Northern Flow/Mohawk

Weekly Newsletter

November 21, 2024

Contacting Northern Flow/Mohawk District Office

If you are trying to reach the district office please use the following information:

DS Rev. Weeden


Phone 315-535-5149

Mailing Address PO Box 208 Gouverneur NY 13642

Office Hours Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

If you would like to sign up for our weekly newsletter or would like to have something posted please email me. Articles need to be sent in by Wednesday by 3:00 p.m..

Northern Flow CLS's

Are you currently a CLS in the Northern Flow District?

Are you looking to go further and become a CLM?

If you are interested in this process please contact the Northern Flow office at 315-535-5149 or email

Season of Rest – A Gift for January 2025 from UNY's Compelling Preaching Initiative


As part of Upper New York's Compelling Preaching Initiative, we’re thrilled to present Season of Rest, a four-week sermon series designed as a gift to you— UNY preachers and churches—that can be used for January 2025. This series, co-developed with the Greater New Jersey and Eastern PA Conferences' Breakthrough, centers on the vital spiritual practice of rest, offering a time of renewal, balance, and inspiration.

Access at:


Season of Rest Sermon Series Overview:


·        Week 1: Release into Rest (1 Kings 19:1-9): Discover how God helps us release into rest rather than pushing us to do more.

·        Week 2: A Rhythm of Rest (Ecclesiastes 3:1-13): Explore ways to cultivate a healthy rhythm of rest, work, and play for spiritual growth.

·        Week 3: What Kind of Rest: The Science Behind Rest (Genesis 2:1-3): Embrace the natural rhythm of rest modeled by God for our well-being.

·        Week 4: The Gift of Rest (Leviticus 25:1-19): Celebrate rest as a gift for restoration, equity, and wholeness for all people.


The Season of Rest series comes fully equipped to support your worship planning with:


·        Weekly Sermon Guides & Worship Liturgy

·        Children’s Moments & Small Group Study Guides

·        Mission Engagement Ideas

·        Graphics & Video Resources

·        4 optional pre-recorded video sermons, available in mid-December at


This series is offered as a supportive resource, crafted to ease sermon preparation and inspire a shared journey of renewal across our congregations. Take time this January to embrace Season of Rest—a heartfelt gift from Upper New York's Compelling Preaching Initiative to enrich your ministry and encourage sacred rest. 

Northern Flow 2024 Charge Conference Schedule 

Mohawk District

December 8 1:30 p.m. Hosted by Hosted by Point Rock

Rescheduled Charge Conference


Lee Center

Point Rock



December 8th 4:15 p.m. Hosted by Prospect 

Rescheduled Charge Conference





South Lewis Parish

December 7 10:00 a.m.  Hosted by Gouverneur




North Gouverneur

Saturday, November 16 10 a.m. Hosted by Potsdam




Brasher Falls

St. Regis Falls

West Stockholm


Saturday. November 16, 2 p.m. Hosted by Massena First

Massena First

Massena Grace






Sunday, November 17, 4 p.m. Hosted by Cape Vincent

Omar Fishers Landing


Cape Vincent



Alexandria Bay

Three Mile Bay/Point Peninsula

Saturday, November 23rd  9:30 Hosted by Pulaski





Sulphur Springs


Sandy Creek 


November 23, 1 p.m. Hosted by Watertown Asbury

Watertown Asbury 

Watertown First

Black River



November 23, 4 p.m. Hosted by Great Bend


Great Bend


Natural Bridge

Evans Mills


November 24 2:30 Hosted by Malone






Owls Head

Chasm Falls



In my last blog, I quoted a little bit from an article by the Lewis Center for church Leadership. One of the things it talked about was stewardship being an instrument of God’s abundance.

I’ve been focused on stewardship, as it is that time of the year after all! Many churches are in that time when they focus on their financial campaigns, and, hopefully, stewardship. I’ve been spending some time reading A Generous Life: 28 Days of Devotion from Horizons Stewardship. It has a bit of scripture for each day, as well as a story.

One of the recent days I was reading talking about scarcity and abundance. I have talked about this when I’ve taught or spoken or preached about changing our viewpoint. The devotion talked about buying a bag of candy for their child and adding a few extra pieces that they (the parent) could have. Unfortunately, when they put out their hand for a piece, the child closed up the bag and pulled it away.


It sounds terrible, but don’t we do that a lot to. We focus on our scarcity. We don’t want to give any away because we might need it. And it’s not just money, but time, ideas and energy as well. I think we live in a mindset, in a life, of scarcity.


Do you go to bed at night, worried about what you didn’t get done?


Do you wake up in the morning, lamenting that you didn’t get enough sleep?


And how many times in between do you think: “if only I had more…..?”


The devotion quote author Lynne Twist when she said that the opposite of scarcity isn’t abundance! What? That’s what I’ve always said. She says it’s the striving for abundance that keeps us focused on scarcity. To the author, the opposite of scarcity is Sufficiency. God gives us enough…enough money….enough time…enough talent…enough manna…enough grace…enough blessings…enough of everything so we can share the abundance.

It’s when we forget that God provides enough of everything that we get stuck in the scarcity mindset. And that’s hurtful. To those who should be receiving, but also to us. Take a moment and clench one of your fists tight. Just hold that fist. If you hold it tight enough, long enough, it will start to hurt, doesn’t it? Opening our fists into an open hand releases that pain.


Opening our scarcity, realizing that God has provided us with more than enough, then we’re sharing everything that God gave us with others.


Think about how to get out of the mindset of scarcity!

If you wish more information on anything you’ve been reading about, please feel free to contact me at (315) 427-3668 or or  

I’d be happy to help or answer any questions.

If at any time through out the year, your church has a change in leadership please contact the district office as soon as that change is made.

This includes SPRC Chairs, treasurers, etc..

Please include all contact information including a valid email address.

Thank you!

You can send the information to


Stay up to date with all the news coming from the conference office. Subscribe to the Weekly Digest here.

Certified Lay Servants

Did you know you are able to take Lay Servant Courses online through Be A Disciple? They offer courses you can take that you can get credit for with your district. All you need to do is let the office know along with proof of completion and it will go in your record! For more information please click here

Potsdam UMC

Canton UMC

41 Court St

Canton, NY 13617

Saturday, November 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Holiday Bazaar


We will have homemade soups, baked items including pies, rolls, and bread.

Homemade jams, jellies, candy, and much more.

Homemade crafts including knitted and crochet items, small wooden crafts, holiday decorations, and white elephant items. Tired of all the hectic holiday cooking and crowded stores?


Join us for coffee and baked goods in the morning. Too busy for breakfast? How about trying one of our wonderful homemade soups, rolls, and pie for luncheon?

-- Take some home for your dinner too! --


Canton UMC

41 Court St

Canton, NY 13617

Canton UMC will be having an Online Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wednesday, November 27th at 11:00 a.m

It will be a spiritual service that helps us understand the true meaning of God's blessings. 

Please join us on our facebook at


Canton UMC

41 Court Street

Canton NY

Book Lovers meeting on Saturday, December 7th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the church choir room. 

All are welcome to come and discuss the novel

The Great Divide by Cristina Henriquez  

District(s) Staff

District Superintendent

Rev. Michael Weeden

Superintendency Administrative Assistant

Tammy McAdam

District Lay Leader Northern Flow

Brenda Shelmidine

District Lay Leader Mohawk

Mark Adsit
