"...inside of us,
a continual autumn.
leaves drifting and falling, and traveling out
over the water...."

hello beloved friends and fellow practitioners ~

inside all of us ~
there is a light. a beautiful, eternal and unique light.

on this golden day of balance, this precious equinox day, i am holding you in my heart. chanting for your health, your vitality, your happiness, your realization of your dharma,

and our collective awakening.

monday's full moon is pisces was dreamy, ushered in with a golden trine of mystical encouragement. dream your dreams, make them big, make them happen. now, more than ever before, the world needs you to heed your heart, your soul, and to step with courage into your destiny.

i wanted to share a mantra with you, a mantra that is beautiful and powerful and perfect, for today and most days really.

Om hreem hamsa so ham swaha
Om hreem hamsa so ham swaha
Om hreem hamsa so ham swaha
Om hreem hamsa so ham swaha 

this is a mantra to the supreme light.
it is considered to be vedic, vedantic, and tantric and more, so much more.
it brings us to our inner light, our divine light and in our chanting, a resonance is created, with our inner light manifest in our body, breath, speech and mind.

om is the supreme brahman, hrim is the mantra of the spiritual heart, hamsah is the mantra of the liberated soul, so'ham is unity ~ i am that, with the supreme being, swaha is our consecration into light

tantric, om is shiva, hrim is shakti, there unification is in our breath and consciousness. we worship the goddess, inviting her into our hearts.

yogic, om guru, hrim kundalini, the moon and sun are balanced and we empower ourselves with breath and movement.

ayurvedic, om the cosmic prana, hrim the health of the spirit heart. vitality and rejuvenation.

astrological, om the cosmic light, hrim the sun, the power of life and consciousness.

and finally, an important mantra for the equinoxes and solstices, embodying the power of light, the gifts found in the absence of light.

happy equinox!

with so much love, always and in all ways,

Moon Path

I wrote a book!

The writing of this book was a magical silver cord that I held firm to, as my life seemed to crater around me for the past few years.

I began writing it in December of 2019. An editor at a publishing house in the United Kingdom found me on Yoga International and reached out to see if I was interested in writing a book. It had never occurred to me and yes, I was interested.

The original publisher went under ~ due to covid but Shambhala had been interested in purchasing the North American rights and they encouraged me to keep going, they gave my book a home, a really good home.

The working title is "Moon Path : Illumination on Yoga, Kundalini, Ritual and Practice for Women"

It will be out at the end of next summer ~ 2022.

I'll share more about this offering soon, but for now, I just wanted to share that this is happening. It is real! And it was the most beautiful affirmation of the power of aligning to the lunar rhythms and the beauty that can unfold in your life when you do this.

Stay tuned ....

Climate Change & Yoga

I pretty much spend most of each day and a large part of each evening thinking about our climate. The only other thing in my life that occupies such a large portion of my heart and mind is yoga.

I have felt called, for a long time now, to activate my community, specifically my yoga community, to address climate in a proactive and practice affirming way.

I will be showing up on the Yoga Alliance platform for 3 digital events, all about the intersection of Climate and Yoga. This is a series, with each week building on the previous.

These events are free and offer Continuing Education Credits for Yoga Teachers ~ but! You don't need to be a Yoga Teacher to join.

I would LOVE for you to join me!

If you click the button at the bottom of this block, you'll be taken to YA's digital event calendar and all you need to do is to click on :
Yoga and the path of being Climate Awake & Proactive
Thursday, September 30th 4:00 pm eastern time

and by clicking on it, you'll be taken to the registration form.

These digital events are 1 hour long and it is my hope and intention to not only make the case for climate work but to share insights and tools on how to take this work on.

Did I say how much I would love for you to join me?
(I know I did, but I can't emphasize enough how meaningful, important and rewarding this work can be. And community is everything.) So ~ please do join me! It would be lovely to see you on the screen and collaborate on this dire and necessary work.

Thursday, September 30th 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Thursday, October 7th 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Thursday, October 14th 4:00 - 5:00 pm

"Here we are, living in the heart of the predicament, inhabiting an earth that is at once so broken, so imperiled yet so wild, so resilient. Our world, a seemingly never-ending landscape of suffering and injustice is also interspersed with breath-taking beauty, raw magic, courage, kindness and bravery. How does our yoga practice fit into this landscape of constant change and perhaps more importantly, how do we live our yoga in a meaningful way?

Recognizing that Climate Change poses an imminent threat to all life, this  workshop series seeks to provide one of the possible answers to how we might live our yoga by both educating and empowering the yoga community in taking on the work of being Climate Awake and Climate Proactive. Along with the insight of fundamental yogic teachings, practical tools and ways forward will be shared."

Autumn Ritucharya is now available!
From the deepest part of my soul, from the altar of my heart ~ I have created Tulasana Sadhana to support you in your learning, knowing and practice of Yoga. Tulasana Sadhana practices are designed to support you in experiencing the yoke and union of Yoga, the luminous and breathtaking beauty of the greatest treasure of all, that which is within you.

Tulasana is a Sanskrit word sourced from two important roots ~ “tula” is balance and “asana” is posture or seat. Sadhana is the Sanskrit word for practice, yet implies much about our practice: dedication, devotion and daily dwelling.
Each Tulasana Sadhana has been curated to support you in different ways. Our daily practice offers us a wealth of tools, including but not limited to:

~healing (our bodies, our wounds, our samskaras, our past and our present). These practices are known as Bhishajyati.

~alignment to Earth, Moon, Sun and the cosmic principles. These practices are known as Ritucharya.

~exploration of the many facets of our being (subtle body anatomy, destiny, abundance, answering the call of our soul). These practices are known as Amrit.

Tulasana Sadhana practices are meant to hold you and guide your practice in specific ways. Some of the sadhanas will offer completion in a specific area, others are meant to be practiced during specific seasons or times, and still others will call you back, again and again, for the rest of your life. All of the practices will offer you equilibrium – a “balanced seat”, a steady way forward in accomplishing a rewarding home practice. You can draw from more than one Tulasana Sadhana at a time.
Each Tulasana Sadhana has been curated with the principles of yoga, Subtle Body anatomy and Ayurveda at the forefront. All Tulasana Sadhana’s include a specific warm-up, specific vinyasa, several kriyas and a meditation as well as a PDF file rich with resources to deepen your immersion into the practice. 

The Tulasana Sadhana Ritucharya for Autumn is up and available for purchase, a way to align your home practice and your daily rhythms to Autumn.

There are recorded classes, to do whenever you want, again and again, that align you to the energy of autumn. There is a PDF rich with energy consideration and application as well as recipes. And two additional practices in PDF form as well. I know that you will love it!

Feedback from those that purchased the summer ritucharya has been enthusiastic and affirming, with 100% consensus that they were looking forward to the next offering.

Last, but never ever least ~ I have some new practices up on the Yoga International Platform. I love YI!

True yoga, good things, ethical and principled approach. Click the yellow button below to check out the platform.