! Contact Catherine Drewry at 706-201-7241 or cbdrewry@gmail.com to sign up, or for more information.
with our covid
caution dictates
the rituals
that do sustain
to guide us through
both joy and pain
though modified
or still deferred
prayer with intent
we know is heard
to acknowledge
saints long passed on
and those we love
recently gone
alice mohor
Rite of Christian Burial
The Rite of Christian Burial for Conoly Hester will take place in our parking lot nearest the sanctuary, under a tent, on Monday, November 22 @ 1PM.
Parking will be available in our other parking lot, in the Montessori school parking lot, or across the street at Barnett Shoals Elementary school.
Thanks to generous donors and volunteers, Community Christmas has been able to help local children living in poverty, even as we weather the pandemic. We are continuing to carefully interview applicants for assistance to be sure all donations are used in a responsible way. Volunteers have planned another great toy distribution day in mid-December, and we are also assisting families who qualify with bills like rent or utilities. Our hope is this will help ensure children not only have toys under the tree, but also a roof over their heads, and water, lights, and heat. The needs our families are facing are greater than ever. Your prayers are needed. And, if you are able to give financially, know that any amount you can donate is appreciated and will help.
Community Christmas of Oglethorpe County, Inc.
143 Bowen Farm Rd.
Crawford, GA 30630
Gifts of new toys and other fun items for boys and girls ranging in age from infants to high schoolers can be dropped off before December 15th at the main office of the Oglethorpe County Recreation Department Monday – Friday, 9-5, at any of the area schools, at the Crawford branch of The Commercial Bank, or with Toys for Tots. If you would like to help with the toy collection and distribution, please contact me with a text at 706-201-7241 or email OglethorpeCommunityChristmas@gmail.com . If you know local families with children who need assistance this year, please ask them to consult our webpage for application information.
Your continued support is so appreciated. Thank you.
Catherine Bowen Drewry, Co-Chair, with Shirley Dillard
Zoom Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom:
Sunday yoga ! for fall (Aug-Dec), via Zoom, 4:00pm, 30-45 minutes. Chair Yoga taught on the first Sunday of each month. Contact Anna Hiers (aldhiers@gmail.com) for more information. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97745366532 Meeting ID: 977 4536 6532 Passcode: 3195
Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!
Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.
Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.
** Threads of Prayer, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month @ 1PM. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!
** group(s) now meeting in person
Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!
See what's happening on our social sites: