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It's Not About The Religion,
It's About The Relationship!

This week's message:

"Just Do It"

See Previously Recorded Messages

Hey Church! Pastor Greg here!

           What an incredible day of worship we experienced last Sunday. Our little trip back to a more traditional style of Communion was very eye-opening for your pastor. What delighted me the most was the participation. There is something about a formal communion liturgy that sets the stage, so to speak, for this all-encompassing sacrament. My sincerest thanks goes out to everyone who helped make it a memorable day. For now, I will pack my “big white dress,” get it cleaned and ready for the next time we might need it. 

           This coming Sunday we are headed back to James, chapter 4. If you read through it before Sunday, see if you can hear the charge … “Just Do It!” Take a gander at it by clicking the link below.

           It is amazing that we are in October already. The crispness in the air is a good reminder that God is, as God always is, “up to something.” Whatever God is up to, I know that we are up for the task of seeing God’s plan through. There are a couple of ways to make that happen in the coming weeks.

  Number One … Trunk-or-Treat on October 30th, from 3-5pm.  Last year we had a great time with about 10 cars/families participating. The community turnout was good but we expect this year to be even bigger. Our children’s ministry will be spearheading this event as this is truly an evangelistic outreach to our neighbors and their families. Look for more information to come, but put it on your calendar now. It is a Sunday afternoon, so after worship, plan to grab a bite to eat and come back to set the stage, the parking lot, so our neighbors can experience the radical welcome and love that we have to offer. 

           Another way to be an active part in the months ahead will happen on Sunday, November 6th, during worship. On this day we will honor those in our lives who have been saints for us. We will be adding to the slide show from last year, so if you recently lost a family member or friend that you would like honored, make sure and email a picture to me soon so our tech team can begin working on it. . All Saints Sunday is always a blessed day, as we remember the saints among us and the glorious cloud of witnesses that embrace us as we move forward in life. 

           Until Sunday, I want to encourage you to find a friend or family member that needs what we, as a church, have to offer. There is so much love and embrace within our walls, and the people of Poway and surrounding areas need to know about it … many need a personal invitation. (wink wink) I love being your pastor. 

Holding you close and lifting you high!

Pastor Greg

A Message from Pastor Debbie

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The “Blessings of the Animals” last Saturday was a BLAST! We had over 10 animals that were playing together in perfect harmony in our picnic area. I couldn’t believe it! Pastor Greg did a fabulous blessing over each animal. Thank you to all the boards that helped to make this event a success.

Let us now prepare for “Trunk or Treat” on Sunday, October 30th. You don’t even have to have a trunk to participate. It will run from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. We also need you to invite people to come. Begin putting your thinking caps on-everyone can participate!


Pastor Debbie

Andy's Antiphonal Allegories


People affected by Hurricane Ian

Tornados in other countries

War in Ukraine

Poulin Family-Kathy’s dad died on September 25th

Stan Melad and Family- Stan’s dad, Pete, died September 23rd

Tina, friend of Rosemary

Friends and Family of Judy VanDyke who passed on September 13th

Mike, brother of Susan

Fred, (Freddie’s Dad) and family.

Joshua, friend of Rosemary

Rocelle Melone

Joanne Jonas

Elaine Lemon

Nina Melad

Nellie-Felicia’s Sister and Sam Weigert

Dianne Florio

Beverly Andreas


Tremble Clefs SD

Classical Music Benefit Performance by Quartet Luminoso.

October 15, 2022 at 2:30pm


Quartet Luminoso is back! Please come join us for an afternoon of beautiful music featuring the Quartet Luminoso. This is a benefit concert and fundraiser for Tremble Clefs, a non-profit therapeutic singing program that is free for people living with Parkinson’s and their care partners. The concert will begin at 2:30 pm followed by light refreshments. Please register now for this free concert! Donations are encouraged.


Thank you!


Do you have any Church Photos!?

With a new church website underway, we are looking for all pictures that you may have from the past 3 years! They could be church events, people, Christmas, Easter, gatherings, etc! 

Please submit them to 



Every Thursday starting at


 One of the best things about our church is the diversity of experience and belief. We gather on Sundays, celebrating all God is doing, sometimes we get so caught up in our “Sunday experience,” that we forget that the call to discipleship is on our lives every day of the week. 

