22nd Sunday after Pentecost
St. Nicholas Bulletin - November 21, 2021
Christ is in our midst! Христос међу нама! Cristo esta entra nosotros!
Homily on the Synaxis of the Holy Archangels

from St. Theophan the Recluse
On this day dedicated to Archangel of God Michael and all the Bodiless Powers, what would we want to discuss more than the Angels?1 What specifically should we talk about? Let’s reproach ourselves. For what? Because we have sins, errors, mistakes, bitterness and problems—for none of this should exist with us when we are surrounded by a host of bodiless powers and each of us has his own guardian angel. Would the Angels of God themselves allow such things to befall us? No—if they allow it, then surely it is our own fault, because we make ourselves unworthy of angelic guidance and help, or because through our contrary actions and disposition we wreck and divert all of the Angels’ efforts to cooperate with us for good. What should we do? We have to tune ourselves to not turn away but to attract angelic cooperation. But how can we do this? Here’s how!

We have to remember that we have a Guardian Angel, and we have to turn to him in mind and heart—both during the ordinary course of our lives, and especially when our lives are disturbed by anything. When we do not turn to him, our Angel has no means of bringing us to reason. When a person walks toward a quagmire, a precipice, or a river with his ears plugged and his eyes shut, what can you do, how can you help him? You can shout, but his ears are plugged; you can make signs to him that danger is ahead, but his eyes are shut. So, when we do not appeal to our angel mentally or with our hearts, it’s as though we’ve turned out backs on him and are heading for danger. He gives us warnings, but the mind does not see them and the heart does not feel them. And therefore we fall into disaster or sin, and get lost.

You say, “Let him take me by the hand and lead me on the right path.” True, he is willing to do that and he is looking for your hand to take it and lead you. But do you have such a hand? After all, he is not going to take you by your physical hand, although that does happen is very special cases, but by the hand of your soul, and not of your body, because he himself is bodiless. The hand of your soul is: active strength directed toward salvation and zealous for it. When the soul has zeal for salvation, the Angel of the Lord will take you by it and guide you; but when it does not have it, then what can he take? You don’t have any spot where he can touch you. For he himself is of the ranks of spirits sent to those who want to inherit salvation. When there is no desire or zeal for salvation, how can he approach you, how can he act upon you, since you have nothing in you that corresponds to his efforts or his obligation to be near you?

Again you will say, “Let him inspire the very desire for salvation in me.” He’s willing to do this, too, and he does it first of all and most zealously of all, for this is the root of spiritual life. He supports and fortifies this desire in those who have it, and makes every effort to encourage it in those who don’t. But he rarely succeeds due to the great disorder that is characteristic of a careless soul. In such a soul all is in a state of confusion—thoughts, feelings, and intentions. It’s just chaotic noise, like at a bazaar. The more we have this lack of inner peace and concentration in us, the more the enemy of Angels works on us. How can an Angel suggest something good to us when we pay no attention? How can the soul hear this suggestion when is filled with noise and confusion? Thus the efforts of the Lord’s Angel remain fruitless!

So, do you want to make use of angelic guidance and cooperation? Tame your inner disorderliness, gather your attention within, and stand by your heart. The angel of the Lord will immediately notice this, approach you, and begin to place thoughts in you that would incline you towards an awakening of the desire for salvation. Reach towards this suggestion and start having zeal for salvation, and then the Angel of the Lord not only will take you by the hand, but also will raise you up in his hands; and he will not only lead you, he’ll carry you along the path of salvation. Only you should continually turn to him mentally and with your heart, not slacken in your zeal, and guard you attention. He will teach you everything you should do, when, and in what measure you should do it; or what not to do, and when it’s needed—and he will give you outward signs to guide you. Everyone who has ever been saved was saved this way. Read or listen to the Lives of the Saints! If we don’t see such perceptible angelic cooperation over us, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. It is we who do not give ourselves into the arms of the Angels and thus make their care for us of no avail. God’s Angel will fight and fight with us, and then leave us alone. And that’s all—until we die. And when we die, the Angel will present the book of our life to the Lord and say, “I did everything I could to bring him to reason, but this soul did not listen to anything.” And our condemnation will be inscribed in the book of life, and will surely be executed at the Last Judgment.

