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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

November 3-9, 2024

Upcoming Events & News

Don't forget about the Stewardship Breakfast Potluck this Sunday, November 3rd; it will start at 9:00 am with the program starting at 9:15 am. Bring your favorite breakfast dish to share! 🙂

Also: 'Alexa, play If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher'- Don't forget to turn your clocks back Saturday night!

Discretionary Fund: This Sunday the loose plate offering (gifts not designated for pledges, building, etc.) will be deposited into the Rector’s Discretionary Fund.

Churchmen’s Club Holy Smokers’ Turkey Sale: It’s that time of year again to get your delicious smoked turkey from the Churchmen’s Club! You can purchase your tickets from a member of the Club or at the office during office hours. Tickets are $50 each and pickup will be Saturday, November 23rd from 8-10:30 am in the rectory carport. Also, the women of ECW will be selling pies in the Parish Hall during the same time as pickup.

Mark Your Calendar:

  • Coffee Hour: After the service, everyone is invited to the Parish House (two lefts at the bottom of the steps) for refreshments and fellowship
  • Children’s Sunday School: Sunday, November 3rd & 17th at 9:45 am
  • ECW Meeting: Wednesday, November 6th at 11:30 am in the Parish Hall
  • Pub Theology: Thursday, November 14th at 6:00 pm at U.S. Pizza
  • Mahjongg Lessons: Every Sunday at 2:00 pm in the Anglican Hall
  • Adult Sunday School: Sundays, 9:30 am in the Parish Hall
  • The Chosen Discussion Group: Every Friday 5:30-7 pm until the end of October in Anglican Hall; starting November 4th, the meeting will change to every Monday 5:30-7 pm; Season 4 only viewing from 3-4:30pm every Tuesday for 8 weeks (Began October 1st)

Blessing Box: Looking for ideas about what to donate for the Blessing Box? Rice Krispie treats, pop tarts, ramen noodles, fruit snacks, granola bars or chips work! These items will go in the Blessing Box, and will also be shared with our Lyon College students when the Care Team makes “snack bags” to pass out monthly. Thank you! 😊

St. Paul’s Prayer List:

Prayer requests will stay on the Parish Prayer List for four weeks with the exception of parishioners with ongoing needs. If you wish a prayer request to remain on the list, please call the office to renew the request.

Intercessions: Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, Jim & Deb Johnson, Patricia Smith, Joan Davidson, Matt Stephenson, John & Susan Dempsey, Ellen Massey, Bill Olson, Sam Crawford, Rebecca Ward, and Cindy Perkey.

Intercessions for Family & Friends: Jim Wilson, Jay, Kitten Lawless, DeAnna McCool, Robin Goertz, Gerry Goertz & Jinny Goertz, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Mark & Jennifer, Susan, Jody Gayle, Stacey Lindsey, Tara Nance, the Sweet Family, Melvin & Jennie Smith, Howard Crosby, David Smith, Lucy Harris, Adam M, Keith Perkins, Jim & Charlotte, Jordy, Shelby & Penelope Rubio, Daniel & Steven King, Sherry Snow, Mark Counts, the Gott family, Nan & Matt Tucker, Walker, Mark Higginbotham, Danny Yeager, the Mooneyhan family, Shannon Bohnert, Micah Jordon, Rodney Brady, Ron Karg, the Waldrip family, Kathy Kleveno, Mike & Brandy Wyatt, John V. Miller, Ben Handford, Patty Healey, Scott Davidson, Jim Reynolds, Christina, the Clouse family, Peggy Comer, Kristin, Marilyn Townsend, James (Richie) Mosser, and Georgina Mosser, Jeannie Sade, Kristi Smith, Raymond Staggs, Gary & Phylis Bratton, Connie Barnett, Jillian & Casey, Reta Goodman, and Neva Miles Hector.

Birthdays: Dave Allen (11/9), Charley Mulick (11/9), and Mark Starnes (11/9).

Lay Ministers Serving This Sunday

Celebrant: Jason Alexander

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): Mike Schmidt

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Brenda Bittle

Lector: Sally Fittsizer

Ushers: Bill Olson & Lee Conditt

Technical Support: Jon Healey

Coffee Hour: No Coffee Hour-Stewardship Breakfast Potluck

Altar Guild: David & Melissa Taverner

Community Meal (11/6/2024):  Team Stalker

This Sunday’s flowers are given by Steve & Ellen Massey to the glory of God and in loving memory of Young Mack Massey, Betty Hail Massey, Will Olson, and all the saints of St. Paul's.

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Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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