September 2022
Latest Stories from the Field
Featured on our Blog
Reflection on the Seed School Teachers' Training in Cebu
By Elizabeth Martin
GSSP Benguet Field Coordinator
During SSTT, I learned to appreciate myself better. I have also learned how I can better appreciate seeds and other people in my daily life. The training made me realize that by being aware of myself, I can deal better with others because like a seed, each one of us is unique.

Guest Contribution
Being Healthy - What's Community and Sovereignty
Got To Do With It?
By Mabi David, Good Food Community
Are we truly healthy if others are not? Is it truly well-being if other people are exploited and the planet is destroyed?

Ang Pagtanom ug Binhi | The Planting of Seed
Publication Of Initial Research Findings
As you may remember, we collaborated on an exciting radical research project entitled Ang Pagtanom ug Binhi | The Planting of Seed. The project, led by Dr. Antonia Alvarez of Portland State University Graduate School of Social Work, has been ongoing for the past two years. We have written about this in a previous blog post.

We are excited to share that an article about our initial findings has been published in the Journal of Indigenous Social Development Special Issue: Beyond Colonization to the Fore of Social Development.

Read our article here. You can also access the full special edition of the journal here.
Updates From The FAO 9th Governing Body Session On the International Treaty For Plant Genetic Resources For Food and Agriculture
Sherry Manning and Bill McDorman Arrives in New Delhi, India
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 9th Governing Body (GB9) Session on the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) began with a special session to celebrate the true guardians of crop diversity, FARMERS!!

Team GSS Now Complete!
Team GSS is honored to be here and represent at the GB9 the true guardians of our world's crop diversity, our FARMERS!!

We are already learning so much and getting to influence the stance of the collective NGOs here!

Karen Hizola Reads Collective Statement on Farmers Rights On Behalf of CSOs Attending the GB9
So wonderful to have Karen’s clear, strong, and passionate voice share this important message that farmers' rights are the foundational piece of this all, and without truly recognizing and supporting these rights our genetic diversity in plants would not exist!

Executive Directors Sherry Manning and Karen Hizola Present Our Work In GSS To A Side Event At The GB9
This is what our work is doing! Helping farmers remember and have space to share their stories, their wisdom, their immense and foundational role in feeding the world!

GB9 Ends As Super Typhoon Approaches The Philippines
As dignitaries at the GB9 were debating over languaging and punctuation in a treaty, farmers in the Philippines are preparing for an incoming Category 4 typhoon.

Sherry shares, "This is the real-time, real life, that is facing our farmers right now. This was an important reality check that I would have loved to share with the full plenary!"
Sherry and Karen are still in India to visit Navdanya Biodiversity Farm.
To get updates about their travels, make sure to
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