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6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive

Longboat Key, Florida 34228

(941) 383-6491

The Chapeline

February 4, 2025

"The Super Bowl and Church are Teammates"

This Sunday is the Super Bowl. No, I’m not referring to Christmas and Easter, though many of you have heard me compare “High Holy Days” on the Church calendar to the biggest cultural events, especially the Super Bowl and World Series.

I often use this comparison because I think most people recognize the importance of the Super Bowl. It generates lots of excitement for sports fans, especially those fans who have an intimate connection to the competing teams. Sure, some people just watch the Super Bowl for the halftime show. Others are planning to watch the “Puppy Bowl” while some of us are simply watching to catch a first glimpse of the newest product commercials. Since few of us ever have the opportunity to see the game in person, the networks draw us into their world, providing us with a front-row seat to first-rate entertainment. 

Like Christmas and Easter, the Super Bowl (and World Series) arrives once per year. We’ve encountered the events enough to be familiar with the excitement of a good game or the letdown of a blowout. Most of us recognize that it’s just a game, but deep down, we know that we better keep an eye on ESPN. After all, this is what most of the public will be discussing during the next few days. Even amid tragedy and disaster which many of us have encountered in the last few months, the game can provide a little distraction from the realities of this life. We need it.

When I compare the Super Bowl to Christmas and Easter on the Church calendar, I’m often trying to draw a connection for folks to understand the intensity experienced by church staff, leaders, and volunteers. I’m also trying to point out the massive increase in attention, attendance, and viewership on High Holy Days, which is especially important for the folks who don’t attend any other game (worship service) in the year.

Yeah, the High Holy Days are very significant. Yeah, some of my colleagues are probably crying “heresy” because I’m glorifying a football game by mentioning it alongside Christmas and Easter. But really, how can I not make the comparison? Most of the world doesn’t attend church…at all. If I can use a culturally significant reference to help a non-churchgoer connect a dot, shouldn’t I do it? Just as our culture grabs onto the Church during the High Holy seasons, shouldn’t the Church also grab onto culture for the same reason?

Yeah, we need each other. The Church needs the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl needs the Church. They are not competitors. They are friends. They are teammates. When approached appropriately, the Church and the Super Bowl can help each other become better and stronger.

Now, for the real question: Will God watch the Super Bowl? If so, is God a Chiefs or Eagles fan? Both teams are praying for God’s blessings. Lots of churches will be represented on the field. Whose prayer will God answer when they are all God’s children? I’m glad that’s not my job.

See you this week for Church and a Pre-Game Super Bowl BBQ!

God Bless, Brock.

Worship Service on Sunday, February 9

10:00 a.m.

Online Worship and in the Sanctuary

"Church MVP"

Rev. Brock Patterson

 Acts 8:26-40

Worship service featuring Alyssa Adamson, voice; Brian Gurl, piano and voice; the Chapel Choir,

and Richard Engel, Liturgist.

Watch Sunday Worship LIVE at 10 am (EST) on our website.

Worship Service Streaming Link
Zoom Link to Evening Bible Study Class
Previous Bible Study Class Recordings

All Sing Sunday

February 16

Join us to practice singing congregational music before the Worship service. Please arrive at 9:15 a.m.

This is a great opportunity for those who want to only sing onstage occasionally in a group setting rather than every week with the Chapel Choir. We would love to have you!

Let's have fun and feel the joy!

We will sing through the selected hymns during Worship service, then we will remain on stage until the second congregational hymn is sung. Wear your regular Sunday clothes.

Notice of Annual Meeting of the Members

Sunday, February 23

11:00 a.m. (following Worship Service)

Meeting will be held in the Sanctuary.

 Chapel Restoration Projects for 2025

Your donations are vital for these projects below as they allow us to create

a warm and welcoming space for all to gather.

You may make checks payable to LBIC or call the office at 941-383-6491 to place a credit card order.


Chapel Roof - Chapel Driveway Repair- Chapel Pergola

 Sanctuary Floors - Elevator

The Lord's Warehouse is OPEN!

Wow! What a welcome back extravaganza!

The line was out the door at our Grand Re-opening last Saturday!

Regular hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Items for donation can be brought directly to the Lord's Warehouse front porch area.

Donated items are picked up daily from the porch and placed inside.

Follow the Lord’s Warehouse on facebook, (lords warehouse). 

Prayer Group

Thursday, February 6

8:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary

If you are available to pray this Thursday, join us in the Sanctuary. Pray for the times, our planet, for all nations and for prayers that God has placed on our hearts. Come as you are.

Shifting Sands

Thursday, February 6

10:00 a.m. in Shook Fellowship Hall

This group meets to assist each other in maneuvering through

difficult times.

Contact Rev. Jeffrey at:

SuperBowl Party!

Sunday, February 9

11:00 a.m. in Shook Fellowship Hall

Square Games are still available at the party!

Serving ribs, pulled pork, and wings with all the fixins!

All of our events are open to Members and Non-Members!

Sign up in Shook Fellowship Hall. $15 donation suggested but not necessary

Valentines Day Dinner at the Chapel!

We are filling up! 13 spots left! Make your reservation now!

“Be With the Ones Who Love You”

 Friday, February 14

 5-7 p.m.

 4-Course Dinner with Wine and Music!


Reservations Only! Please register for this event. Ticket are $50 each. 


Contact Carol Peschel at 941-400-2427, or Valarie Evanko,

 330-806-2351, or the office at 941-383-6491 with your

reservation. Or, sign up in Shook Fellowship Hall.

Checks may be made payable to LBIC. 

Chapel Book Club

Monday, February 17

Noon- Lazy Lobster (LBK)

"The Stolen Queen" by Fiona Davis

Come prepared with a though or question about the book.

Sign up at the Chapel or contact: June

Pens! Paper! Pencils! Oh My!

Charitable Outreach is collecting school supplies this month for Daughtrey Elementary in Bradenton.

Drop off donations at the donation table in Shook fellowship Hall until the end of February.

Supplies needed:

Pencils Pre-Sharpened

Eraser Caps

Expo Markers - thin

Loose leaf wide-ruled paper

Sharpie markers and Crayola markers

Crayola crayons

Tissues/Lysol Wipes

Printer paper


Chapel Choir Rehearsal!

Regular Choir Rehearsals are every Sunday directly after worship (11:15 a.m.).

Lend your voice to build a strong presence for the Chapel!

Contact Alyssa Adamson:

Thank You!

Thank you to our Ushers and Greeters who helped create a welcoming environment during Worship service last week!

Your care and generosity were appreciated last week at Sunday Worship!

Sharyn Ford, Michelle and Tom Giannico, Becky Hopf, and Larry Steagall

Thank you to Donna Dolan and Ginger Stephen for helping with the hospitality Sunday

 and to everyone who donated treats.

Pictures of the Week

Rev. Brock during 2-2-25 Worship service.

Brian Gurl, our new pianist.

Remodel of offices downstairs. The doors are here!

Hurricane Relief Fund:

Total paid for Chapel hurricane recovery - $255,328

Remaining balance in Reserves (for hurricane recovery) - $60,000

(Still Needed: Sanctuary Floors, New Roof, Driveway Maintenance, Elevator, Various electric-related projects for Chapel and Lord's Warehouse. Amounts above DO NOT include several significant in-kind gifts of Kitchen equipment, Plumbing projects, etc.)

Longboat Island Chapel

“Share the Light” Capital Campaign


Invest in our future! Donate to our campaign during 2025

so we may achieve our long-term goals.


Bright yellow envelopes at the Welcome desk and also on our event sign-up table are designated for our “Share the Light” donations may be used for your contributions.

Are you away from LBK and wish to make a donation? Contact the Chapel Offices and we will make it happen! We can accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards, investment transfers, IRA/SEP contributions, etc.

Contact Susan Schaefer at (941) 383-6491.

Chapel Goal: $640,000

Donations to Date: $257,331

Giving to The Chapel

  • Checks and/or money orders written out to Longboat Island Chapel.

  • Direct withdrawal from your bank to ours. Call the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 for our routing and account numbers.

  • All major credit cards are accepted. Simply contact the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 to charge your one-time gift.

  • Ongoing monthly support via your credit card. Office staff will be happy to debit your card at the beginning of each month in an amount established by you.

  • Support the Longboat Island Chapel via the "donate" button, located on our website at This may be a one time or ongoing contribution, whichever you prefer!

Thank you for your generosity!