Welcome to A Generous LIFE!

The stewardship team at Lord of Life has been collecting stories of God’s abundance revealed through the life and action of our congregation. We hope you enjoy reading about how your friends, pew-mates, and fellow disciples have been touched by God’s grace and are being led to lives of generosity.

When Jim Card, a lifelong Lutheran, moved to this area several years ago, he and his wife Jean wanted to find an ELCA Lutheran congregation in which to worship and be a part of the church family.   


They were welcomed by a familiar face in the Lord of Life choir: Dawn Johnson Denn, who had been the youth leader for their high-school-aged sons at Trinity Lutheran in Kirkwood, Missouri!  Dawn introduced them to several Lord of Life members, and Jim and Jean started to feel at home. 


Jim is grateful that the Gospel is preached each Sunday in a thoughtful and provoking manner.  Additionally, he appreciates that worship includes communion every Sunday.  He says Lord of Life members are dedicated, active and friendly, and many have become good friends. 


Jim learned generosity at a young age.  His parents were active in the Lutheran church where Jim was confirmed.  He remembers that Pastor Bartling instilled in his heart the truth that God provides everything, so in response, we should give back a portion of what God provides.  When Jim and Jean were married, Jim’s salary as an Ensign in the Coast Guard was small, yet they put God first when they made their budget.  Putting God first has continued to be their practice for the past 58 years.  They once had the opportunity to make a presentation at a marriage enrichment conference held in the National Cathedral in Washington DC.  Their topic was money and marriage.  Part of their presentation was sharing the details of their household budget, which showed God first and savings second.  Many were surprised to see that Jim and Jean “gave that much” to God.  Jim just considers it giving back to God. 


Jim and Jean’s support of Lord of Life is consistent with the many previous churches where they have been members.  They appreciate that Lord of Life has many ministries that reach into the community which are worthy of support.  They are also grateful for the many youth ministries including Kids of the Kingdom, Children’s Faith Formation, and Teen Life.  They were happy to provide support over and above their regular giving for the most recent capital campaign, through which the Welcome Center was built.  They feel that the Welcome Center is a wonderful addition to our building, offering a great opportunity to welcome all visitors as well as connecting members. 


Jim hopes that Lord of Life will continue to grow in fulfilling our Mission and Vision, in seeking new members, in welcoming all, and in connecting with each other as we know God’s love and share it with each other. 

3801 S. Panther Creek Dr., The Woodlands TX   281-367-7016   LOLonline.org

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