AASP will launch the inaugural cohort of the Leadership Academy (LA) next Fall at our Annual Conference in Montreal. In the meantime, there is much work to be done. We are seeking candidates for the LA Committee Leads.
Leadership Academy Overview
The primary objective of the Leadership Academy is to offer training and development to a broad array of AASP members, cultivating leadership interest and skills for those with an interest in serving AASP. The Leadership Academy annually will accept one or more cohorts that will initiate and culminate their Academy year at the annual conference. Each cohort will be led by a mentor who will coordinate the Academy offerings for their cohort.
For more information on the AASP Leadership Academy, please click here.
Leadership Academy Committee (LAC)
The Leadership Academy Committee will be a permanent AASP committee and will comprise a chair and 6-9 members. All Leadership Committee positions will be filled on a volunteer basis by AASP members. The inaugural LAC members will be selected from applicants by the AASP Presidential Trio and the Membership Services Division Head.
LAC Chair is responsible for general oversight of committee roles and responsibilities. The LAC Chair will provide overarching coordination to the other committee members and direction for the LA -much like the Certification Council Chair coordinates between the Exam Development Chair, the Application Review Chair, and the Recertification Chair. Typically, the LAC Chair will be selected from experienced LAC committee members. The LAC will make a recommendation to the AASP president for appointment of the LAC Chair.
LAC Curriculum Lead has the primary responsibility for ensuring the LA curriculum is developed and delivered by recruiting individuals to develop modules in a variety of formats and ensuring the curriculum is developed. The Curriculum Lead will lead the committee in determining which proposed curriculum modules will be approved. The Curriculum Lead will work closely with AASP staff (Membership Coordinator) and the chairs of the AASP Webinar/Virtual Conference Committee.
Leadership Academy Cohort Lead is in charge of facilitating the publicity of Leadership Academy cohort applications, soliciting applications, reviewing applications, and selecting cohorts. The Cohort Lead will work with AASP staff (Membership Coordinator) to ensure announcements are made at appropriate times for cohort applications. Once applications are received, the Cohort Lead will lead the LAC in selecting cohort members. This role is analogous to that of AASP and AASP Foundation Award Committee Chairs.
Leadership Mentor Lead is in charge of recruiting and assigning mentors to cohorts. The Mentor Lead will work with AASP staff (Membership Coordinator) to ensure announcements are made at appropriate times for mentor applications. Once applications are received, the Mentor Lead will lead the LAC in selecting cohort mentors. The Mentor Lead will help facilitate and support the cohort mentors in their role during the cohort year (e.g., assisting in identifying relevant resources, responding to inquiries, etc.).
Leadership Academy Resource Library Lead is in charge of facilitating the acquisition and organization of resources in the library. The LARL Lead will play a large role in ensuring curriculum developed for the LA is preserved in the library and will work closely with the Curriculum Lead. The LRL Lead will lead the approval by the LAC of recommended public access videos and publications for inclusion in the Leadership Resource Library. The LRL Lead will work closely with AASP staff (Membership Coordinator) and the chairs of the AASP Webinar/Virtual Conference Committee.
LA Committee Members. Three to four additional committee members will work to support the above defined roles. One of these members also should be a member or chair of the NLDC.
Apply now to be considered for one of the Leadership Academy Committee Leads. Applications will be accepted until February 1, 2025.