Many students arrive at Stony Brook University with a well-organized academic plan that includes a definitive path to a career that they have been dreaming about for years. Their plans may include future employment in the medical field or as an engineer or artist. It can be painful for students to understand that sometimes plans may need to adjust and shift as they begin focusing on coursework that may not be the right fit.
As family members, we may also feel let down or discouraged when our student’s life plan needs to be altered, but it is our responsibility to encourage them to seek out a path of study where they can thrive academically and prosper professionally! We often meet with students who struggle with their intended course of study, but with the right guidance and an open mind, students can find a new road that will bring them great success and fulfillment.
If your student lets you know that things are not going well with their classes, sprinkle them with encouragement and support and gently suggest they reach out to their advisor or the Career Center to discuss other options that may be a better match for their talents and abilities. While this may seem like a scary and frustrating process, knowing that you support them with their academic and career shift will give them a sense of security and love during this time of unexpected transition and change.