  Confirm-Not-Conform (CnC) is a program we will be using to ignite our passion for daily construction of who we are and what we hold dear. Folks have asked, “What exactly is CnC?” For lack of a better explanation, it is a confirmation

program for the entire church. CnC is designed for us each, to individually construct what it is we do believe, realizing that our beliefs can grow and change as we put our faith into practice.

Greetings From Outreach!

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A big thank you to you all for your continued support for our Basket Sundays and Mission Offerings. You are awesome. Last month you filled our basket with food for Interfaith Community Services. And, so many of you stayed after church to put that food to use, making sandwiches and packing 160 sack lunches. Many, many thanks to you all!

    For October, we are taking a month off from our Basket Sunday as we gear up for our Thanksgiving and Christmas giving. But we have a special mission offering to support three UCC mission offerings:

·     Neighbors in Need

·     Strengthen the Church, and

·     Our Church’s Wider Mission

    Neighbors in Need supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third supports the Council for American Indian Ministry and two-thirds are used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries to support justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. 

    Strengthen the Church supports leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations.

    Our Church’s Wider Mission provides funding to Wider Church Ministries, Local Church Ministries, and Justice and Witness Ministries (as I just noted for Neighbors in Need). Also, General Ministries and Pension Boards. Uses for these funds include assisting domestic and international missionaries. theological education and disaster relief.

    Your support of the October Mission Offering will be divided among these three worthwhile UCC programs and will complete our 2022 participation in the 5 UCC Mission Offerings. 

    If you wish to support the October Mission Offering, there are envelopes on the table by the offering plates, or you can note October Mission Offering when you give online. 

Thank you for your support! 

The Outreach Ministry

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The JOY of FOOD!

Each week there will be a “Recipe of the Week” for the Buzz!

There will be a red basket in the Narthex where you can drop off your favorite recipes or please email them to It can be any recipe from family favorites to ones recently discovered! We will be encouraging you to share your thoughts after you made the dish too. 

This week's recipe is Green Chile Cheese Squares!

Sent in by Linda England, thank you! 

Click Here for Green Chile Cheese Squares!


Who's got an upcoming BIRTHDAY?  

The Community Church of Poway wishes the following member a Happy Birthday. We hope you have a blessed day celebrating YOU! 

Randy Habeck    October 8

Things to Look Forward To!

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Trunk or Treat 

Save the date for 

October 30th 

from 3:00 to 5:00

We will have our “Trunk or Treat”. Get your thinking caps on about how you will decorate your trunk so you can give out treats to kids in our community!

 On Sunday,

November 20th,

CCPUCC Thanksgiving Worship and Pie Celebration".

Details are still being discussed, but after worship on that Sunday, we will gather for a homemade Pie Celebration. Hopefully, this will become a new tradition in our church community.

 Christmas Eve Worship 2022

It is never too early to mark your calendars for Christmas Eve Worship. 

This year, Christmas Eve falls on a Saturday. CCPUCC will offer ONE worship service on December 24th, at 4:00 p.m. Make your plans now to be with us on this amazing day. 

NOTE: There will NOT be a Sunday morning worship service on Christmas Day.

Zoom Meetings
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Books & More

  On October 25th we'll begin the discussion of Eternal by Lisa Scottoline.  Elisabetta, Marco, and Sandro grow up in Rome as the best of friends despite their differences. But in the autumn of 1937, everything changed as Mussolini asserts his power. Their connection to one another is tested in ways they never could have imagined.


Books & More meets Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the Fireside room and on Zoom:

All are welcome to join us.  

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Centering Prayer:

Tuesdays at 6:30 Contact Colleen Clementson

at or on

her cell at 858-663-6584, for the ZOOM invite

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Adult Scripture Review:

Sunday’s following online worship

Email Susan Gurriell

at or

call her at (619)993-4952 for a ZOOM invite.

Your Favorite Weekly Joke 

Thank you for checking out our BUZZ! Here is what you were waiting for! If you have a favorite joke or any tips to make the BUZZ even better, please send emails to :)

This week's joke was sent in by Jeannie Hume! Thank you, Jeannie!


Joke of the Week:

 J: Why did the scarecrow win the Noble Prize?

A: Because he was outstanding in his field...  

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