September 24, 2021
Senior Ministers
Our church has had eight Senior Ministers in its first 100 years. I was lucky enough to know four of them and be one of them. 

Dr. Bash was small in stature but had a booming voice. Long before it was popular, he invited people of different faith traditions to gather in worship and dialogue and mission. Under his leadership the chapel was dedicated and became a welcoming space for interfaith activities. With courage and boldness, he led us through the turbulent 1960s.  

Dr. Brice hired me in 1988. I remember sitting in his office on my first day and hearing him say “I want you to have fun.” So many days I have remembered his words. He reminds me to lighten up, to serve God joyfully and to fall in love with God’s people. Dr Brice was a masterful pulpiteer. Every word was carefully chosen and certain sermons are forever imprinted upon me. I learned from him a deep love of words and the power of words to inspire us.

Dr. Cueni arrived with a wealth of wisdom on leadership. He was an administrative wizard. One of his passions was that the church should not just be a wedding mill but a place to begin thriving marriages and so we wrote and piloted Great Start for couples. He said that the two most important things we do in life for which we receive no training is to get married and raise children. And so we helped families with both. 

Dr. Miles was not only a mentor to me but like a brother. His theological honesty in the pulpit was a balm to my soul. Under his leadership we began going to South Africa, Nicaragua and India to serve God’s people on the margins. He challenged us to live out “all means all” and so we opened the doors more widely to include LGBTQ Christians in all aspects of God’s holy church. 

Sometimes in church I picture George Hamilton Combs in his morning coat with tails, preaching without a microphone in the 1920s. I picture Dr. Grafton comforting the widows and mothers during WW II. I hear Dr. Wyle advocating for men’s ministry, youth ministry and missions. On our Homecoming Sunday, Oct. 3 at 10:30 a.m., many of our former clergy and staff will join us to celebrate our first 100 years and launch the next 100. We will hear a string quartet, an amazing piano organ duet, vocal selections from ensembles, jazz trio and the glorious hymns. And I will hear the sacred history of all who have offered their lives in service.  

Grace and Peace,

To send a message to Carla, click HERE.
In compliance with the Kansas City, Mo., indoor mask mandate, we are asking everyone to wear a mask at all times when inside the church, regardless of vaccination status.

Please bring a mask with you when you come to worship. We have a limited number of disposable masks available, however supplies of masks are becoming limited once again due to the surge in infection rates.
Oct. 3 - Centennial Celebration Sunday. One service at 10:30 a.m. followed by a celebratory reception and toast on the front lawn. Attendees will receive a complimentary copy of A City Church: The First Century of Service. (One per household.) Congregational photo on the front steps at 10:15 a.m.

100 TREES FOR 100 YEARS, October 9 - 100 Trees for 100 Years. In partnership with Bridging the Gap and Heartland Tree Alliance, the church will plant 100 trees in Northeast Kansas City to promote the benefits of green spaces for health and wellness. From park spaces to city streets to neighbors yards, 100 trees will be planted and maintained in celebration of our centennial. Planting is from 9:00 a.m.-noon beginning at Concourse Park. The 100th tree will be planted on Sun., Oct. 10 on our church campus. More info and sign up link HERE.

DR. ANNA CARTER FLORENCE, November 7 and 8 - Dr. Anna Carter Florence, the Peter Marshall Professor of Preaching at Columbia Theological Seminary and an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, will preach at all three worship services on Nov. 7, followed by a preaching workshop on Nov. 8 for area clergy.For information contact Dr. Mike Graves.

CENTENNIAL CONCERT, November 20 – This Love Between Us + Bach Magnificat, 7:30 p.m. Spire Chamber Ensemble, a professional choral group of superb local, regional, and national artists, presents this concert featuring work by composer Reena Esmail, juxtaposing words from the seven major religious traditions and exploring how they each approach unity, harmony, and kindness.
Books celebrating the Centennial are now available for purchase in The Well Bookstore.

A City Church: The First Century of Service, written by historian Linna Place about the church's first 100 years, is available for purchase for $24. Complimentary copies of this book will be available at the October 3 reception, one per household.

Here is the Church, a children's board book written by Hayley Nicholas, is available one per family with children under 10, or for purchase for $10.
Hayley Nicholas reads to the children on Sept. 19.
Classes meet Mondays at 7:00 p.m.
Live in the Social Hall OR via Zoom. (See link below)

Living a Spiritual Life in a Disenchanted World - Continues Sept. 27, Oct. 4. Led by Dr. Mike Graves. Our world is often described as “technological” or “secular,” terms that are loaded and often tossed about carelessly. Scholars prefer the term “disenchanted,” that we are living in a time when it’s easier not to believe in God and mystery. In these sessions, we’ll think about how best to describe our world, as well as what it means to live a spiritual life these days.

Watch last week's class HERE.
The annual report for the 2020-2021 fiscal year is available at this LINK.
For adults in their 20s and 30s. September Social. Louisburg Cider Mill. Sun., Sept. 26, 2:00-5:00 p.m. RSVP at
Sun., Sept. 26, 6:00-7:30 p.m.

God calls us to do justice – and we are seeking to answer the call through daily action, individual and communal, with the support of others in our spiritual community to do what we can to dismantle systems of oppression in our own lives, selves and spheres of influence. Everyday Justice is a monthly cohort program that invites people in our community for spiritual grounding, continued education and opportunities to make plans for your work in your daily life. We first met in August and had a meaningful evening of learning and conversation, and we look forward to getting together again on Sun., Sept. 26, at the church for our second Everyday Justice meeting.

