As noted, Dr. Bondi is a leading scholar on Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, the influential 20th-century Jewish philosopher. As the Corcoran Visiting Professor, Dr. Bondi will work on a book project exploring the centrality of Heschel's interreligious commitments to his works. Dr. Bondi will produce a study of Heschel's thought, including an analysis of his unpublished correspondence with Christian thinkers. Dr. Bondi claims that "Heschel's understanding of interfaith dialogue—and his actual dialogue with Christians—can be very valuable in addressing contemporary religious and political challenges." In addition to his book project, Dr. Bondi will offer a seminar on Heschel.
Dr. Bondi is Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer at the Schechter Institute in Israel. He completed his Ph.D. and M.A. in Jewish Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. He is an author, translator and editor of several of Heschel’s books in Hebrew. Dr. Bondi’s book Ayeca? about Heschel’s thought earned him the 2006 Shalem Prize. In 2019, his edition of Heschel’s groundbreaking Torah Min HaShamayim (Torah From Heaven), based on newly discovered manuscripts, introduced critical new insights into Heschel’s thought and won the Mifal HaPais Prize.
Dr. Bondi's first public event will be a presentation outlining his proposed project in September. More details to follow in the coming months.