Cornwall Library Newsletter October 2021
When I was a student in middle and high school, lunchtime was always my favorite time of the day.
It sort of still is, but not for the same reasons. In school, it was a time I could actually talk to my friends without getting into trouble for talking during class (although I do recall learning enough sign language spelling to 'talk' to one of my girlfriends without making noise). I also never really ate my lunch then; I picked at it, and talked a lot! Now, I like lunchtime because I am so genuinely hungry at noon that I cannot wait to eat! It also gives me a quiet break in the middle of my busy day.
Speaking of busy, the library will be busy in October! Take a good look at some of our upcoming events. Attend a lecture (just don't talk all through it!), or join a book club that you can talk through!
Charlotte A. Dunaief
Library Director
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
October 13
The Board of Trustees will be holding meetings in-person. Meetings are open to the public.
The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.
In-Person Services
We are now open for visits.
No appointment necessary.
COVID safety measures are still in place and subject to change.
Please call or stop by
for more information.
Curbside service is still available.
Best Wishes, Marie!
Please join the Board of Trustees and the staff of the Cornwall Public Library in congratulating Marie Clark on her 46 years of excellent service at the CPL. Though we will miss her vast experience and her kind and generous presence at the library, we wish her only the best in her well-earned retirement. Thank you, Marie, for your years of dedication to the Cornwall community!
Art Talk
Vincent van Gogh:
Color, Passion, and Pain
(Zoom Only)
October 6
6:30 - 7:30pm
Presented by Janet Mandel,
a retired art history and world languages & culture instructor.
When he died at the age of 37, it seemed that van Gogh's work would be forgotten. Now perhaps he is one of the most famous painters of all. This talk will look at his life through his colorful, bold, and passionate paintings.
Parents: Helping Kids Transition to
School in a COVID World
(Zoom Only)
October 7
This program is geared to helping parents understand common emotional and behavioral warning signs in their children and how to support them to be resilient and successful.
Presented in partnership with Project Hope/Access Supports for Living by Lucille Rushing & Reem Shair.
Cornwall Town Candidate Forum:
Town Supervisor & Town Board
October 21
The Greater Cornwall Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Cornwall Public Library present two opportunities for you to be involved:
‘Candidate Introduction Videos’
September 28 - October 4, 2021
Candidates will provide an overview of their platforms via videos available on the Chamber website.
‘Candidate Panel Discussion on Zoom’
Thursday, October 21 from 6:00-7:00pm
Submit questions on the Chamber website or use the designated drop box at the library from 9/28-10/13/21 to have your issues addressed.
Registration for the Zoom discussion is
available via the library's website.
COVID-19: Variants, Vaccine, and the Flu
October 18
Join us in partnership with Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall, Newburgh Free Library and the Moffat Library of Washingtonville for this free virtual seminar.
Dr. Evan Cohen and Dr. Shahram Ahari will discuss COVID-19, its variants, the vaccine, and its influence during the upcoming flu season.
Please call the library at 534-8282 with any questions.
OrangeREADS 2021
Join in on a shared reading activity with your neighbors all across Orange County. This year's book choice is The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson. There are two great opportunities to experience even more with this book:
Local Book Discussion (via Zoom)
October 14
Author Event w/ Bill Bryson (via Zoom)
October 17
Please register via the library's online calendar for each event separately.
Zoom links will be sent to registrants on the day of each event.
Virtual Creative Writers
Join a Zoom meeting of the library’s Creative Writers Group.
Zoom links will be distributed on the Friday before the meeting. It will be a recurring link, usable for all Creative Writers’ meetings.
Great Give Back 2021
Begins Saturday, October 16
Ends Saturday, October 30
The Great Give Back is back! For a third year, CPL is participating in this statewide initiative to give our library patrons opportunities for community service.
This year's project is a collection for the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley. Click here for a list of items they need (not just food!)
For CPL cardholders only, we will waive $1
of overdue fines for every item donated.
Holiday Card-Making Workshop
October 13
1:00 - 3:30pm
Location: Munger Cottage
Enjoy an afternoon of holiday card-making with Joanne Barclay.
Space is limited. Please register via the library's online calendar. A $5.00 non-refundable fee is required at the library by October 5th to confirm registration.
If registration is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.
The Art of Autumn Floral Arrangements: A Demonstration
October 19
2:00 - 3:30pm
Location: Munger Cottage
Learn how to beautify your table using simple and inexpensive flowers and fillers from your garden, grocery store or even found along the roadside. One lucky attendee will go home with a beautiful centerpiece.
Master Gardener Barbara Wexler-Hall, with a background in floral design from the New York Botanical Garden, will demonstrate floral techniques.
Virtual Paint Night
"Play with Monet"
(Zoom Only)
November 9
Join Maureen Hart for another fun night of painting and see how well you make an impression!
Registration opens via the library website October 1 to the first 25 artists. A $15 non-refundable fee is required at the library by October 18 to confirm registration. Participants must return easel and accessories by November 11.
All supplies will be provided via curbside pickup at the library.
A Zoom link will be emailed to
registrants on the day of the program.
Member's Choice
Book Club
October 6
Enrique's Journey
by Sonia Nazario
The Member’s Choice Book Club typically meets the first Wednesday of each month.
Print books are available to pick up at the library.
A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants on the day of the program.