As long as we are alive, the Angels of God are our guardians, protectors, and guides; and after our death—at the Last Judgment—they will be the inexorable executors of God’s righteous determination for us. Did you hear what was read in today’s Gospel reading?! The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 13:41–42). And that will be the end of everything! The seal of God’s righteousness will be placed, and who can remove it!

True, there will be another half there, about whom it is said: Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father (Matt. 13:43). But will we end up among those blessed ones? The promise is given to everyone, but we need to fulfill the conditions. He who fulfills them is a vigilant zealot. If we will bear more resemblance to those of whom it is said in today’s parable: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat (Matt. 13:25), then what good can be expected from us?! When we sleep, that is, do not take care for our salvation and flail about in all sorts of vain things, then the Angel has no access to us—while the enemy has every means at his disposal. He walks up boldly and places all sorts of bad thoughts and desires in us, and teaches us all manner of evil. The careless soul accepts these suggestions, agrees to them, and carries them out at the first convenience. The further it goes, the worse it gets. And then that person becomes like the chaff amid the wheat, whose end is to be burned.

This has been a brief instruction on how to behave ourselves with regard to Angels.

May your souls not be grieved that I have brought you such unpleasant thoughts on this bright angelic feast. I am doing this in order to turn you away from the darkness of sin and towards the light of an angelic life; so that here, having lived in communion with Angels, you will all also be vouchsafed a life together with the Angels in heaven, and live in blessedness with them in the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. Amen.

~Hymnography of the Day~
Commemorating the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and Other Bodiless Powers, Saint Alexander of Guria
Let us, the faithful, praise and worship the Word, co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, born for our salvation from the Virgin; for He willed to be lifted up on the Cross in the flesh, to endure death, and to raise the dead by His glorious Resurrection.

Commanders of the heavenly hosts, we who are unworthy beseech you, by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory, and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you: “Deliver us from all harm, for you are the commanders of the powers on high!”

Truly you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; your humility exalted you; your poverty enriched you. Hierarch Father Nicholas, entreat Christ our God that our souls may be saved.

You descended into hell, O my Savior, shattering its gates as Almighty, resurrecting the dead as Creator, and destroying the sting of death. You have delivered Adam from the curse, O Lover of Man, and we cry to You: “O Lord, save us!”

Commanders of God’s armies and ministers of the divine glory, princes of the bodiless angels and guides of mankind, ask for what is good for us, and for great mercy, supreme commanders of the Bodiless Hosts.

Steadfast Protectress of Christians, Constant Advocate before the Creator; despise not the cry of us sinners, but in your goodness come speedily to help us who call on you in faith. Hasten to hear our petition and to intercede for us, O Theotokos, for you always protect those who honor you!
~Scripture Readings of the Day~
Matins: Lenny Tepsic Epistle: Marijana Rocknage
Matins Next Week: Milan Radanovic Epistle Next Week: Natalija Gligorevic

EPISTLE: Galatians 6: 11-18, Hebrews 2: 1-10

DEACON:      Let us pay attention. 
PRIEST:        Peace be unto all!
READER:      And with your spirit!
DEACON:      Wisdom.
READER:      The Prokeimenon in the Fifth Tone: You, O Lord, shall protect us and preserve us from this generation forever.
CHOIR: You, O Lord, shall protect us and preserve us from this generation forever.
READER: v: Save me, O Lord, for there is no longer any that is godly!
CHOIR: You, O Lord, shall protect us and preserve us from this generation forever.
READER: You, O Lord, shall protect us ...
CHOIR: ...and preserve us from this generation forever.
DEACON: Wisdom!
READER: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Hebrews
DEACON: Let us attend!
READER: Brethren, See with what large letters I have written to you with my own hand! As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, these would compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. For not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
Brethren, for if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will? For He has not put the world to come, of which we speak, in subjection to angels. But one testified in a certain place, saying: “What is man that You are mindful of him, Or the son of man that You take care of him? You have made him a little lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, And set him over the works of Your hands. You have put all things in subjection under his feet.” For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
PRIEST:        Peace be unto you, reader!
READER:      And with your spirit! 
DEACON:      Wisdom!
READER:      Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
CHOIR:          Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER:      I will sing of Your mercies, O Lord, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim Your truth from generation to generation.
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: For You have said: “Mercy will be established forever; My truth will be prepared in the heavens.”
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

