Online Training Courses
Trama Informed Instruction Materials
Dr. Reggie Melrose

For thirty years, my methods have reduced student anxiety and increased focus. As an educator myself, I have known firsthand to create resources for classrooms and schools that are practical, time-efficient and, important to today's world, help students overcome the effects of stress and trauma. Only then can they can thrive academically. 
Students report feeling calmer, less stressed, more in control of their emotions, and better able to concentrate. Teachers report fewer discipline referrals, better test scores, and feeling happier in their classrooms. 
Trauma Informed Instructional Training and Materials.
Playground Injuries. Decreasing your Liability

Training your teachers and playground supervisors can decrease your student injuries by as much as, 40%. Quality training can save your school and district a huge legal bill if a child is injured.

How to Have a Peaceful Playground

A Peaceful Playground? Sound Impossible? It’s not. With a few proven strategies we’ll show you how to reduce bullying, and reduce playground conflicts, resulting in happy students and a thankful staff.
Our research indicates that 5 situations contribute to 95% of all problems on typical elementary school playgrounds. In this fast paced webinar we’ll share those problem situations and our proven strategies for turning your playground into a “peaceful place for fun and games.”

Monthly Coupon
Sale Price $749 (Reg $ 999) School Site USE CODE "BTS2022"