The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
Ps 145:18

Since we brought our son Andrew home from the hospital six years ago his bedtime routine has always consisted of three things: prayers, stories and songs. When he was an infant, I prayed and he listened. We he turned 2, we started saying prayers like the “Our Father” and “Hail Mary” together and we integrated time to “talk to Jesus.” We have discussed many times that Jesus is our friend and wants us to tell him everything (good and bad) that is on our mind and in our hearts.   

And although Andrew is all pro at saying the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be (The Glory Be is his favorite because it is the shortest.) the “talk to Jesus from our hearts” is a continual work in progress. Andrew’s nightly prayers mostly sound the same and often seem to be said more for my benefit rather than God's. I try to walk the thin line between affirming his efforts to pray and challenging him to be more reflective in what he is saying and to always keep in mind WHO he is addressing. (It is the creator of the universe that he is speaking to therefore prayer is worth more than 30 seconds of our time each night.)  Some nights I feel more successful than others and I have to admit that there are many nights when I wonder if anything I have said to him in our conversations about prayer has any impact at all