АПОСТОЛ:  Галаћанима 6: 11-18 Јеврејима 2: 1-10

Ђакон:          Пазимо
Свештеник: Мир свима!
Читач:           I Духу Твоме!
Ђакон:           Премудрост
Читач : ПРОКИМЕН- глас 5 Ти ћеш нас, Господе, одбранити и сачувати од рода овога до вјека.
Хор: Ти ћеш нас, Господе, одбранити и сачувати од рода овога до вјека.
Читач: Помилуј ме Господе, јер неста Светих, јер је мало вјерних међу синовима човјечијим.
Хор: Ти ћеш нас, Господе, одбранити и сачувати од рода овога до вјека.
Читач: Ти ћеш нас, Господе, одбранити 
Хор: и сачувати од рода овога до вјека.
Ђакон: Премудрост
Читач: Читање посланице Светога апостола Павла Јеврејима
Ђакон: Пазимо
Читач: Браћо, видите како вам великим словима написах својом руком! Који хоће да се допадну по тијелу, они вас приморавају да се обрезујете, само да не буду гоњени за крст Христов. Јер ни сами обрезани не држе закон, него хоће да се ви обрезујете да би се вашим тијелом хвалили. А ја, Боже сачувај, да се чим другим хвалим осим крстом Господа нашега Исуса Христа, којим се мени разапе свијет и ја свијету. Јер у Христу Исусу нити обрезање што помаже нити необрезање, него нова твар. И који год буду живјели по овоме правилу, мир на њих и милост, и на Израиљ Божији. Убудуће да ми нико не ствара тешкоће, јер ја ране Господа Исуса на тијелу својему носим. Благодат Господа нашега Исуса Христа са духом вашим, браћо. Амин.
Браћо, јер ако се реч изречена преко анђела показала постојаном, и сваки преступ и непослушност добију праведну награду, како ћемо ми избећи ако занемаримо тако велико спасење, које је у први мах почео да се говори од Господа, и потврдио се нас по онима који су Га чули, и Бог сведочи знацима и чудесима, разним чудесима и даровима Светога Духа, по својој вољи? Јер будући свет, о коме говоримо, није потчинио анђелима. Али један је сведочио на једном месту говорећи: „Шта је човек да се Ти о њему сећаш, или син човечији да се бринеш о њему? Ти си га учинио мало нижим од анђела; Овенчао си га славом и чашћу, и поставио си га над делима руку својих. Све си му покорио под ноге. ” Јер у томе што му је све потчинио, није оставио ништа што му није потчињено. Али сада још не видимо да му је све потчињено. Али видимо Исуса, који је учињен мало нижим од анђела, за смртно страдање овенчано славом и чашћу, да Он, милошћу Божијом, окуси смрт за свакога. Јер доличило је Њему, за кога је све и од кога је све, да приведе многе синове у славу, да кроз патње учини савршеним вођу њиховог спасења.
Свештеник: Мир ти читачу!
Читач:           I Духом Твоме! 
Ђакон:           Премудрост.
Читач:           Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Хор:                Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач:           Пјеваћу увјек милости Господње; од кољена на кољено јавићу истину Твоју устима својим.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: Јер си рекао: Милост ће бити основана заувјек; на Небесима си утврдио истину Своју.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа

Luke 16: 19-31, 10: 16-21

“A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trampled down, and the birds of the air devoured it. Some fell on rock; and as soon as it sprang up, it withered away because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it. But others fell on good ground, sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold.” When He had said these things He cried, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Then His disciples asked Him, saying, “What does this parable mean?” And He said, “To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that ‘Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand.’  “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away. Now the ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity. But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.
And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
Лука 16: 19-31, 10: 16-21

