December 2024

Creating a Destination District with Intent, Purpose, and Pride

Be Your Best Self


Olivia Dickey~ Interim Principal (

Joe DeSalvo ~ Counselor (

Brandy Guasta ~ Counselor (

Deanna Bellino ~ Secretary (

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From the Office

Student Hours: 8:15-4:10

Doors Open: 8:10 am

*Please do not drop your students off before 8:05 am. There is no supervision outside until 8:05 am. Thank you for helping us keep students safe.

*All students need to enter through the left front door, and visitors need to come through the right front door. Please have a valid ID.

Thank you!

Office is Open 8:05 to 4:25

Warm Holiday Wishes from Our School Family

Dear Penrose Families,

As we approach the end of the year, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each of you for your continued support, dedication, and involvement in our school community. December is a time for reflection, celebration, and giving thanks, and I am truly thankful for the wonderful families who make up our Penrose family.This holiday season, I hope you all enjoy some well-deserved time with loved ones, filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments. Whether you’re celebrating familiar traditions or making new ones, I encourage everyone to embrace the warmth and connection that this season brings.

I also want to acknowledge the hard work of our students, teachers, and staff. It has been a busy and productive fall, and I am so proud of all the progress our students have made. As we take a break and recharge for the second half of the school year, I am excited about all that we will accomplish together in 2025. Please remember that our school will be closed for the holidays from December 20th to January 5th. If you need anything or have any questions during this time, don't hesitate to reach out, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Wishing you and your family a peaceful, joyful, and safe holiday season. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year!

Warmest regards,

Olivia Dickey

PES Interim Principal

Winter Break

December 20th-January 5th

Students return on Monday, January 6th

December Dates to Remember

12/2-18 DIBELS Benchmark Testing

12/10 Kinder/ 1st Music Program 3:00 and 6:30

12/12 2nd Quarter Grading Window Opens

12/19 Winter Parties

12/20-1/5 Winter Break

Thinker Tinkers

12/4, 12/11, 12/18


STUCO Meeting

December 12th


Please remind your child to check our school's lost and found- it is getting very full with coats!

Student Council Spirit Days

Dec. 9- Happy Hanukkah (Blue and Silver Day)

Dec. 10- Deck The Halls (socks, shirts, etc)

Dec. 11- Candy Cane Day (red and white)

Dec. 12- Holiday Hats, headbands, 

Dec. 16- Holiday Sweaters or shirts

Dec. 17- Jingle Bells/Lights 

Dec. 18- Merry Grinchmas (Grinch or Green)

Dec. 19- Silent Night (PJ Day)

Message from the Health Office

Happy December! Can you believe that we are almost done with the year 2024?

Students need adequate sleep in order to perform their best in school.

 According to the American Academy of Pediatrics:

 Children ages 6 to 12 years old should receive 9 to 12 hours of sleep per night, 

 Children ages 13 to 18 years old should receive 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. 

The Best ways to ensure your child gets enough sleep:

 Keep a consistent daily routine

 Encourage exercise and activities during the day

 No screen time for at least an hour before bedtime

Let’s finish this year well rested! 

Side note: Might not be a bad idea to pack an extra pair of clothes in your kiddos backpack during this snowy wet weather!

-Trisha Cavanaugh, RN, BSN

Have Something to Report?
Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family, or your community!


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