Fall 2022, No. 1
A Note from the Executive Director
Data available for the 2021-22 school year from several states – Connecticut, Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and California – show rates doubled from those prior to the pandemic. This high level of chronic absence reflects the erosion of the foundational supports in schools that promote positive conditions for learning. Rebuilding these conditions, especially for the students and families who have been most adversely affected by the pandemic, is essential. Read this blog post published by the Learning Policy Institute about our strategies for improving absenteeism.

As we enter the new school year, chronic absence data from August and September is a critical tool for determining where action is needed most. Now is a great time to review your data and implement additional outreach and support where needed. These numbers also supply feedback on how your pandemic recovery programs are working. 

Communities and educators can also leverage "Stay Connected, Keep Learning!", this year’s Attendance Awareness Campaign theme, to highlight the importance of developing strong relationships between educators and students and their families. We know students are more likely to show up to school when they feel connected to adults and peers who believe in them, as well as can offer advice, support and an empathetic ear when they faced with challenging circumstances. Make sure every student feels connected to someone who cares! 

Working together, we can address today’s high levels of absenteeism and the educational inequities which have grown as a result of the pandemic.

Best wishes,

Hedy N. Chang
Founder and Executive Director
You are our Foundation! We rely on contributors like you to help us keep Attendance Works resources free for everyone. Join our movement and donate today.
Hedy Chang, Executive Director
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News Highlights
Attendance Awareness Campaign
September’s 10th annual Attendance Awareness Month Campaign was an amazing success! Schools, districts, communities and states across the country hung posters, developed YouTube videos, held rallies and issued proclamations to engage students and raise awareness about the value of regular attendance. We send a special thank you to the AAC partners who help us to spread the word.

Here are a few of the metrics we've gathered:

  • 13,893 people registered for one of our Attendance Awareness Campaign webinars
  • 42,353 people are signed up for our newsletters, compared with 37,780 last year
  • 10 attendance awareness updates emailed (go here to see them all)
  • 103 national and state level partners disseminated information to their constituents

Raising awareness about the opportunities schools offer students and families can continue all year! Our social media resources remain available for everyone on our website.  

Over 4,560 people registered for the September 28 webinar, What Works to Sustain Engagement and Attendance? Read a short summary of each speaker’s presentation. Find the event recording and slides for all four of this year’s AAC webinars on our webinar page.
We are especially appreciative of this year’s corporate sponsors: EveryDay Labs, Kaiser Permanente, RaaWee K12, and Safe and Civil Schools.
AAC Survey!
Please give us feedback on this year's Attendance Awareness Campaign and offer ideas for how we can improve. Our short survey will just take 5 minutes to complete. Fill in your contact information and enter a drawing to win a seat in the Attendance Works three-part training series for educators to learn proven, evidence-based, tiered strategies to promote attendance and engagement.
Resource Spotlight
Understanding the root causes of absences as well as what motivates a student to attend can help determine the best course of action when interventions are needed. Visit our new webpage about Root Causes of Absence.

We’ve created new social media messaging that emphasizes the importance of showing up to school for R.E.A.L. School offers opportunities for predictable routines, learning, building relationships and accessing resources. Spread the word!
Attendance Works would like to express its deep appreciation to the foundations that are currently funding our work nationally and in communities across the country: Abell Foundation, The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, Heising-Simons Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, Open Society Institute–Baltimore, The Patterson Foundation, Rogers Family Foundation, Stuart Foundation, United Way of Greater Kansas City, United Way of Treasure Valley.