St. James New Logo
To Love and Care for All, Seek Christ, and Spread His Gospel
Volunteer Sign Up!
Lots of Upcoming Events!
This Friday!
Diocesan Juneteenth Commemoration
On Monday, June 19, the Diversity and Reconciliation Commission of The Diocese of West Missouri invites anyone able to embark upon a pilgrimage to Park Central Square, Springfield, Missouri, the site of the April 1906 lynching of three African American men, Horace Duncan, Fred Coker, and William Allen.
Donations and Volunteers needed for Thursday, June 29th.

Help those in need and enjoy some church volunteer camaraderie!
New location at 3055 E. Division.

Many families rely on Crosslines for fresh produce, canned and boxed food, milk, eggs, diapers for their children, plus much more.

You can help with donations by bringing in a check marked “Outreach” to Sunday service or by bringing in hygiene items, canned foods, shampoo, boxed meals, etc. before Wednesday the 28th. Another way to help is by volunteering from 8:45 to 1:30 on Thursday the 29th to fill carts with
needed food and supplies. If you wish to only work a half-shift, either ending or beginning around 11:30, let Nancy know. Your help is greatly needed and appreciated by those you serve!

Thank you, St. James! Please call Nancy Terry at 417-860-6879 if you have any questions.
Sundays at 4:30pm
July 2, 9, 16, 23
Those who would like to be confirmed, received, or reaffirmed (returning after a time away) into The Episcopal Church when Bishop Bruce visits on July 30 -- and those who just want to learn more about our church and tradition but aren't sure about confirmation -- are invited to join for this class. We will be using the book Walk In Love to guide our class discussion. Plenty of copies are available in the church office. See Fr Isaac to learn more or to pick up a copy.
Please join us for the Southern Deanery picnic at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Springfield at noon on Saturday, July 8. The Deanery will provide hotdogs, hamburgers, and condiments, and asks that those attending bring sides and desserts, as each is able. One hope for this event is that as many Episcopalians as possible from across the deanery might gather to connect, so please plan to join us. To that end, we ask that interested participants register their plans to join so we can plan accordingly. RSVP via the link below.
Evensong to Conclude Pride Month

Sunday, June 25

Join us as we gather to pray with the intentions of those intercessions and thanksgivings shared with us as we proclaimed the Gospel that God loves EVERYONE at Pridefest this month. The photo above shows the ribbons left at out booth with the prayers of those who visited us, whom we invited to join in this special evensong. Choristers from each of the Episcopal parishes in Springfield will join in leading this service.
VBS 2023

Our 2023 VBS will be held on a Friday evening, Saturday (most of the day), and conclude on Sunday morning.

Families with kids: please mark your preference for a VBS weekend on this one-question poll.

More information and a request for volunteers will follow once a weekend is selected.
Sunday School
is on vacation for the summer
Celebrations & Prayers This Month
This Week
Happy Birthdays
 Janice Carney        06/18  
Cynthia Rutledge 06/19 
Hannah Redden    06/19 
Joyce Haberman 06/25  
Minuen Odom        06/26
Happy Anniversary
Mike & Becky DeWitt     06/19
Chris & Sarah Dodson     06/23
Jim & Suzy Lynch            06/27
Greg & Mary Rajek         06/28
Bob & Minuen Lanning    06/29

  Prayers for Families This Week
Atkinson, Atwood, Baumlin

Flowers were given to the glory of God 

Altar Schedule
Altar Guild
Tammy Larimore
Vickie Hamilton   
Celebrant, Preacher
The Rev. Isaac Petty
The Rev. Suzy Lynch
1st Reading
2nd Reading
 Janis Micklea    
Prayers of the people
Acolyte (s)
Eucharistic Minister 1
Eucharistic Minister 2

Bob Lanning
Jim Lynch
Elaine Atkinson