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Nov 1 - Tuition Due

Nov 1 - NO SCHOOL LCPS Holiday

Nov 4-5 - NO SCHOOL - LCPS Holidays

Nov 8th - Food Donations Due

Nov 13 - Spirit Night (Fuddruckers)

Nov 18-22 - Parent/Teacher


Nov 19 - POPS Meeting (7:30PM)

Nov 27-29 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

November Service Project - Thanksgiving Baskets for Loudoun Hunger Relief

For this month's Community Outreach Project we are making baskets of food for Loudoun Hunger Relief. Each class is putting together a basket and filling a bag (decorated by the children). Signups are at the classroom doors. Donations should be brought in before November 8th. Let's help more people enjoy Thanksgiving dinners.

Spirit Night

Spirit Night for November will be Nov 13th, between 5-8:00pm, at Fuddruckers. We hope to see you there!

Volunteering with POPS

We hope you had a great time at the Fall Festival! Did you know that POPS (Parents of Preschoolers) organized the event? The group is made up of parents who volunteer to help the with school activities, projects, etc. The next POPS meeting will be the evening of Tuesday, Nov 19th, at 7:30PM (in the preschool). All parents are invited to attend.

For more information, or if you would like to volunteer, please email POPS

Chaplain's Corner

We had a wonderful time in Children's chapel in October talking about the superheroes of the Bible and how the children are superheroes too. Their bodies are strong like super heros with eating and exercise AND their hearts are superhero strong by being kind to one another , just like Jesus teaches us to be. 


In November we will be sharing the love of Jesus talking about being thankful and sharing with others. 


Miss Maureen

Church Events

St. David's Episcopal Church has services, prayers, and other events/activities. Click here for more information.

Message from

the Director

"Don't wait until the fourth Thursday in November, to sit with family and friends to give thanks. Make every day a day of Thanksgiving."

~Charmaine J Forde

Every morning at St. David's Preschool starts in prayer. As a staff, we give thanks for this opportunity we have been given to work in this beautiful school with your children. In class, we give thanks for the new day, our friends, and all of our blessings. It is wonderful to begin a day with a grateful heart. I encourage you to talk with your kids... At bedtime, on a nature walk, in the car. What are they thankful for? And of course, you can always let them know what YOU are thankful for!


I have been blessed with the chance to work with each of your students and the wonderful families at St. David's. Thank you for your support of our staff, our school, and our community!


Meg Antwi


Reminder!! Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up...

Nov 18th-22nd. Be on the lookout for an email with a SignUp Genius link, to sign up for a time slot to meet with your child's teacher.

Thank you to our generous preschool community for donating 215 pounds of food to Loudoun Hunger Relief!

November Bible verse

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.

~Psalm 107:1

 Baking with the Bible

Baking with the Bible will take place on Wednesday, November 20th. The theme is " Apple Pie and The Parable of the Great Banquet. " We will make apple pie and ice cream, talking about being thankful and preparing for Thanksgiving and time with family and friends. A supply list and recipe will be coming home this month. 


Please contact me with any questions.

Miss Maureen  

Be in the Know in November

Here are a few tips and reminders:

  • Reminder: carline begins with 6 cars along the sidewalk, and the first row filled in the parking lot should be Row 1 (we do not use Row 0). Please remind anyone else who may be picking up your child. This will ensure carline moves smoothly. Thank you.

  • With the arrival of cooler temperatures please make sure you send your child(ren) with jackets and dressed for the weather. They go outside for recess every day, unless it's raining.

  • Please label your child(ren)'s snack with their first name prior to bringing it to school. You can use marker, printed name stickers, etc.

  • If your child is going to be absent for the day, or longer, please email, or call the preschool (703.723.0286), to let us know that they won't be in school. Thank you!
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43600 Russell Branch Parkway, Ashburn, VA 20147

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