Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
September - 2022
If you feel that you require some debt relief options or you want to get your finances back in great shape, then look no further because Advantage CCS has the only start-to-finish, fully-integrated, FREE, online Credit Counseling System out there. This is the first counseling system of its kind to provide truly personalized debt relief advice and suggest (if appropriate) whether a Debt Management Program (DMP) is right for you. Our online credit counseling gives you the ability to start getting your finances in order and can help you on the path to becoming debt-free.

Click below to find out more:
In This Issue:

  • The Best Online Credit Counseling System
  • Pros & Cons Of Getting A Reverse Mortgage
  • Smart Things To Consider When Buying A Home To Help Avoid Foreclosure
  • Credit Reports and Credit Scores Explained
  • Clients Speak Out (Reviews)
  • Agency News & Events
If you have a mortgage, you may have heard about a way to have a mortgage loan that requires no payment. This may sound surreal, but it is known as a reverse mortgage. As opposed to the traditional mortgage loan that is repaid over time, the reverse mortgage is designed for the.... Read more here!
There are many things to think about when buying a home. However, one thing that is often overlooked is what could happen if you end up in foreclosure. Foreclosure is not only costly but also damaging, so it’s important to do everything you.... Read more here!
Many people have not looked at their credit report in years. Some may not even know what their credit score is at all. It’s so important to know your current credit score and what’s on your credit report. They follow you around like a shadow and there’s no getting rid of them. They will.... Read more here!
"My experience with Advantage CCS has been very positive. Because you were able to negotiate fair payments with my creditors, I was able to make the payments and eventually pay them off. Thank you so very much for all your help." ~ Yvette B.
"Advantage Credit Counseling helped to get my husband and I out of debt. I honestly do not know how we could have done it without them. They also saved us thousands in interest rates. The small monthly amount they charge does not compare to what we were losing in interest monthly.”  ~ Pamela H.
"Knowledgeable, factual, professional, non-judgmental, accurate, and helpful people. Your organization changed my attitude and my habits around debt, and changed my life for the better. Thank you!"  ~ Laura Z.

Advantage CCS President/CEO, Gary Vollmer accepted a $2,000 grant from the Eaton Fund on Aug. 31st, which provides funding for nonprofit organizations in Southwestern Pennsylvania from the Eaton Corporation.

The Eaton Fund provided $300,000 in support to community organizations in the Pittsburgh area.

Advantage CCS will use the grant funding to make enhancements to the agency’s online credit counseling system.

Thank you to the Eaton Fund for their generous support of our agency!