Virtual Out and About
Book Group
October 20
The Invisible Life
of Addie LaRue
by V.E. Schwab
Just because we aren't yet out & about doesn’t mean we can’t still have a great book club meeting! So pour yourself a drink, and join us for a virtual book discussion and more!
Digital ebooks and audiobooks are available through Libby, eAudio available in hoopla, or call the library to request a hard copy.
A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants on the day of the program.
Virtual Mystery
Book Discussion
October 21
The Little Friend
by Donna Tartt
Join a virtual meeting to discuss a mystery novel with fellow mystery lovers.
Print books are available to pick up at the library.
A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants on the day of the program
Book Chat & Chocolate
October 28
The Secret Life of
Violet Grant
by Beatriz Williams
Join the Hudson Valley's sweetest book group for a virtual discussion.
eBooks and eAudiobooks are available on Libby eAudios are available on Hoopla. Print books are available to pick up at the library.
A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants on the day of the program.
Come join us for a...
Fall StoryWalk®
Enjoy a walk around the library, stopping at each panel to read a portion of All We Need by Kathy Wolff. For added fun, see if you can complete our accompanying scavenger hunt.
The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson
of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with
the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition and
the Kellogg Hubbard Library.
Pumpkin Weight
Guessing Contest
How good are you at estimates? Beginning October 6, stop by the
Youth Services desk and enter your best guess at our pumpkin's weight. The closest guess wins the pumpkin!
Chess Time
Select Mondays
October 4 & 25
Drop-In Event
In-person, outside
Chess Time is back! All ages and skill levels are welcome to stop by and enjoy a match. An instructor will be available to help.
Family Story Time
Select Tuesdays
Oct. 5, Oct. 12 & Oct. 19
9:00am or 10:00am
Enjoy an in-person family story time at the library (outside, weather permitting).
Space is limited. Please register via the library's online calendar for the time slot of your choice one week prior to each event.
T.U.T. Meeting
October 8
4:30 - 6:00pm
Grades 6-12
A teen advisory board for established members only. Please contact Lisa SinClair
at for more information.
Art Afternoon
"Creating Small Works"
October 13
Grades K-12
Come create a small work to share. Inspired by THE SMALL WORKS PROJECT with Mo Willems.
In-person, outside, weather-permitting
Subject to change
Virtual PJ Story Time
October 18
With it getting dark earlier, Miss Pat has returned to her place in front of a camera. So put on your PJs, grab a favorite cuddly and join Pat Parker on our YouTube channel as she reads stories geared for 3 to 5-year-olds (or anyone who loves a good story!)
Dog Tales
Select Mondays
October 4 & 11
5:30pm, 5:45pm,
6:00pm or 6:15pm
Grades K-12
Read to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.
Registration begins one week prior to each event.
In person, outside
Subject to change
Book Group
October 7
Rita & Ralph’s Rotten Day
by Carmen Agra Deedy
Grades K-2
Please register when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
In-person, outside
Subject to change
Book Break Book Group
October 14
The Unicorn Rescue Society:
The Creature of the Pines
by Adam Gidwitz
Grades 3 & 4
Please register when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
In-person, outside
Subject to change
Readzza Readzza!
Book Group
October 21
The Jumbies
by Tracey Baptiste
Grades 5-8
Please register when you pick up copy of the book at the library.
In-person, outside
Subject to change
Virtual Community
Health Education
in Partnership with
Montefiore St. Luke’s
Cornwall Hospital
In our commitment to continual community engagement and education through virtual seminars and recorded presentations, we are pleased to have a wonderful partnership with Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital and offer the following link to “DOC TALK,” a podcast presented by their staff. Click on this link and search a topic of interest.
The CPL subscribes to hoopla - a video streaming service that provides access to hundreds of thousands of digital items for free with your Cornwall Library card!
Patrons have a 5-item monthly limit for materials borrowed through hoopla.
Let us know if you have any questions or need a library card! For more information, please visit our hoopla webpage.
Digital Magazines
through Overdrive
and Libby
Patrons can now access new titles through the library's digital magazine app. Conde Nast Traveler, The Economist, New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and Wired are now available!
For more information on how to access digital magazines, please call the library at 845-534-8282 or email
Searching For A Job?
Changing Careers?
Learn interview skill techniques with Interview Coach Andy Maroney.
Get a free one-on-one virtual practice interview and feedback session.
To set up a virtual meeting appointment, email resume and contact phone number to
Access online research and tutorials via our website homepage. Click on "Research and Tutorials." Everything from research databases to Consumer Reports to Rosetta Stone and much more! Free with your Cornwall library card!
Online Learning Through Coursera
The New York State Department of Labor is partnering with Coursera, the leading online training provider. Through Coursera, you will have access to nearly 4,000 programs across high-growth industries and can hone skills in data science, business, and technology. Many of these programs are pathways to certifications and can help elevate your career.
Digital eBooks & Audiobooks
Don’t forget that the library offers many options for reading or listening to your favorite titles. The Libby App by Overdrive is one of the best options to access more than 10,000 ebooks and audiobooks.
Libby is compatible with many devices including Kindle, iPad and iPhone, Nook, Chromebook, Kobo, Android and Windows and is available in your phone’s App Store. If you don’t have a mobile device, you can access titles through Overdrive on your desktop computer. For more information, please visit: