The eNews is Going Monthly!
Look for the eNews on the first week of every month beginning in January, 2022.
The Bray House staff would like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!! We hope this season is filled with good health, lots of happiness and joy, and may your homes be filled with much love and laughter! The Bray House offices will be closed on Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th.
Dr. Catherine Meeks – Fall Summit 2021
Plus a New Introduction from Bishop San
Final Proposed Revised Constitution and Canons Now Posted
The Task Force submitted to the Committee on Constitution and Canons their final proposal for a revised Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Easton. These documents, including their full letter (excerpted below) can be found on our website.
"The members of the Task Force deeply appreciate the many comments, questions, and suggestions received from members of our Diocese of Easton. We have carefully considered them all...
...We have prayed and worked, researched, drafted, and redrafted, through 37 meetings between September 2019 and February 2021, the 6 Listening Sessions, and 11 more meetings from March 2021 through today, yet we recognize ours is but a human undertaking. We submit our proposals with humility and await the wisdom of Convention.
Blessings to all, and with gratitude and hope for the strong future of our Diocese." - Excerpted from the Transmittal Letter from The Members of the Diocesan C&C Task Force.
Call to Convention 2022
In accordance with requirements set out in its Constitution and Canons, notice is hereby [officially] given that the 154th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Easton will be held on Saturday, March 5th, 2022, under the theme “God’s Church in Renaissance/Revival” (Nehemiah 8: 10; Matthew 16:18). Continue reading the Call to Convention here.
Church Initiatives Grant Application Opened
Applications are now being accepted for the Diocese of Easton’s Church Initiatives Grant Program. Money is available exclusively to parishes and mission churches in the Diocese of Easton to undertake innovative programs and projects. The Church Initiatives Grants Committee is accepting grant applications now through Monday, January 24, 2021. Grant recipients will be announced at the Diocesan Convention with grants awarded in March 2021. Churches may download the instructions and application as either a printable version or a fill-able-form, or they may request an application from the Diocesan office. Read more about the Small Grants Initiative
The Children's Home Foundation
Since 1959, the Children’s Home Foundation has supported the future of Maryland’s Eastern Shore by awarding scholarships and camperships to local students and youth. We proudly assist high school graduates and adults who require financial support to attend vocational and technical schools, and youth who could not otherwise experience the benefits of summer camp...
Ocean City Youth Rally 2022
January 7th-9th - For 6th-12th Graders
Youth from around the Diocese are joining with our friends from the Methodist tradition to gather together at the Annual Ocean City Youth Rally (now called the Wave) for one epic weekend...
Registration Deadline is November 30th. Each church is asked to register adult leaders & students at the same time using this form. Or if you are a student looking to register individually use this form.
Sponsored in part by The Diocese of Easton.
Bishop San Celebrates 40th Anniversary to the Priesthood
Bishop San celebrated 40 years as a priest on Monday, November 8th. The special day included lunch with his staff (pictured left), where he was presented with a chalice and paten engraved with the Diocesan Seal. The Right Rev. Santosh Marray was ordained to the Holy Order of Priest on November 8th, 1981, at All Saints’ Church, New Amsterdam, Guyana. The ordination was conducted by the late Right Rev. Randolph George, Bishop of Guyana. Read more from Bishop San’s biography here. Pictured below: Bishop San (white shirt & glasses) posed with his family on the day of his ordination to the priesthood in 1981.
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Agape Ministry is planning its annual Christmas party for our children and their families. The event is scheduled for Saturday, December 4th from noon till 3 o'clock at Christ Church, Cambridge. The Optimist Club of Ocean City and Ocean Pines has donated funds for a holiday lunch. Can you help stock the gift "shop"? We need new and gently used toys and games for the children's caregivers to choose from and for the children to pick for their siblings. The children also choose presents for caregiver moms, dads, and grandparents. Popular items have included costume jewelry, lotions, scarves, Christmas items and decorative household items. We often fall short of gifts for men: belts, hats, gloves, socks, tools, lotions, aftershave, wallets. Packaged food items are also appropriate.
Cambridge: Christ Church: 601 Church St / Cambridge (M-Th 10am-3pm)
- Easton: Office of the Bishop: 314 North Street / Easton (M-Th, 10am-3pm)
- Stevensville: Camp Wright: 400 Camp Wright Lane / Stevensville (M-F, 9am-3pm)
- Salisbury: Pat Layton: 301 Powell Ave. / Salisbury (Call Ahead: 410-202-6049)
Interested in being a drop off location? Let us know!
If you need someone to pick up your donations, contact Pat Layton by phone or text (410-202-6049) and we will arrange pickup.
We will be setting up for lunch and helping kids choose and wrap gifts. Anyone interested in coming should contact Pat Layton as above to sign up.
4th Mondays at Noon on Zoom
Every 4th Monday of the month the Diocese of Easton, in partnership with Province III, offers an hour-long lunch session for Christian formation educators (including children, youth & adult formation leaders).
- November 22nd: "Healing Trauma: Body Mind Spirit - Part One" - Understanding the Affects of Covid
- January 24th"Healing Trauma: Body Mind Spirit - Part Two" - Strategies for Helping Our Parishioners (and Ourselves)
Attend FORMA
for Only $25
Province 3 is excited to offer discounted tickets to the Forma22 Digital Gathering this January 18-20. The tickets, normally $130, are available for $25 while supplies last. To register yourself or others for these tickets please use this form.
The annual Forma Conference is an opportunity to encourage and develop Christian educators, inside and outside the Episcopal tradition, to grow in how they educate and minister. This year, our theme is "The Church for Today and Tomorrow." Read More
Bishop’s Institute Fall 2021 Training Sessions
for Licensed Lay Ministry
Eucharistic Minister Training and Eucharistic Visitor Training for November have been cancelled. Training will be offered again in the new year.
with questions, or to schedule a tour.
Come join our CIT program for summer 2022! Learn life skills, get your volunteer hours and have a blast while being at camp!
Simple Silence by the River
“…whisper words of wisdom. Let it be.”
A Weekend Retreat - The Foehliage Retreat Center Galena, Maryland
Friday, Dec 3 - Sunday, Dec 5
with Francie Thayer
This Advent, we invite you to step out of the world for a moment and invite a time of stillness. Come spend some time remembering that God is not far off. Indeed, come spend open-hearted time noticing just how near God is. For a time, turn down the sound of world. Bring a friend! This retreat invites both men and women. Read more about this offering and register (here).
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Retreat House at Hillsboro has many Advent and winter offerings!!
Join us anytime for a spiritual retreat on the grounds of The Retreat House --
an opportunity to step away from your daily routine, to pause and to unwind.
You can un-subscribe at any time.
See our calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069, click the buttons below or contact Francie Thayer.
Happenings Around The Diocese
St. Paul's, Trappe - Attention Deer Hunters in the Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester Counties St. Paul’s Church needs your extra venison to feed hungry families! Last year our generous hunting community donated over 1,000 pounds of venison to feed 72 families. This year St. Paul’s is expanding to serve ALL the food pantries in Talbot County and several in Dorchester County. This year we need 1,800 lbs. of venison to feed approximately 130 families.
Please consider donating your extra deer to help those who are hungry in our community. It’s easy to do – take your deer to Frases Meat Shop in Preston (24003 Friendship Road/410-673-7249) and tell them you are donating your deer to St. Paul’s Church in Trappe. They will take care of the rest. Please share your name and number so we can thank you for your donation. Thank you in advance for your help!
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.
We are quickly approaching the holiday season and we are so excited to see our parish's celebrating with fun activities!! If you have a holiday event you would like to share with the Diocese, please send a brief article to Beth Devenny for inclusion in our future Enews.
St. Peter’s, Salisbury will hold their Holiday Bazaar & Marketplace for two days beginning on Friday, Nov. 19 (5-8pm)...It is Third Friday in downtown Salisbury so there is a lot going on, including the outdoor tree lighting. That evening the bazaar will feature oyster fritters made by the famous King Brothers. 38 fantastic baskets/items are online now at . They will also be on display Friday until 8 pm ; online bidding ends at 10 pm so items can be picked up on Sat, 8 a.m.-1 pm.
Saturday, Nov. 20 from 8 am-1pm is also when all wares will be displayed and Pete's Cafe will be open so you can enjoy breakfast or lunch as you shop...and perhaps pick up your winning bid from the auction. The air filtered Parish Hall will be turned into a Holiday Marketplace on Friday evening and Sat morning with food items, baked goods, unique gifts and worries about supply chain here!
St. Paul's, Centreville, Queen Anne's County ECOFEST & Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service On Sunday, November 21st, St. Paul's will host the Queen Anne's County Eco Fest, sponsored by Interfaith Partner's for the Chesapeake, from 2-4pm. The event begins in the church sanctuary with a Thanksgiving address delivered by Chief White Otter (Dennis) Cocker of the Lenape Tribe of Delaware. Other highlights include Chesapeake stories and cultural information about the Lenape and native flora and fauna, free native plant seed giveaway, dream catcher weaving, tours of our rain garden, birding and native species information and presentations from local environmental groups. Our "Micah Ministry "Green Team" will be on hand to share the story of our commitment to creation care with Eastern Shore faith communities. Don't miss this wonderful event! The day concludes with an ecumenical Thanksgiving service at 4pm, with music from St. Paul's Choir. For more information, please call 410-758-1553.
Holy Trinity Oxford Christmas Bazaar is Back! Re-Imagined!!
Saturday, December 4, 2021 9:00am - 12:00pm
Our yearly Christmas Bazaar is returning under a large tent on the front lawn of the church. Our committees are busily planning for a wonderful event. We will have beautiful wreaths, delicious frozen foods and baked goods, creative Mini-Trees, festive large centerpieces, three generous baskets of goods and donations for local charities, a children’s table with a craft and an opportunity to write letters to Santa, a tree from the Festival of Trees for a silent auction and vendors from the church. Come and enjoy a complimentary hot beverage and goody while you are choosing your wreath and other Holiday items. In keeping with COVID protocols, masks will be required. Please call or e-mail Sara Wangsness 410-226-5017 or or Sally Fronk 410-226-1044 or with any questions or to volunteer.
St. Peter's, Salisbury Save the Date: Messiah All-Sing at St. Peter's
It’s been many years since the community of Salisbury has enjoyed a Messiah All-Sing and this year St. Peter’s is hosting this popular event on Sunday, December 19th at 6:30pm. More information to come. Mark your calendars!
Bishop San received his Covid 19 booster shot this week and is encouraging all who are able to do so.
Book your booster / vaccination
appointment today!!
Make an appointment to get vaccinated by visiting or by calling COVID-19 Vaccination Support Center at 1-855-MD-GOVAX (1-855-634-6829) seven days a week, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Find other vax site locations near you at Federal Government vaccine finder - visit or text your zip code to 438829 to find a location near you.
Keep on slowing the spread of COVID-19 by
watching your distance, washing your hands and wearing your mask.
Prayers of the People
Please continue to keep in your prayers those infected with Coronavirus, those who have died as a result of the virus, and medical personnel, first responders and front line workers.
Pastoral Concerns
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for The Rev. Paula E. Clark bishop-elect of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and her husband, Andrew McLean. The Rev. Kevin Cross. The Rev. Bryan Glancey & Barbs Glancey. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. Art Kendall. The Rev. Ron Knapp. Art Leiby. Tom Mendenhall. The Rev. George Merrill. Becky Richardson. Larry Samuels. The Rev. Canon Bernie Schroeder. The Rev. Pete Stanton.
We pray for the many lives that have been affected by the Coronavirus. For those who have died; for the family members that mourn their loss. For those who continue to heal and for the skilled caregivers that continue to fight this disease – we pray for you.
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King
(November 21st)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church, Denton.
On this Children’s Home Foundation Sunday; we give thanks for the
Ministry of the Children’s Home Foundation, and their leadership in
providing funds for those seeking higher education.
First Sunday of Advent
(November 28th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church,
Cambridge and their Priest-in-Charge, the Rev. Bernie Schroeder, and his
wife, Carol.
Second Sunday of Advent
(December 5th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Holy Trinity, Oxford,
and for their Rector, the Rev. Kevin Cross, and his spouse, Barbara.
Third Sunday of Advent
(December 12th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Andrew’s Mission,
Hurlock, and for the ministry of their Deacon, the Rev. Barbara Coleman,
and her spouse John. We pray for their Food Ministry and those who
receive its offerings.
For additional weeks, please visit our website.
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
The Work of the Church: A Conversation with the Presiding Bishop and his Canons
Join us for a virtual event Dec. 9 at 6 p.m. ET
The last two years have upended many of the assumptions about what The Episcopal Church is and where it is going. Join Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and his canons for a conversation about how the past two years will inform the ministries and mission of The Episcopal Church in 2022 and beyond. There will be time for questions, and the event will be recorded for later viewing. Registration is free, but required.
ABC News' Linsey Davis speaks with Rev. Michael Curry, the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church of the U.S., about the church’s efforts to fight climate change.
Across our church and our society, we are having profound dialogues about race, truth, justice, and healing. Coming this Advent, Prophetic Voices: Preaching and Teaching Beloved Community explores where that dialogue intersects with our faith. Join us and our invited guests as we share prophetic voices and explore the readings for each week of Advent and Christmas Day through the lens of social justice.
