PTO eNews - 11/22/2021
Calendar of Upcoming Events
  • November 24, Staff Recess NO SCHOOL
  • November 25 and 26, Thanksgiving Holiday NO SCHOOL
Annual Fund Campaign 2021
Dear Viking Families,
We hope that your children have settled into being back at school! Our teachers, staff, and administrators continue to work tirelessly to adapt and reinvent engaging curriculum to best optimize learning while preserving the sense of magic and possibility that a Mills education offers.
We are more motivated and inspired than ever to raise funds for Mills. As many of you know, the school district’s annual operating budget allocation for Mills does not fully cover the costs of all that Mills needs each year. The Mills Annual Fund was created to bridge that funding gap ensuring as a community that we do all we can to support our children’s learning experience. We need your help for this year’s Annual Fund campaign – Let’s Do This Together!
The Annual Fund supports a wide variety of school needs such as Chromebooks, scientific calculators, science lab materials, teacher education, student counseling, and clubs, just to name a few. You will be hearing and learning more about what you can do to support Mills and how your gift is critical to helping all students weather this pandemic together.
· The Annual Fund is going online!
· Our raffle is returning!
· Mills Mania is being reinvented in the spring to celebrate the culmination of our fundraising efforts!
If you, your employer or your business can donate items, gift certificates, gift baskets or swag to the raffle, please contact us at the email below – you can make a difference!
These are difficult times for so many of us, but if you are able, please support the Mills Annual Fund. Every gift counts, regardless of size, and it would be an excellent example of solidarity and support to reach 100 percent participation! Together we are Viking Strong!
With gratitude,

Nazneen Ashroff Karen Bettucchi
PTO 2020-21 Annual Fund Chair PTO President
Counselors' Connection
FREE Community College Courses
Did you know that high schoolers can take community college courses for free? It's called Concurrent Enrollment, and it's a great way for students to save money by getting a head start on college credits! For college admissions, students' grades are also weighted the same as AP courses. Spring class schedules are available online at For information on how to register, please refer to our Mills Concurrent Enrollment website.
400 Murchison Drive
Millbrae, CA 94030
Phone: 650.558.2599
Fax: 650.558.2552