Fall 2022
 Ingleside Therapeutic Massage & Yoga • 415 Ingleside St., Route 5
Holoyoke, MA 01040 • Phone: 413-536-9682
The Healing Power of Forgiveness
Open to Change/What we Practice Grows Stronger

Welcome to Autumn! It is a new season and a time of change. The earth is changing and shifting to express it's colorful radiance (especially here on the east coast!). Fall is an invitation and inspiration for us to shift and change. What is it in your life you need to let go of in order to experience more peace, joy and freedom? The sacred Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur can inspire all of us to practice atonement and forgiveness to create more peace, joy and freedom in our hearts, in our relationship with ourselves and each other. We choose to engage in the courageous practice of forgiveness to heal our relationships. Forgiveness helps us to create more space in our hearts, to accept what is and to express our inner radiance more fully. With intention and introspection we can unburden our heart from pain, guilt and shame and commit to not repeating hurtful behaviors and patterns. This practice can allow more of our inner light to expand, illuminate and bless ourselves and our world!

Tara Brach, a clinical psychologist and Buddhist meditation teacher defines conflict as a clash of unmet needs. That makes sense, right? When needs are not met, conflict arises. Although conflict is challenging for all of us, it is an opportunity to heal, compromise and improve our relationships and make them better. May we remember that we practice forgiveness to free our hearts and heal our wounds. Forgiveness does not require us to condone unkind or unacceptable behavior or to stay in relationship with someone that causes us too much harm.

Tara Brach also reminds us that "whatever we practice grows stronger." If we cling to guilt, shame anger, resentment, blame and fear, these energies will grow in us. Instead, if we set our intention, energy and focus on love, deep listening, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, gratitude, joy, reconciliation and peace, these qualities of heart will expand within each of us and in our relationships. The more we practice remembering and living our intentions, the more our desired qualities of heart will manifest and flourish. As Tara reminds us "where energy goes, energy flows."

The practices of yoga, breath and meditation help us to grow in awareness, skill and grace. The more we grow in awareness, the more we grow in skill and grace but on and off the mat. Learning to embody and grow in more love, gratitude, joy, compassion, forgiveness, reconciliation and peace will deeply heal, nourish and expand our hearts and our relationships. This expansion of these elevated qualities also contributes to the healing of our world because we each contribute more of these affirming qualities into our world. The Catholic mystic and writer Henri Nouwen states "[j]oy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and then keep choosing it every day." We can adopt and embody this mindset and insert any quality of heart that we want to expand into to manifest more freedom, joy and peace in our life and contribute to our world. What kind of energy do you want to embody more of? What kind of energy do you want to contribute to heal our world? May we keep our hearts focused on healing, understanding, reconciliation, peace and hope.
Come join us for yoga, meditation, massage and craniosacral treatments to grow in awareness, release stress and pain and manifest more freedom, peace and joy!
Yoga Classes In-Person & Livestream Online

Enjoy yoga and meditation classes in-person or livestream on Zoom.

Contact J at jmassagetherapyoga@gmail.com or text J at 413-313-5769 to join classes either in-person or online.

SPECIAL for New Students to our studio:
five classes for $85.00. Click Link below.
"When I rise up
let me rise up joyful
like a bird
When I fall
let me fall without regret
like a leaf"
Wendell Berry
In The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness and Peace, Jack Kornfield reminds us:
"One of the essential tasks for living a wise life is letting go. Letting go is the path to freedom. It is only by letting go of the hopes, the fears, the pain, the past, the stories that have a hold on us that we can quiet our mind and open our heart.
We do not need to fear letting go. We can trust the courage and vulnerability of our heart to meet life as it is; we can rest kindly where we are. As we let go, the tender ground of honesty, healing, and love will carry us through this ever-changing world.
Remember, letting go does not mean losing the knowledge we have gained from the past. The knowledge of the past stays with us. To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit. Like emptying a cup, letting go leaves us free to receive, refreshed, sensitive, and awake...
Letting go begins with letting be. When we learn to let things be, they gradually lose their power; they cease to disturb us.
As we allow what is true, space comes into the body and mind; we breathe and soften and come to rest. In accepting it, we become free. Then we can ask: Do I have to continue to replay this story? Do I have to hold on to these losses, these feelings? Is it time to let this go? The heart will know." Jack Kornfield
Private and Semi-Private
Yoga Sessions
In-Person or Online

Private and semi-private yoga sessions available in-person or online via Zoom. Private or semi-private (2-4 Yogis) yoga and meditation sessions are a healing practice for you and your friends and/or family member(s).

Private Yoga Sessions
(one on one)

1 Private Yoga Session: 1.0 hr, $100.00;
5-pack Private Yoga Sessions, 1.0 hr. each, ($85.00 per session- $425.00)

Yoga Sessions (2-4 Yogis)

1 Semi-Private Yoga Session 1.0 hour $120.00 per session (cost shared within small group);
5-pack Semi-Private Yoga Sessions, 1.0 hr. each ($100.00 per session-$500.00) (cost shared within small group).

"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."
Massage and/or CranioSacral Treatments

1.0 hour Massage or Craniosacral Treatment:$100.00;

1.5 Hour Massage or Craniosacral Treatment:$140.00

Or purchase a 5-pack of treatments & get additional treatment Free!:

  • Buy 5 Massages &/or Craniosacral Treatments
(1.0 hour each-$500.00)-get additional one Free!)

  • Buy 5 Massages &/or Craniosacral Treatments
(1.5 hours each ($700.00)-get additional one Free!)
"If you let go a little, you will have a little peace;

If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace;

If you let go fully, you will have complete and joyful peace."
Ajahn Chah