Each month, we will support each other in our ongoing commitments and asking what can we stop? start? continue? consider? You’re invited to join us for the next gathering, in person at the church (exact location TBD). All are welcome, even if you miss a previous session. Led Tyler Heston, Catherine Stark-Corn and Hannah Fenley; come for connect time at 5:45 p.m., program begins at 6:00 p.m. RSVP to Lisa Tang.
For women of all ages, with guest speakers on spirituality and real-life issues. Connect with other women looking for conversations that matter. Sept. 30, 6:30 p.m. under the tent in the backyard — guest speaker is Rev. Angie Colina McNeil, Pastor at Country Club United Methodist Church
Join us for lunch on Tues., Oct. 5, at noon as our guest speaker, Vicki Davis, offers her insight that through sharing our stories we help each other in our grief. Following Vicki’s reflection you may share your experiences, if comfortable doing so, in a facilitated small group. Everyone is welcome. Masks are required except when eating. Complimentary box lunch, we appreciate free-will donations. Pre-registration is helpful but not required. Our monthly Faith and Grief Lunches are sponsored by six Kansas City area congregations. Lunches are hosted at Village Presbyterian Church, 6641 Mission Road, Prairie Village, KS. Register at
For information or 816-381-9249.
Tues., Oct. 5, 6:30 p.m.

Country Club Christian Church is hosting a viewing party for this special conversation on how America came together a century ago and how we can do it again.  This timely discussion will feature Robert Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett, authors of Upswing. All are invited to attend the viewing hosted at church in the Social Hall. Come for refreshments and connecting time in the tent beginning at 5:30 pm. We will move into the Social Hall at 6:15 to prepare for the conversation. RSVP to Lisa at  
To learn more about APS visit
Metro Mission is seeking donations of large pieces of fleece to be used by the sewing group to create lap blankets for Della Lambs Operation Holiday in the late fall. Fleece donations need to be a minimum of 1 yard and bright cheerful patterns are desired. Donations can be brought to the church weekdays 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. or on Sunday mornings.

Club Kids and youth gathered for Sunday evening programming with a focus on reStart. The group learned and discussed the houseless situation in our community and the ways reStart helps to house individuals and families as they stabilize and seek long term housing solutions. One of the growing populations at reStart is families with young children. To offer a little support to families, Club Kids created busy bags with fun activities for children to have in their rooms and youth assembled kid friendly bagged meals. 
MISSION TRIP TO ECUADOR February 12-20, 2022
The Mission Trip team invites you to join us for our a mission trip to Ecuador for a week of service and learning with our mission partner FEDICE, a non-profit organization that works to build sustainable livelihoods, encourage self-sufficiency, and significantly enhance quality of life for indigenous and marginalized rural communities in Ecuador. The trip is open to adults aged 18 and up and requires a $250 deposit and registration by Oct. 17. Find out more information and register HERE or by contacting Rev. Tyler Heston.
Individuals are needed to help staff The Well gift and book shop on Sunday mornings.

There are two shifts each Sunday, 8:30 -10:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Training on the iPad based Square point of sale system will be provided; some computer experience helpful. Contact Anne Haraughty for more information.

All proceeds from the Well Book Store benefit Week of Compassion, the relief, refugee and developmental mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to alleviate suffering throughout the world.
Sun., Sept. 26, 10:00 a.m.
Come to the BACKYARD on Sun., September 26, at 10:00 a.m. for a time to connect with other parents with infants and toddlers (24 months and younger.) Come enjoy light refreshments as you get to meet other families. Babies bring your parents to play! Sara and Alex will join us to lead some simple songs for the little ones!  

CHILDREN'S BOWLING SOCIAL - Sun.,. Sept. 26. Join us for our first off-site Sunday night social with an hour of bowling at Ward Parkway Lanes (1523 W 89th St, KCMO). We’ll meet at 4:30 p.m. and will be done by 6:00 p.m.. RSVP to April, bring $5 to help cover cost, and let us know if you’re interested in chaperoning or helping with carpool!

FUN AND FELLOWSHIP NIGHT - Oct. 3, 4:30 p.m.
Join us in the backyard for some games, activities and socializing.

More Children's Ministry news HERE.
YOUTH BOWLING SOCIAL - Sunday, September 26: Join us for our first off-site Sunday night social with an hour of bowling at Ward Parkway Lanes (1523 W 89th St, KCMO). We’ll meet at 4:30 p.m. and will be done by 6:00 p.m. RSVP to April, bring $5 to help cover cost, and let us know if you’re interested in chaperoning or helping with carpool!

Stay tuned with all of our activities via text reminders! Sign up HERE.

More Youth Ministry news HERE.

Join families and individuals from our congregation for a week of hiking, horseback riding, fishing, crafting, relaxing and fun at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado. The group of 60-90 folks from all generations stays in a lodge with lovely mountain views and enjoys the home cooked meals provided by volunteer chefs from our church. If you don’t like to camp but you love the mountains, this is the place for you. Click HERE for more information. Please let April know if you are interested in attending.

Meeting you where you are and walking alongside you
on your spiritual journey to a life with greater meaning.