Каза Господ причу ову: Изиђе сијач да сије сјеме своје; и кад сијаше, једно паде крај пута, и погази се, и птице небеске позобаше га. А друго паде на камен, и изникавши осуши се, јер немаше влаге. А друго паде усред трња, и узрасте трње и угуши га. А друго паде на земљу добру, и изникавши донесе стоструки род. Говорећи ово повика: Ко има уши да чује, нека чује! А ученици његови питаху га говорећи: Шта значи ова прича? А он рече: Вама је дано да знате тајне Царства Божијега; а осталима бива у причама, да гледајући не виде, и чујући не разумију. А ова прича значи: Сјеме је ријеч Божија. А које је крај пута то су они који слушају, али потом долази ђаво и узима ријеч из срца њиховога, да не вјерују и да се не спасу. А које је на камену то су они који када чују с радошћу примају ријеч; и ови коријена немају те за неко вријеме вјерују, а у вријеме искушења отпадну. А које у трње паде, то су они који чуше и, живећи у бригама и богатству и сластима овога живота, буду угушени, и не донесу рода. А које је на доброј земљи, то су они који чувши ријеч, у доброме и чистом срцу држе је, и род доносе у трпљењу. Ово говорећи повика: Ко има уши да чује, нека чује!
И када је позвао својих дванаест уиеника, дао им је мож над неиистим духовима, да их избаце, и да излеие све врсте болести и болести. Тих 12 Исуса их је послало и заповедало им, говорежи: "Не иди на пут Не иди на пут нежнима, и не улази у град Самарижана. Али радије иди у изгубљену овцу куже Израела. И док ти одлазиљ, проповедај, говорежи, 'Краљевство небеско је на дохоку.' Леииљ болесне, иистиљ губавце, подићељ мртве, истераљ демоне. Слободно сте примили, слободно давате.


~ The Week Ahead: Scriptures and Services ~
November Birthdays
Vadim Reznitchenko (Nov 2), Calvin Filepas (Nov 5), Dori & Doug Bert (Nov 6), Mila Ann Livingston (Nov 6), Jim Werner (Nov 9), Marko Rocknage (Nov 11), Tomislav Gligorevic (Nov 13), Leann Cox (Nov 13), Trenton Petrovich Jr, (Nov 13), Philip Lamancusa (Nov 15), Helen Kapac (Nov 16), Dori Barry (Nov 16), Matt Healy (Nov 18), Millie Yezdimir (Nov 19), Tomislav Lojpur (Nov 19), Michelle Kingsbury (Nov 20), Michael Dean Stefan (Nov 21), Brian Lewis Sr (Nov 21), Brandon Mumma (Nov 22), Dianne Martin (Nov 23), Marko Miljkovic (Nov 24), Fr Srboljub Jockovich (Nov 29), Eva Stimac (Nov 29)

November Anniversaries
Danielle & Joseph VanHuysen (Nov 4), Paula & Jim Werner (Nov 5), Nicholas & Joann Hernjak (Nov 5), Mira & Milijan Lukic (Nov 11), Doni & Steve Cashman (Nov 21), Nick & Terry Govelovich (Nov 23)   

~Bulletin Board~
If you are not receiving envelopes and wish to. If you are receiving envelopes and no longer wish to. Or if you need to make an address change. Please inform the church office TODAY Sunday, November 21.

The office will be closed this week on Thursday and Friday (Nov 25-26). Bulletin Deadline is Tuesday, November 23 by 11 am.

We want to thank all our parish family who reached out with cards, flowers, soups and food, but especially prayers after Terry’s recent surgery. –Nick & Terry

Please do not forget to register your children for Church School. The registration link can be found at: https://goo.gl/forms/xsYDlxcOMs1I9das2 Or, by filling out a form at the Tutor’s stand.

The Mother’s Club Display Case has new Nativity/Christmas Cards available. Check them out!

Our SOTAYA Group is once again selling frozen packs of cevapi at $15/pack (32 pieces). To order see Dn. Bojan Gligorevic, Matthew Hoover, or call the office at 717.939.3872.


November Charity
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)

IOCC has maintained an active partnership with the Serbian Orthodox Church since 1992, initially responding to crises of war, dislocation, and other hardships. IOCC aids those in need around the world, without discrimination, as it works to strengthen the capacity of national and local Orthodox Churches and organizations to avert disasters, respond to emergencies, and rebuild communities. IOCC has provided emergency assistance and sustainable development programs in all parts of Serbia. The more we practice spiritual hospitality, the closer we draw ourselves to Christ, and with Christ in our hearts and souls, the greater is our love for all people. Our donations become IOCC’s humanitarian works. It is our responsibility and our blessing to help IOCC continue its ministry. To learn more about IOCC’s programs, please visit the website at www.iocc.org