1 - Ask yourself…What am I responsible for in this conflict?
Can I accept just the smallest grain of accountability? Make yourself take a breath, stop and think before you react in the same old way. Need help? Recruit a friend or family member to gently signal you, touch your hand or catch your eye to say, “Let’s move into the Thinking Brain, shall we?”

2 - Meet their two eyes, face to face. 
Don’t text, don’t email, don’t call. Zoom, Facetime or meet them in the kitchen. We ALL want to be seen. At our very core. We all want to truly and safely connect. Let them know you see them. You hear them. You respect their opinion. Even if you don’t agree with them. 

3 - Now it’s time to use those three powerful words.
You’ve taken a breath, you’ve let them know you see them, now it’s time to tell your person who is driving you crazy “Thank you for caring for me. I know that’s what this is about, and I love you.” Then, without adding any more words to the conversation, give them a hug and start a NEW conversation.

Now….how do you like your new dance?