Updates from LabArchives

Notebook and Inventory

Notebook Updates

Notebook Ownership Transfer Tool Now Available

This new Site Admin control will allow those with this privilege to transfer notebooks from one owner to another within their institution. Transfers to accounts outside of your institution will still need to be referred to LabArchives. The Enterprise Success Team will work with you to enable this for selected Site Admins. We will be providing a live demo during next week's Site Admin Meetings (see below), please please let us know who should have access since this is an additional special privilege.

Updated Mathematical Equation Entry

As part of the LabArchives ongoing page updates, the Mathematical Equation entry has been updated with a cleaner interface that is responsive for the ideal display (desktop or mobile friendly) across all devices. The option to use either TeX or MathML is more clearly displayed along with corresponding equation-building tools for TeX.   

Inventory Updates

Hide empty standard fields - Many labs do not use all the standard fields, routinely leaving fields such as price empty. With this change, standard fields that are empty will not display on the "About" tab for an inventory item, but they are all available when adding or editing an inventory item.

Bulk update order status - Requested or Approved items can have their status updated to Approved or Ordered, respectively, using a handy checkbox option to update all or select several on the list to save time managing order requests.

Unique ID Displays - IDs unique to each inventory are now displayed on all items. URLs with the unique IDs can be used to create QR codes in label printing software or referenced elsewhere.

Filter for items with no location set - this new option at the bottom of the Locations filters will enable users to identify items that are missing location information for easy updating to maintain the most accurate information about the inventory contents and locations.   

UK LabArchives Support
UK ERN Website