Oct 25: Propositions! Judges!, Zoom, 6:30PM
Join Melinda Iyer for an explanation of the propositions on the ballot and Cathy Sigmon for a review of the judges on the ballot. Bring your questions. RSVP
Oct 26: Latino Outreach GOTV Canvass events, locations vary, 5:30PM-8PM
Help out the Latino Outreach Committee with canvassing precincts with historically high voter drop-off percentages. LD22 / Stump & Cordes precincts on this evening.
Oct 30: Propositions! Judges!, Zoom, 10AM
Join Melinda Iyer for an explanation of the propositions on the ballot and Cathy Sigmon for a review of the judges on the ballot. Bring your questions. RSVP
Nov 16: LD2 Monthly Meeting at Paradise Valley Community College Conference Center, 6:30PM
LD2 will hold their monthly meeting at the PVCC Conference Center (17811 N 32nd St) on November 16th at 6:30pm. Agenda TBD. The PVCC Conf Center is located off 32nd St, just South of Grovers. You’ll see a separate parking lot from the main campus. Agenda will be sent to PCs in advance of the meeting. Reminder: LD 2 has resumed our monthly food drive to be donated to a local Food Bank. Please bring your non-perishable donated items. We will also be collecting non-perishable pet food. Meet your LD2 neighbors. Get informed. Get involved.
Nov 30: LD2 Biennial Reorganization Meeting, Zoom, 6:30PM
LD2 will hold our biennial reorganization meeting via zoom. Details forthcoming. Will be discussed at the Oct LD2 meeting. Think about how you might want to take the next step with your level of engagement. It takes an army. Questions? Send to: chair@azld2dems.org
Dec 9: LD2 Holiday Party, 5-9PM
LD2 PC Ron Owen has graciously offered to host this year’s LD2 Holiday Party. In year’s past, this has been a pot luck. More information will be provided during the Oct LD2 meeting.
Dec 10: MCDP Biennial Reorganization Meeting
Hold the date! Elected PCs will vote for the MCDP Executive Board.