You’ll hear ancient texts interpreted in new ways, find fodder for preaching and teaching, and make present day connections to the prophetic voices of the Bible. This podcast will help us rethink how we hear, see, and interact with the lectionary readings, refocusing from the rush of the Christmas season to the voice crying out in the wilderness.
Advent and Christmas resources
Click the button below for new and updated downloadable resources for individuals, small groups, and congregations.
• Advent curriculum, calendar & bulletin inserts •
• Sermons for Advent and Christmas •
• Advent and Christmas digital invitation kits •
• Podcast series •
and more!
United Thank Offering
The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for each blessing using a UTO Blue Box. UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings, and to distribute 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion. To learn more about 2022 UTO Grants, November Gratitude Resources, 2021 UTO Ingathering, Christmas Cards and more, please click here.
Difference. Be Curious. Be Present. Reimagine.
Many individuals, groups and organisations are calling on those at the conference to take decisive action to protect the environment. Ahead of the conference Archbishop Justin Welby, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew joined together to say, "We must choose to live differently; we must choose life."
Taking action on climate change - along with the injustices and conflict it creates - is something that every one of us can engage in. As a community we can make the decision to Be Present, refusing to turn away and acknowledging the situation before us. Read more here.
Episcopal Service Corps seeks applicants for 2022-23 service year
The Episcopal Church invites young leaders ages 21 to 32 interested in a transformative outreach and discernment experience to consider applying to the Episcopal Service Corps for its 2022-23 service year.
Applications open online Nov. 15. A virtual open house to answer questions and explain more about the process will be scheduled. It will include a chance to hear from current and former Corps members. Potential applicants can also take an online discernment quiz. Read more here.
Applications open for seminary faculty to apply for 2022-2023 Conant Grants
The Episcopal Church announces the opening of applications for Conant Grants for the 2022-2023 academic year. The deadline to apply is Friday, Dec. 3; recipients will be announced in early 2022. Information, instructions, and the application are available online.
Conant Grant funds are designated for the improvement of seminary-based theological education. Specifically, the grants are directed for the support of research, writing, and course development by faculty members at the recognized Episcopal seminaries in the United States. Read more here.
London church offers virtual reality Advent worship
[Church of England] People from around the world will be able to ‘join’ in traditional worship at a church in London through Virtual Reality for the first time.
The Blessing of the Light, which draws on one of the ancient evening rituals of early Christianity, has been filmed in 3D in a trial new approach to online worship.
The seven-minute act of worship, filmed at the parish church of St Stephen Walbrook in the City of London, can be accessed on any computer or device, without special VR equipment.
People are able to experience ‘standing’ among the choir and can explore in 360-degree vision during the worship.
It is led by the Revd Tosin Oladipo, Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, with music from St Martin’s Voices, the professional ensemble from St-Martin-in the-Fields in London.
New Bible Study for Dementia Caregivers and Their Churches
Morgan James’ new release, Finding Sanctuary in the Midst of Alzheimer’s: A Spiritual Guide for Families Facing Dementia, by Dr. Elizabeth Shulman, offers spiritual support for those caring for someone with dementia. Read more here.
Grant applications open for Episcopal Church Constable Fund, Roanridge Trust Applications are open for two grant opportunities offered annually by The Episcopal Church—Constable Fund grants, which focus on religious education, and Roanridge Trust grants, which support leadership development in small towns and rural communities. The application deadline for both is Dec. 12. Learn more here.
Episcopalians can now access analysis of the 2020 Parochial Report data including multi-year attendance and finance trends for individual churches and dioceses, as well as learn how COVID-19 impacted congregations from a special narrative report of qualitative data.
“My Way of Love for Small Groups”
Recommended especially for small congregations, this helpful resource includes outlines for nine sessions, prayers, discussion questions, resource links, and promotional materials. It is ideal for vestries, youth groups, confirmation classes, Bible studies, prayer groups, committees, ministry teams, and more.
“My Way of Love is intended for individuals seeking guidance in growth in love of God and neighbor, but we’ve also found that it’s a great resource for small gathered communities to use,” said Jerusalem Greer, staff officer for evangelism for The Episcopal Church. “A group, any group — inside or outside a congregation — can take the inventory on their own, begin their eight weeks of emails, and then share with each other how the journey is going.”
“My Way of Love for Small Groups” is an initiative of RenewalWorks, a ministry of Forward Movement, and The Episcopal Church.