Hey Church! Pastor Greg here!
What an incredible day of worship we experienced last Sunday. Our little trip back to a more traditional style of Communion was very eye-opening for your pastor. What delighted me the most was the participation. There is something about a formal communion liturgy that sets the stage, so to speak, for this all-encompassing sacrament. My sincerest thanks goes out to everyone who helped make it a memorable day. For now, I will pack my “big white dress,” get it cleaned and ready for the next time we might need it.
This coming Sunday we are headed back to James, chapter 4. If you read through it before Sunday, see if you can hear the charge … “Just Do It!” Take a gander at it by clicking the link below. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=james+4&version=ESV
It is amazing that we are in October already. The crispness in the air is a good reminder that God is, as God always is, “up to something.” Whatever God is up to, I know that we are up for the task of seeing God’s plan through. There are a couple of ways to make that happen in the coming weeks.
Number One … Trunk-or-Treat on October 30th, from 3-5pm. Last year we had a great time with about 10 cars/families participating. The community turnout was good but we expect this year to be even bigger. Our children’s ministry will be spearheading this event as this is truly an evangelistic outreach to our neighbors and their families. Look for more information to come, but put it on your calendar now. It is a Sunday afternoon, so after worship, plan to grab a bite to eat and come back to set the stage, the parking lot, so our neighbors can experience the radical welcome and love that we have to offer.
Another way to be an active part in the months ahead will happen on Sunday, November 6th, during worship. On this day we will honor those in our lives who have been saints for us. We will be adding to the slide show from last year, so if you recently lost a family member or friend that you would like honored, make sure and email a picture to me soon so our tech team can begin working on it. pastorgregccpucc@gmail.com . All Saints Sunday is always a blessed day, as we remember the saints among us and the glorious cloud of witnesses that embrace us as we move forward in life.
Until Sunday, I want to encourage you to find a friend or family member that needs what we, as a church, have to offer. There is so much love and embrace within our walls, and the people of Poway and surrounding areas need to know about it … many need a personal invitation. (wink wink) I love being your pastor.
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg