21st Century CURES Act Provisions under Section 12006
• The CURES Act requires states to implement an EVV system.
• Any state that fails to do so is subject to incremental reductions in FMAP up to 1 percent.
• EVV can be a strong mechanism for ensuring financial accountability of the program, including reduction in unauthorized services, improvement in quality of services to
individuals, and reduction in fraud, waste and abuse.
• EVV systems can increase accuracy and quality of Services provided.
• EVV can increase efficiency through quick electronic billing incorporated into the system
immediately after entry.
HCPF is committed to collaborating with stakeholders as required in the 21st Century Cures Act and has scheduled meeting during 2018:
• June 19
• July 17
• August 21
• September 18
• October 16
• November 20
• December 18
Meeting standing location:
Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
303 E. 17th Avenue, Denver CO 80203
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
• Call-in Information:
Local: 720-279-0026
Toll Free: 1-877-820-7831
Passcode: 982280#
Webinar Link: https://cohcpf.adobeconnect.com/r5z7dqgieed4/