Northwood School Laker

December 23, 2022

Parent Volunteer Needed

We are looking for a parent volunteer to serve on the calendar committee to develop the 2023-2024 school calendar. The committee generally meets once or twice for about an hour after school (work schedules can be accommodated) in January. One parent will be selected randomly from the pool of volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Jocelyn Young by email or phone (603-942-5488).

Students in grades 4-8 will participate in their classroom spelling bees before winter break. Two winners from each classroom will have the opportunity to advance to the school spelling bee on January 20th. Good luck, spellers!

Save Your Pictures!

Many of us take a great amount of pictures nowadays.  Back in the day you would  grab your camera when you wanted to take a picture and when the film ran out, you would bring it to the store and get them back a day or so later.  Then you would store them somewhere like a photo album or just keep them in the envelope you got from the store.  With cell phone cameras the game changed.  Now anytime you want to, snap a pic.  Just whip out your phone and take it.  Very convenient.  Here is the problem.  We all take pictures and keep them on our phones.  Not many people print them anymore.  The problem with some is that if your phone or computer fails, you could lose all those memories.  Make sure your phone is synced with either Google photos or iCloud.  It’s very convenient and ensures you keep your memories forever.  If you use a track phone or a device that is not connected to these services, make sure every so often that you download your photos for safe keeping.  I’ve unfortunately heard many stories of families losing years of photos that were on a computer or phone and once that device failed they lost everything.  Take some time and back up your pics.  It’s most definitely worth it!

~ Steve Robert, Technology Director

From the Assistant Principal

Hello Northwood Families! 

First, I hope all of you have a great Holiday Season and a relaxing and fun break! I have really enjoyed my first few months at NWS and I feel so lucky to have met so many wonderful kids and parents. Please, never hesitate to reach out to me if there is anything I can do to support you or your child.

Secondly, I would like to congratulate so many of our NWS kids for being safe, respectful and responsible. Over the last 25 days, staff members have been recognizing students who have demonstrated safe, respectful or responsible behavior. They have been submitting tickets to the office and the kids have had their names read during morning announcements and they have received a certificate to bring home. During this time, over 100 kids have been recognized for demonstrating positive behavior! Great job to our kids for following the NWS behavior expectations! 

Best wishes!

- Mr Drolet

News from Kindergarten

The kindergarteners shared the holiday spirit with the school as they played Jingle Bells for everyone. They did a wonderful job spreading holiday joy.

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with great kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

School & Community Information

Important Dates

December 26 - January 2 - Winter break

January 4 - School Board meeting, 6:30

January 13 - 6-8 Dance, 6:30 - 8:30

January 16 - MLK/Civil Rights Day - no school

January 18 - School Board meeting, 6:30

Please see the athletics calendar for information regarding games.  

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